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Member Since: 18 Sep 2010 08:19pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 125445

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  1. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2010 11:49am UTC
    so you sat across from me in the test today.. as you sat down you stared at me for a while..
    i glanced back.. you gave me that 'smile'.. thats when i knew, i started falling for you again </3

  2. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2010 4:12pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2010 3:57pm UTC
    if you are torn between 2
    guys heres some advice...!
    If you think you're inlove with the first one...
    go for the second guy.. becuase ..
    if you loved the first guy you wouldnt have thought about the second...
    -not mine so true.

  4. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2010 3:47pm UTC
    Girl : So you know the way you asked me to kiss you at the Halloween party..?
    Boy : yea.. what about it?
    Girl : well i was wondering did you really mean it, or was it just a joke..?
    Boy : how about i ask you again to kiss me at the Christmas party...
    and this time you say yes, then you will find out ;)
    ^kinda a true story... </3

  5. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2010 12:17pm UTC
    girl is listening to music.
    Mum comes in and says 'whos that you're listening to, shes a real good singer?'
    girl says ' MUM THAT IS JUSTIN BIEBER?

  6. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2010 12:14pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2010 12:07pm UTC
    I don't wana run away, but i can't take it, you don't understand.
    if i'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that i am ?
    is there anyway that i can stay in you're arms? =/

  8. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2010 9:49am UTC
    i shouldn't love you.
    but i want to, i just cant turn away..
    Jessie McCartney - just so you know.

  9. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2010 9:45am UTC
    i love him.. so much! just wish he new :/

  10. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2010 9:28am UTC
    i can remember you like yesterday..
    i remember that gorgeous smile..
    the way you're wavy brown hair moved in the wind..
    the way you would glance at me and look in my eyes..
    and how when i looked back at you.. you would look down to the ground and smile..
    cause you knew i relised you looking at me from across the room..
    i remember you would bump into me.. and say 'ohh sorry ;)' and wink sarcastically...
    as if you wanted to do it on purpose.. i remember how the teacher sat us beside each other..
    and how you would say you loved my writing.. and said i smelt lovely..
    i remember you talking to your friends.. and looking at me..
    i knew you where thinking of me..
    i remember the time you hugged me.. i didnt wana let go..
    i remember the time you wanted to kiss me.. i just wished i wasnt afraid back then..
    cause i swear i wuda done anything.. to get the chance to again =/
    i remember when we use to text.. the first time you called me babe..
    now i barely get a text back from u =/
    i remember walking past you in the hallway and i pretended i didnt notice you..
    an after i walked past my mate says.. he was totally starring at you!
    i remember telling you i had to get out of class early.. and when i told you.. the glint in your eyes faded..
    i remember ... yes i remember it all... </3
    i love you Caleb. =/
    i just wish you remembered like i did...
    every night before you go to bed the last person you think of .. is dreaming of you
    so yea, i guess he dreams of me alot..
    just a pity he didnt dream of having me as his gf...

  11. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2010 7:10pm UTC
    *lifts up phone to text him*
    (thinks) - whats the point he's never gona text back anyway let alone care ur breathing =/
    *sighs and sets phone back down again*

  12. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2010 6:37pm UTC
    so normal day...
    MLIA ..
    then he walks into the room.. and it gets a whole lot better....

  13. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2010 4:43pm UTC
    What % are you hated in school??
    [ ] Gotten a referral
    [x ]Gotten detention
    [x ]Gotten your cell phone/iPod taken away
    [ ]Gotten suspended
    [X]Gotten caught chewing gum during class
    [ x]Gotten late to a class more than 10 times
    [X] Didnt do homework over 5 times
    [ ] Returned at least 2 projects in late
    [X] Missed school cause you felt like it
    [ x] skipped class at least 1 time
    [x ] laughed so hard you got kicked out of class
    [ X ] Texted people during class
    [X] Passed notes
    [ X ] Threw stuff across the room
    [x ] Laughed at the teacher
    TOTAL SO FAR: 12
    [x]went on myspace, friendster , xanga , etc on the computer at school
    [X] Took pictures during school hours
    [x] Called people during school hours
    [X] Listened to an ipod/ cd player/mp3 during class
    [ X ] Hit a teacher or student with a textbook
    TOTAL SO FAR: 17
    x Gotten a call home
    [ ] Couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved bad
    [X] Didn't take your stuff to school
    [x] Gotten a detention and didn't go
    [ ] Used passes from other days/Or made fake pass
    [X] cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear
    TOTAL SO FAR: 21
    [X ] Slept in class
    [ X ] Played basketball with paper balls using the trash can as a basket
    [x] Threatened a teacher/(told off a teacher)
    [x] Felt hungry during class and went home to eat
    [x] Treat the teacher as invisible
    TOTAL: 26
    times this by 3….
    78% hated [;

  14. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2010 4:31pm UTC
    Ok, so this guy asked me to kiss him when i was out one night unfortunatly i already was dancing with another guy and i couldn't turn around an say yes.. so i had to turn him down..
    since then, i feel like this guy is kinda embarressed at asking me out again..
    but recently i noticed.. he's always glancing at me.. he sometimes calls me 'babe' he said i look pretty... and yea he smiles infact hes the most gorejus smile.. so anyway.. yea i really have started to get a attraction to this guy.. and i'm afraid he dosn't really like me.. as sometimes he dosnt text back.. or even text me at all and its always me making the texts to him... i tryed calling him once.. but i was too nervous.. can use please give me advice on what i should do.. an from what i've said if u think he genuinely has an attraction to? thanks!

  15. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2010 1:22pm UTC
    so this morning.. i woke up and thought ohh!
    yesh! hes gona be in school..
    so i gota shower..
    i spent ages on my hair
    another hour on makeup..
    just to relise.. you weren't coming in today :(
    - i just wish you knew ... that i love you.

  16. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2010 1:06pm UTC
    girls of witty who's staying up tonight till 11:11 of the 11/11/11 to make that one special wish? :D
    my fingers are crossed hope my wish comes true.

  17. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2010 1:05pm UTC
    tbh even though i know you don't like me,
    even though i know you're probably over me,
    i still wish everyday,
    that you think of me as much as i think of you.<3

  18. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2010 4:06pm UTC
    everyday gets harder,
    everyday i get a little more attached,
    everyday i see you in class i can't help but stare a little longer,
    everyday i see you smile at me i fall a little deeper for you,
    everyday i wish a little harder that you will feel what i do,
    everyday i wonder, 'what if'...
    everyday i think of.. what we could become... </3
    By Michelle Hale.
    -No stealing, All mine.

  19. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2010 11:52am UTC
    ok so i've been with this guy a year..
    and recently i've been falling out of love with him and falling inlove with this new guy..
    i dont no wat to do im falling for him so hard.. and hes stealing my heart..
    but im torn between too.. i do love my bf.. but this new guy.. is just.. everything to me..
    before i even new him..
    i just dont know what to do.. :(

  20. MichelleHale MichelleHale
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2010 11:22am UTC
    so there we were, dancing at the halloween disco..
    he put his arms on my waist and i put mine on his shoulders..
    he was dressed as a army lad..
    i was dressed in a pink belly top, jeans and heals ..
    everyone was looking.. it felt like a dream..
    then the strangest thing happened..
    he whispered in my ear, can i have a goodnight kiss..
    and then ....
    hehe ;) i'l let use figure it out :P


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