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Member Since: 26 Mar 2011 03:35pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 160766

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  1. MsCondident MsCondident
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 5:10pm UTC
    Undercover Teenager-Chapter 1 Part 2
    “I can’t believe it!” Tina’s eyes were huge. “That’s not just something that happens to every teenage girl while she’s on vacation by herself!”
    I laughed. They have no idea. I’m not just any teenage girl. Smiling, I joked, “You should try it sometime, I think I might take it up as a hobby. I’ll have to have fashionable bullet/fire proof attire. ” I was laughing pretty hard now.
    “Of course! You wouldn’t want to be caught dead in something out of style,” Kaylee was sarcastic but still beaming.
    As soon as I stepped foot in the building people surrounded me with newspapers and articles on their phones. Headlines consisted of, ‘Southern California Girl Jumps For Her Life’ A photo showed me jumping from the building. Another article showed a picture of my enemy firing his machine gun at me; the caption was, ‘Angry boyfriend?!’ And still another said, ‘Paramedic Saves Girl, Girl Saves Paramedic’ showing a picture of me pulling the paramedic out of the ambulance.
    Sabrina, Taylor, Ashley, Lilly, and Rebecca ran up and hugged me. “Brina, Tay Tay, Ash, Lil, Becca!”
    Each girl was bursting with enthusiasm. Taylor was very concerned, while Sabrina was amazed that I was famous now. Rebecca and Lilly wondered how I ever made it out alive, and Ashley didn’t know what to say.
    A group of guys gathered around staring wide-eyed at me. Even a few teachers and the principal came up.
    I made it through school. I think I should probably explain more to you now. Well, I’m not exactly sure who my attacker was this time, but I think I know who he is working for.
    *Agh, who should the bad guy be??? COMMENT:)

  2. MsCondident MsCondident
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 5:09pm UTC
    Undercover Teenager-Chapter 1
    Smoke choked me, and the flames seared my face. The hotel room was a burning nightmare. Slinking away was the shadow of the man who lit the room on fire. Coughing I searched for my backpack. Crash! A flaming ceiling beam tumbled to the floor. Crawling across the ground, I caught sight of the backpack under the bed. I snatched it just as crackling flames consumed the bed frame. Coughing on smoke, I stood up and grabbed a chair. Smash! I shattered the window. Running through it, I jumped off the balcony of the 20 story building.
    Time froze as I fell away from the burning building. Snapping out of my daze I pulled the string on my parachute backpack. Jolting, as the parachute slowed me down I saw firefighters ready to catch me below.
    People scattered. Police ordered. Ambulances carried injured people away. I felt okay besides nausea and a headache; nevertheless, the medical staff insisted I be taken to the hospital. They rolled me into the ambulance on a bed. It’s not the first time I had been in an ambulance or carried away by paramedics.
    As I watched the crowd from my bed in the ambulance I noticed the man who lit my hotel room on fire slipping away from the scene! Before I could say anything the paramedics shut the back doors of the vehicle and started the engine. My mind raced. Where had the man gone? When would he attempt to murder me next? How could I get to him before he got to me? As we entered the freeway my thoughts stopped abruptly. SCREECCHHH! The brakes slammed hard to avoid a head on collision with another car! I jumped out of my bed and tore off my oxygen mask. I immediately wished I hadn’t. My head throbbed. Just missing us, the car halted and turned around. Guess who the driver was? Yep, my arsonist stalker.
    We were being chased. Shatter! Three shots from the arsonist’s gun and the window was gone. I dropped to my hands and knees. Two more shots whizzed over my head. The driver had been shot! He collapsed and blood gushed everywhere. The other paramedic panicked. The ambulance swerved out of control. Crawling as swiftly as possible and grabbing hold of the wheel, I jerked the car sharply to the left. Somehow I needed to get out of the car. Real car chases are not like the movies; after a couple gun fires and turns, there’s always a crash.
    Apparently my arch nemesis’ pistol didn’t do enough for him, so he pulled out his AK-47 machine gun. A rapid fire of bullets pounded the ambulance. I drove like a madwoman. Just ahead a mom and her son were crossing the street! I knew I couldn’t stop, so I pressed down hard on the gas. Flying over the crosswalk, the vehicle accelerated, just missing the child and his mother. Turning on the siren and honking as hard as I could, I hoped the cars would move out of the way. They didn’t. I drove right onto the side walk. People scattered. I was going pretty slowly now, because I didn’t want to hit anyone. My attacker took advantage of that. He stepped on the gas and was coming toward me at an alarmingly fast rate. I stepped on the brakes and jumped out of the ambulance, grabbing the remaining alive paramedic with me. Crunch! The cars smashed together exploding in flames. I looked back and saw my enemy had jumped out and was unconscious on the street.
    I stepped out of the school bus. Ah, back at school. You’re probably wondering what just happened. It’s kind of a long story. Well, just call me an undercover teenager. My name is Krystal Klear. That’s sort of ironic, isn’t it? It’s not my real name though. I’m sort of like a spy or a detective.
    Two of my good friends Kaylee and Tina ran up to me.
    “Hey, crazy girl!” Tina ran up to me with a big smile. Kaylee followed close behind.
    “Hi guys, what’s up?” I asked casually, yet with a glimmer in my eye.
    “Oh, just some girl that jumped from a 20 story burning hotel, and then got chased by a lunatic with a gun, who happens to look just like you!” Kaylee was practically exploding with excitement.
    “Probably my daredevil twin,” I winked. Kaylee elbowed me.
    *Comment, I need some feedback and ideas, not sure who the bad persons gonna be and/or why hes trying to kill Krystal. Any ideas? Also the romance is comin', so dont worry;)

  3. MsCondident MsCondident
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2011 3:47pm UTC
    They should make
    phones so you can text in the shower<3


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