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Hi, I'm just another witty writer :)
  1. PageTurner PageTurner
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2012 8:53pm UTC
    Hamper Street
    --Chapter 3--
    Marian was still in her robe when Ryan showed up. He was a bit early. When she heard the doorbell, Marian started to panic a bit. But the sudden startle was worth it because when she opened the door, the look on Ryan's face was priceless. He was holding flowers and Chocolate. How sweet. His hair was messy but cute. His mouth was wide open and so were his eyes. She couldn't help but stiffle a laugh.
    "Are these for me?" She asked, still in her robe.
    "Um, yeah. I mean, yes," Ryan was so flustered. He didn't expect to see Marian in a robe. Even though her hair was still wet and she had no makeup on, he thought she looked beautiful. He handed her the flowers and chocolate.
    "I'll put them in some water," she said. "Come in." She led him to the kitchen where she filled a vase of water. He then followed her to bathroom where she finished putting on her makeup. For some reason he found this so utterly, sexy.
    "What?" She asked. Ryan was giving her the weirdest look. His faced turned bright red, embarrassed that he was caught staring."Where are we going? I don't want to be overdressed," she stated. With her makeup on she looked beautiful. A different kind of beautiful.
    "Oh um, I thought maybe we could head up to the lake. There's suppose to be a bonfire party tonight. Sounded kinda fun," he actually wanted a more private date but he thought Marian would've liked something more casual. Marian then headed to her closet to put on a bikini and a nautical coverup. She was disappointed that they had to share their date. She wanted some alone time with him. But there will always be a second date. Right? Once she was finished, Ryan led her to his pick up truck. Marian loved that truck. It had a nice vibe. Ryan opened the door for her and she headed in.
    "So the lake is about a half hour drive away. Hope you don't mind," he said. He honestly looked terrified that she was going to cancel the date.
    "Of course not," Marian laughed. "Besides, it gives us more time to cuddle in the car." Ryan smiled at the idea and with that they started on the trip. Marian scooted up next to his arm and put her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around her waist and his chin on her head. It was good to know that the whole dating thing didn't change anything. Once they got to the lake, the party was hopping. There was a huge bonfire and everyone there looked drunk. It looked like a blast. Marian and Ryan got out of the truck and walked to the cooler, hand in hand.They both grabbed a beer.
    "Want to go somewhere private?" Ryan asked. Marian thought he'd never ask. They walked to the sand bar and sat down, in the same cuddle they had in the car. They sat in the sand for awhile. And even though you could still hear the sound of the party, it was extremely peaceful. Well, it was.
    "Why'd you do it?" Ryan asked out of the blue.
    "Do what?" Marian was confused.
    "Ask me out?" Ryan was curious he thought Marian only knew him as Ryan, the boy forever in the friend zone.
    "Honestly? I don't know. I guess, well.." Marian was starting to blush. She didn't think she'd be telling him this today. "Well, I have always liked you. I know it's stupid but I'm usually confident around most boys but when it comes to you, there's no such thing as the right thing to do. You make me fluster and nervous. I like that and i hate it. And at the same time, I'm completely comfortable around you. Yeah, I know it sounds stupid." Marian looked down. Hiding her eyes from him. What was she doing? Why did she just spill her heart out to him?
    At that time Ryan was speechless. Words did not seem appropriate. Words can't explain what happened next, but something took over him. Was it instinct? He didn't know. But he reached over and held Marian's face in his hand. She leaned into his hand giving him a sign that she was ready for what was to happen next. Slowly, very slowly, he brought his face to hers. When their lips met, it was something unexplainable. It was everything he had hoped for and more. The kiss could've lasted forever. and it would've, too, but the distant sound of sirens broke them apart.
    Oh gosh, I've been gone for awhile. Haha well thanks for reading. Don't forget to leave some feedback.

  2. PageTurner PageTurner
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2012 8:14pm UTC
    Hamper Street
    --Chapter 2--
    Mason- The four friends walked into the ice cream shop. It was a run down place, but it had culture. Mr. Jones and his wife ran the place. Since they had no kids, the couple really loved it when the students dropped by. Mason walked up to the crew's normal table and the other three followed. Their table was the one in the far back corner where it's pretty much hidden from sight.
    "Yo, Mr. Jones! We'll take the usual," Ash called out. Mason noticed the big smile on Ash's face. That kid was always happy. He envied him. Life seemed so easy to him. Stop feeling bad for yourself and enjoy the day, his inner self told him. Mason decided to listen to his conscience and just enjoy the day.
    Ryan- "I'll go see what is taking Jones so long," Marian told the group. She walked off towards the counter. Ryan couldn't help but let his eyes wander downwards as she walked. He had been wanting to ask her out for so long, but he can't seem to work up the nerve to. This whole thing was getting pretty pathetic.
    "Stop checking her out, Ryan," Mason said with humor in his voice. Ryan choked on the air for a bit.
    "I don't know what you're talking about," he replied when finally regained his normal breathing.
    "Gosh, Ryan. We all know you love her. Your face practically lights up when you see her," Ash said, a little too loud for a topic like this. Ryan shushed him.
    "I don't see why you don't just ask her out already. You're not getting any younger," Mason added.
    "It's more complicated then it looks. Besides, I'm waiting for the perfect moment to ask her," Ryan mumbled. He really didn't want to be having this conversation right now. It wasn't the first time they brought it up.
    "Well it looks like you're running out of time," Ash said, "Look." Ryan looked over his shoulder to find Marian talking to Josh Patterson. Crap. Anger flooded his face and jealousy filled his veins. Marian was giggling and she seemed to be having fun. This is not good. Ryan's eyes soon spotted Josh's hand resting on Marian's hip. It was all he could do not to get it up and take the guy’s hand and shove it up his-- Ryan was cut midthought when he noticed Marian walking back to their table with four ice creams in hand. He quickly avoided eye contact to shield his feelings. She handed each of then their cones and sat down.
    Marian- "Why is everyone so quiet?" Marian asked. She noticed that Ryan was staring at the ground, while the other boys were staring at Ryan.
    "What's going on between you and Josh?" Ryan asked the question so quietly that it took a minute before Marian figured out what he had said.
    "Oh, we went out last weekend, nothing big," she replied. She knew Ryan felt something for her and she didn't want to rub anything in his face. To be honest, she liked him too. But she didn't want to mess with the balance of things. She liked their relationship the way it is.
    "Oh," Ryan mumbled. "So, Do you- like him?" She could tell it was hard for him to ask. So she just replied "I don't know" and left it at that. She thought Ryan was really cute when he was jealous. Actually, she thought he was cute, period. His short brown hair was always messy but it was hot. His emerald green eyes could burn a whole in you with it's gaze. It's amazing that he doesn’t have a girlfriend right now. He was absolutely gorgeous. She had waited for him to ask her out but he never did. Soon, she gave up and decided that she had to take matters into her own hands.
    Ryan- “Are you guys going to go out again?” Ryan’s curiosity was killing him. He couldn’t stand the idea of Marian with another guy.
    “He hasn’t asked,” Marian stated. Gosh, Ryan really wanted to know more but she was withholding some information and Ryan knew it.
    “Well, if he did ask,” Ryan continued to probe, “what would you say?”
    “I’d probably turn him down.” To that answer, Ryan let a mental sigh of relief. “Besides I have my eye on another guy.” And to that answer Ryan’s jealousy was back.
    “Who?” he asked, sounding a lot more eager than he would’ve liked.
    Marian- Marian was enjoying this. While Ryan was interrogating her, she decided that if Ryan wasn’t going to ask her out than she’d do it herself. So with that thought she let the next words come out of her mouth. “What are you doing this Saturday?”
    Ash- The look on Ryan’s face was priceless. When Marian had asked the question Ryan just went stiff. Mason and Ash had never seen anything more hilarious. They both had to withstand from cracking up.
    “N-nothing,” Ryan managed to stutter out of his mouth. This boy was so pathetic.
    “Okay, how about we go on a date then?” Marian asked with an amused expression on her face. Ash could tell that she was enjoying this as much as he was. Ryan just sat there and said nothing. Ash had to kick him under the table just to get him to snap into reality and answer.
    “Yeah, sounds cool,” he blurted. His face was flushed. Ash doesn’t know what Marian sees in the guy but it’s her love life, not his.
    “Okay, I’ll see you around 8-ish,” Marian said. “I’m going to head to school and try to make it before second block.” Marian hugged them all and walked out of the shop.
    Ryan- Ryan remained in the same position for what seemed like forever since Marian left. When he managed to move his arm just to take a drink he couldn’t help but smile. Then, just to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming, he pinched himself and uttered the words he had been waiting to say for so long: “I have a date with Marian.”
    Thank you for reading! Feel free to leave commnts (good or bad)!

  3. PageTurner PageTurner
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2012 6:45pm UTC
    --Hamper Street--
    Chapter One
    Down the street she could hear the sirens. When you live on Hamper Street like Marian Halls does, you pretty much get used to it. In this neighborhood, drugs, gangs, even murders are not out of the normal. But that’s what you get when you live on the bad side of town. She wasn’t complaining. Marian loves it here. She has her family here. She has a nice job at the local Starbucks. And who can forget the fact that she has the most amazing friends here: Mason, Ashton, and Ryan. Even though she gets a lot of hate for having four guys as her best friends, she truly doesn’t care. Mason is that cute next door neighbor (in fact, all three boys live on Hamper). She and Mason were strictly friends, but she simply can’t deny his looks. All the girls love him and they loathe the fact that she gets to be closer to him than they can. Mason and her are a lot closer to each other that her and Ryan, or her and Ashton. Ashton, oh Ashton. He is that friend that everyone suspects was dropped as a baby. He's not the smartest but he is the most sincere and definitely the funniest person anyone could ever be friends with. And then there’s Ryan. Ryan, the rebel boy who acts tough but is actually a sensitive young chap. She and Ryan can stay up till the break of dawn just talking about how they were feeling. He is a very good listener. Marian had the best friends anyone could ask for. While thinking about them, Marian suddenly remembered that they were supposed to meet at the corner before school. She looked at the watch on her hand, only to realize that she was late. Again. She grabbed her jacket off the kitchen counter, yelled goodbye to her mother, and walked out of their chipping, wooden door.
    Great, she’s late again. Ryan Collins knew she would be late. Marian is always late, but he actually kind of likes it when she comes running down the street. She always has that ‘I’m sorry’ look on her face. He enjoys the crease that starts in between her brows, or that one bead of sweat that manifests on her hairline when she actually reaches the corner. Ryan shook his head. He needs to stop thinking like that. Marian and he were strictly friends. If he had it his way, they’d be more than friends. Yet, since being anything more would ruin not only their friendship, but also the whole crew’s. He didn’t want to ruin things. The crew was perfect. It’s the only thing that gets him through the day. Ever since his dad was sent to jail, 5 years ago, Mason, Ash, and Marian have been there for him. Ryan ran his hands through his short, brown hair. Thinking about his dad always made him jittery. Down the street he could see Marian running towards them. She looked absolutely amazing in her jean shorts and Vlados. He could see that look across her face. He shook his head again. Oh, man, he thought, this is going to be a long day.
    “Hey guys!” Marian yelled, “Sorry I’m late. I got lost in thought.” All three boys greeted her in unison. Mason, today, stood anxiously. Last night was not peaceful for him. He had a fight with his family. For some reason they’ve been doing that more often. He can’t stand them. They just don’t understand. His mother was a constant drunk and his father is never home long enough to realize that she needs help. Sometimes he wonders if he even loved his mom. No, he mentally spoke. He doesn’t. She wasn’t a good mother and she never looked out for him. He glad he was the only child because he doesn’t know how he could protect himself and a brother from her moods. Maybe it was time to leave Hamper Street. Mason pushed the thought from his head. Today, he promised to himself, he was going to have fun and not worry about his home issues.
    “So, where are we going today?” Ashton asked. Everyone seemed so strange.
    “Um, well I was thinking we should go to the place, oh what’s the name of it? Oh yeah, SCHOOL!” Ryan said, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
    “Hey! That is a very hurtful voice you are using. It pains my heart,” Ash faked a cry and then returned to his usual smile. “But, I was thinking maybe we could skip today and head to get ice cream or something.”
    “Ugh, I wish. But Mrs. Joel is giving us this huge test. I can’t miss it. I studied all night,” Marian said. What a Debbie Downer? Ash loves Marian, but he really wanted ice cream.
    “Oh please Marian! Pweetttyy Pweeeasee! If you go, I’ll clean your bras for a month and I’ll even polish the straps! Please,” Ash was desperate to go. What can he say?
    “Oh ew! Hahaha fine! But no need to clean my bras, I’ll just make up the test tomorrow,” Marian surrendered.
    “I’m in,” Ryan said. Ash already knew that if Marian was going of course Ryan would come. She could move to Africa and he would still follow. People do crazy things for love.
    “Yay!” Ash began to jump in glee. He turned towards Mason, who was leaning against the stop sign. “Hey, Mase, you coming?”
    Mason seemed to think about it for a minute. Then the corners of his mouth tilted upwards and he uttered the words that Ash was hoping for. “Let’s get ice cream.”
    Thank you for reading! Sorry for any grammar mistakes. We aren't all prefect :)
    Feel free to leave any constructive critism. I don't mind at all. Opinons? Leave those too!
    Love, PageTurner


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