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Member Since: 3 Dec 2010 07:42am

Last Seen: 2 Apr 2016 07:24pm

user id: 137525

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<style id="_RR" type="text/css"> body, a, a:hover, input, textarea{cursor:url(http://cur.cursors-4u.net/people/peo-8/peo940.cur),progress}</style>Image 61 of 66
Hi my name is Ashley and I love witty profiles, and Facebook and stardoll and other things like that, Uhh my age I cant tell, uh I'm from america and you should go there. But I love being young and I love my familey. bye
uh I dunno
  1. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    October 21, 2011 10:17am UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2011 5:10pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2011 10:13am UTC
    M ylove
    him ♥
    he just doesn't know it yet♥

  4. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2011 10:24am UTC
    Secrets are not good, secrets are not great. secrets are hard to keep, with full of love and hate. Secrets make you feel guilty secrets make you cry, secrets are meant to be told by parent's or guides. When you tell a secret to a parent they will shout, and you will scream, once you get into your bedroom you will beam. Keeping a secret to your self SHOUT IT OUT LOUD then you wont fell the pain inside out. Thanke's for reading

  5. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 4:57pm UTC

  6. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 4:54pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2011 4:31pm UTC
    Today is the night when we don't have a fight we will live together for ever and ever you hold me close till I choke you buy me a car you call me a superstar We talk together on the bed then your bed head You tell me stories and not boring ones you say you love me and hug me we do something great ill never forget you achepain BOYFRIEND

  8. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2011 5:38pm UTC
    the life of Rihanna..
    Chris Brown hits her.
    Eminem lies to her.
    And Drake can't even remember her name.
    oh nana,
    thats a shame.

  9. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2011 3:26pm UTC
    close you eyes
    and take a deep breath
    we lay beneath the stars
    its quiet tonight
    the moon is watching over us
    a beautiful sight
    i take your hand in mine
    they fit together perfectly
    we stare into each others eyes
    as i lean in to kiss
    your perfect lips
    i stop and think
    god must be a perfectionist
    so close but yet so far away
    it felt like an entire day went by
    but finally your lips met mine,
    a kiss so full of passion
    my head filled with confusion
    a kiss so sweet and inoccent
    we were both filled with astonishment
    our lips part from each other
    and we take a deep breath to recover
    cause when our lips met
    our hearts stopped beating
    it was a magical place
    were we stopped breathing
    i laid my head upon your chest
    to try and catch my breath
    i heard your heart pounding inside
    and felt for my pulse
    and realized out hearts
    were beating as one
    i smiled
    and you asked me what i was thinking
    i placed your hand upon my chest
    and put mine upon yours
    and said
    'i love you, '
    as tears fell down my cheeks,
    'i once felt like nothing
    but tonight
    i feel like something
    laying in your arms
    knowing i am safe from harm
    and when we kissed i knew for a fact
    that my dreams had finally came true
    because babe
    ive met you'
    he kissed her once again,
    and whispered
    i love you too.

  10. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2011 12:57pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2011 5:59pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2011 3:44pm UTC
    kiss the girl
    A few minutes later, I approached my classroom to find the door closed. I peeked cautiously through the narrow window on the door to see what Mr. Lester was doing. If he hadn't already started the lesson, maybe I could just sneak in and slip into my seat, my lateness going undetected...
    Just then, the door swung open and I stood face to face with my teacher himself. I blinked rapidly in surprise.
    "Miss Sykes, how kind of you to join us for class this morning," Mr. Lester boomed, his voice loud and sarcastic. I fought an eye roll.
    "I'm only two minutes late," I protested weakly, already predicting his next reply.
    "Two minutes is late enough, and I'm sure you know what that means," he continued. "It means you're not welcome in my class until you have gone to the front office and attained a tardy pass. Now go." I groaned inwardly, rolling my eyes now as I turned away and headed towards the office.
    A moment later, I stood at the front desk, waiting while the office attendant talked to a boy that had been there when I entered. After they discussed whatever it was they were talking about for a few more minutes, the boy stood aside and I stepped forward to ask for a tardy pass.
    I casually glanced at him as he stuffed some papers into his bag. How was it possible that I hadn't ever seen him before? He was tall and lean, with messy blond hair and slightly angular features. I guessed he was either a sophomore or junior... Either way, I should have known him. I hurried the attendant along, giving her my teacher's name, the time, and the other information to fill out the pass as quickly as possible. I was hoping she'd be done soon enough so that I could be on my way, and maybe catch up with the boy as he left the office.
    The door was swinging shut behind him as I took my pass and ducked into the hallway. I saw the boy walking away, just ten feet in front of me, if not less. I quietly cleared my throat and gathered my nerve, before calling out to him.

  13. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2011 3:28pm UTC
    Secret Love part 1
    I just woke up in the morning I stretched my arm's and yawned and said "Morning America." I went down stair's and cooked some break-fast and done it fast, then my mom came down and said "Morning honey are you ok" I replied Yes I'm fine. So then I told my mom that I needed to go to the bathroom and have a bath. When I went to bath, I brushed my teeth and got ready to go to high-school. After a hour the school bus came I got ready with no uniform (we don't wear uniform's at school) I got In the school bus and people was throwing pieces of scrambled paper and thrown them at the back (every-wear) then a cute boy came and his name is Brandon Rae came and sat with me, He said hey I said hey back to him. Then we just hopped of the school bus and ran to our locker's I walked round and found my locker when I closed it Brandon said Hey and I jumped up and said "You scared me" he said sorry I didn't mean to. Then I said it's ok then I was day dreaming of his sparkling eyes and dropped my school book's then he said are you ok? and then I said yeah yeah umb I gotta go to class. Then he looked at me and kissed me like I was a dead princess. I just ran to my friends and...
    Like it fave it BYE

  14. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2011 9:07am UTC
    I Love ur hair mom Not i love school not i love jb never i love willow YES
    fave now or ur a dick head

  15. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2011 9:01am UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2011 8:57am UTC
    i text you gvery night
    at 11;00 pm. on the dot.
    and yet hearing your ringtone
    always makes me smile♥
    -jacked the format!

  17. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2011 8:51am UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2011 4:58am UTC
    div class="quotetop">
    Say You love me I know you love my eyes just say you love in my thy's you love me cu's im so sexy babe Baby baby baby cus i know you love me cus im preety babe
    * to tell me drop a
    quick comment on my page or
    below. vv

  19. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2011 1:48pm UTC
    D a n i e l l a ♥lol
     Mac book 
     Mac book 

  20. Necleena Necleena
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2011 1:37pm UTC
    Hello. My real name is Emma and I'm 12 years old I live in sweden and I'm 50 % Swedish & 50 % Ukrainian. I love watching movies and tv-shows, but I also loves to plays football, basketball and more. I also plays tennis.


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