Witty Profiles

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  1. _YouHadMeAtHello _YouHadMeAtHello
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2010 11:39am UTC
    You tell me that you love me,
    then you go and leave me, why'd you do this to me baby ?

  2. soliderbear4 soliderbear4
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2011 7:41pm UTC
    sweet perfection,
    won't you hear my one confession?
    I've been lost.
    But dear,
    I'm found.

  3. singer43 singer43
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2011 7:51pm UTC
    so i'm a teenage girl,
    i live, breath, and sleep awkward.
    when you don't tell me something i loose my temper
    i'm really just trying to figure out who i am
    when i cry i need someone to hug
    i'll hate my life one moment, then i'll love it the next.
    i'll do things and i'll regret in the end
    i'll blame disney, and other couples for my high expectations of relationships,
    i seriously don't feel pretty. ever.
    i need someone to be there for me 24/7, and tell me they will be
    i'm a shitload to handle. and i just want to find someone who will always be there for me, no matter what.

    posted a quote
    December 15, 2011 7:57pm UTC
    There is a 9 year old boy in my town named Brandon, who has been curently fighting brain cancer since December 2010. If you could please fave this quote and spread the word it would mean so much to him and his family.

  5. mheadcheergirly mheadcheergirly
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2011 7:57pm UTC
    6 things I'd want from you
    1. Hold my hand and have a real conversation with me
    2. Tell me something you trust only a select few with
    3. Look me in the eyes and smile
    4. Tell me what you really think of me
    5. Give me a chance
    6. Let yourself fall

  6. monkeydancer98 monkeydancer98
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2011 8:00pm UTC
    If there ever comes a day when we cant be together, keep me in your heart, and i'll stay there forever <3
    -Winnie The Pooh
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  7. taytay8056 taytay8056
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2011 7:38pm UTC
    The best things in life;
    When He texts you first.

  8. Celticthunder9 Celticthunder9
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2011 7:38pm UTC
    When you are looking at him
    and he sees you , but doesn't look away.
    jayciecutie01's format.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. RiseAboveItAll RiseAboveItAll
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2011 7:43pm UTC
    I might have erased your texts
    But I will never forget what you wrote .
    I might have unfriended you ,
    But I will never forget your pictures .
    We might have stopped talking ,
    But I will never forget your voice .
    We might have ignored each other ,
    But I will never forget your face .
    We might have stopped hugging ,
    But I will never forget how you smell .
    Anything we did , I will never forget .

  11. livbelfiore livbelfiore
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2011 7:56pm UTC
    i need a boyfriend.

  12. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2011 6:39pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. TheBrokenSmile TheBrokenSmile
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2011 7:18pm UTC
    A Teenage Bucket List

    Tell my crush how I really feel. Own every color of nail polish. Learn the alphabet backwards. Go on a no budget
    shopping spree. Break a players' heart. Sing in front of a
    crowd. Go skydiving. Party in the White House. Eat a
    Krabby Patty. Be in a flash mob. Have one of those
    'What happened last night?' moments. Eat every flavor of
    ice-cream. Use a fake name at Starbucks. Find Hogwarts.
    Kiss my boyfriend on the big screen at a hockey game.
    Buy a homeless person a meal. Thank Taylor Swift. Surf a
    crowd. Walk the red carpet. Get really tan. Collect a
    bunch of scented handsanitizers. Be in a commercial.
    Read my Witty to all the people who bullied me.
    Get married. Kiss in the middle of a snowstorm.
    Stay alive and live life to the fullest.
    jayciecutie01's format.
    inspired by many people and websites.
    part two?

  14. gkigsXD gkigsXD
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2011 7:52pm UTC
    texts that just make you smile instantly.

  15. dreamlivelove82 dreamlivelove82
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2011 11:14am UTC
    Drake: Are you calling me a liar?
    Josh: I ain't calling you a truther!

  16. BlueTears8 BlueTears8
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2011 11:15pm UTC
    Student: Can I go to the bathroom?
    Teacher: I don't know can you?
    Student:When i was using "can" i
    was using its secondary model form as a
    cerbal modifer asking for permission, as
    opposed to expressing an ability. But,
    anyways, MAY i use the restroom?
    Teacher: -____-

  17. casebase99 casebase99
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2011 3:41pm UTC
    Piglet:How do u spell love?!
    Pooh:You dont spell it u feel it <3

  18. NewBeginning NewBeginning
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2011 7:01pm UTC
    I hate it when
    I'm waiting for a text,
    and then my phone vibrates,
    but it's not from who I want...

  19. ShesInLove ShesInLove
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2011 10:45pm UTC
    That awkw ard moment
    When someone is watching you taking a picture of yourself.

  20. basketball4everr basketball4everr
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2011 9:57pm UTC
    he has no idea how
    just a simple, "hey" from him can make my entire day.


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