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Member Since: 23 May 2012 01:05pm

Last Seen: 26 Jun 2012 04:50pm

user id: 301930

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Hello guys! This is my story account My original, quote account is MagicnumberEG!
Thanks for reading my story(s), if you are!!

  1. MagicnumberStories MagicnumberStories
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2012 1:54pm UTC
    Kiss of death.
    Part 5
    'Lee -' Daniel said when he'd wiped away the tears, 'We have to go. And we can't come back here, it's dangerous.'
    'You can't let this lowlife stop you from seeing your friends! Just-'
    'Lee.' Craig interupted, 'You don't understand. Daniel's family prosecuted him and his mates. They were in jail. If they find out any of them are here, they're not just gonna let them skip off home, they'll want revenge. That means any violent means to hurt the whole family, and anyone connected to them, including you.'
    'Then how come you're not in danger?!' I asked, slightly annoyed. I felt almost patronized.
    'On my instructions, Craig set up at facebook hate page about my family, he and all my old mate post on it all the time about how much they just cannot believe we sent 'innocent men' to prison, how they hate me now.' Daniel answered, a faint smile on his face as he saw the look of incredulity and pained confusion at the amount of work they went into just to keep safe.
    'Why did they let them out then?!' I asked, tears of slight fear coming to my eyes now, 'If they pose such threats on the community???'
    'Supoosedly 'good behaviour'! But everyone knows they have friends on the inside' said Daniel. 'Are you done asking questions now? Can we go home?' He took my hand and led me to th door, we said or goodbyes to Craig, and exitted the door into, unknowned to us then, fatal danger.
    Thanks for reading!!!<3

  2. MagicnumberStories MagicnumberStories
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2012 12:08pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. MagicnumberStories MagicnumberStories
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 12:15pm UTC
    Kiss of death.
    Part 3
    Beep Beep! Beep Beep! I grabbed my phone off my desk, and it was a text from Daniel:
    'Hey, meeting up with some of my old mates, please come? Love you babes xoxo'. I couldn't belive he already wanted me to meet his mates, I was thrilled! I quickly texted back saying:
    'Yeah sure! Looking forward to it! Love you too xoxo'
    I pulled on my chino's, blue flowery top and flip flops, and ran the straighteners through my hair. Daniel was meeting me at my house in 10 minutes, and we were getting the bus from the high street to the town centre of where he used to live.
    'Honeeey! Your fancy man's at the dooooor!'
    'I cannot believe you just said that Dad!!!' I yelled back! I mean honestly, fancy man? He's right there at the door and dad called him my fancy man? Honestly. I walked down stairs, feeling the colour coming to my cheeks, how would Dad and Daniel get on? Since mum died two years ago, Me and Dad hgot really close. It would be a disaster if the didn't get on. But I saw something which made my heart fly, Daniel was wearing a chelsea top - and dad just loves Chelsea! I stopped to watch them as they were chatting about some footballer, grinning and laughing. Could this be any more perfect? Daniel noticed I was there and smiled even more.
    'Heeeey!' He said, and then my dad said,
    'Don't let me keep you, bye darling!' Then he added, 'Look after her sir!!' But he was joking, and ended it with a little wink. I walked out and shut the door, then I turned to hug Daniel.
    'Hi!' I smiled,
    'Hey', he smiled back.
    Thanks for reading!!!<3

  4. MagicnumberStories MagicnumberStories
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2012 11:54am UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. MagicnumberStories MagicnumberStories
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2012 1:11pm UTC
    Kiss of death.
    Part 2
    I sat in my room re-telling Jenny about geography with Daniel over and over again, from him knowing my name me finding a note in my next lesson with a ohone mumber on in.
    'What does the note say though?? Read it out to me Lee!' Wow, she's a hopeless romantic!
    '"07797 653 987, ring me! D," and then a kiss..' I was blushing as I read it out load, even though she couldn't even see me.
    'A kiss?! And you didn't think to mention it before?!?! Okay, ring him! Now, no arguments! Byebye hunni - let me know how it goes!' And she hung up. So, I guess I had no choice but to ring him. My fingers shook as I dialled his number.
    'Hello, Daniel here!'
    'Hey Daniel, it's - it's Lee. I was just ringing cause, well you told me to ring' I could've hit myself for letting out a nervous giggle.
    'Aww, hey Leaane!'
    'Don't call me that!' And then we were laughing and chatting like we'd known each other years.
    'I have to go Leanne-'
    'What have I told you? It's Lee!'
    'Sorry Leanne, I have to go now, but I can't wait to see you tomorrow babes!'
    'Bye Daniel!' And then I put the phone down, mind mind on only one thing... He called me babes! I grabbed my phone again, punched in Jenny's number, ready to tell her all that had happened.
    Thanks for reading!!!<3

  6. MagicnumberStories MagicnumberStories
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2012 2:13pm UTC
    Kiss of death.
    Part 1
    The summer holidays! Fun, sun, and friends! Chilling at the beach all day, enjoying the Jersey sun. Living life to the full, on the best Channel Island of them all, and NOT having to worry about people laughing at my 'posh' voice! And it was all over..
    I pulled on my school uniform, black pencil skirt, blue shirt, purple tie and navy blue blazer. Not too bad, I suppose but I couldn't help a sigh as I closed the door, and began walking to school.
    'Lee, Lee!' My best friend Jenny called as I walked in to form!
    'Oh Lee, you'll never guess what!! Johnny just texted me, theres a new boy in his form, and Johnny's been asked to "buddy" him, and he thinks he seems nice!' Johnny was Jenny's boyfriend, they'd been together since about 6 months, and were just perfect together. The only problem with this was that Jenny seemed to think I deserved a relationship like hers. I think I knew what she was thinking, so I changed the subject.
    'Buddy? And you'd think they'd have let us mature by year 10!'
    'Your completely missing the point, Lee, are you doing it on purpose?!' She knew me too well, 'I bet he's perfect for you, let me set you up with him??' Here we go again! According for Jenny, half the male populaation is 'perfect for me'!
    'Stop trying to set me up!' I giggled, 'Ooh and theres the bell hun, gotta dash, can't miss geography!' And I walked off to my class, sitting in a seat at he back. I hoped Claire would come nd sit next to me, but she wasn't in. I thought I'd be on my own this lesson, but hearing a noise I looked up, and saw a boy taking a seat next to me. I didn't recognise him, maybe he was Johnny's new friend. I opened my mouth to ask him, but the power of speech left me as I saw his eyes. His big, brown eyes. You could swim in them. I realised my mouth was hanging open, and shut it quickly.
    He looked up, and said, 'You must be Leanne. I'm Daniel.' I was about to tell him not to call me that, when I stopped short. How on earth did he know my name?
    Thanks for reading!!!<3


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