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Member Since: 15 Jul 2008 09:57pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 52281

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  1. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2008 4:25pm UTC
    ok, stop with the "I love jonas brothers rate high if you agree" quotes. there not even quotes. i swear we could have a new catergory just for jonas brothers quotes and there would be at least 200. rate high if you agree with me :/

  2. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2008 1:51pm UTC
    Cheerleading IS a sport. popluar girls may do it but at least you get excersise. LETS GO CHEERLEADING!!!!!! rate high if you agree.

  3. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2008 2:49pm UTC
    LIFE is like a giant hole. Some people can fight through the dirt and make it to the bottom. But there are some people that are still stuck at the top. Those people are the people that never succeeded in life. People who just sat aroung at home never living life to its fullest. Live life. Make the best of it. Try daring things. And whatever you do never ever stop being a kid. rate high if you agree.

  4. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2008 6:24pm UTC
    This is a list of 20 things you should be careful of not happening to you.
    #1: Never eat or drink while lying on your back. It promotes choking.
    #2: Never drive on a frost-heave ridden road and try to drink boiling hot tea at the same time. As to the results? Just use your imagination.
    #3: Never try to hang crepe paper from the ceiling of your workplace while standing on a swivel chair. As is #2, just use your imagination.
    #4: Never try to light a pillar candle (you know, the ones with the glass around them) while holding the match vertically…unless you want roasted fingers that is.
    #5: Never eat chap-stick, even if it does smell like tangerine gummy bears. It'll leave an absolutely vile taste in your mouth for about…oh…five days.
    #6: Never, ever, ever po-go stick down a hill. When you hit the turf, let's just say that it feels like both your tibia and your fibula are fractured. >_<
    #7: Never give a toll lady a 20 dollar bill when she only needs 60 cents. She'll give you the evil eye. It was scary.
    #8: Never eat a cup of snow without knowing what is sitting at the bottom of the cup…Clorox, for example.
    #9: Never test the sharpness of your new jackknife on your own finger.
    #10: Never try to ride a bike over a raised piece of oak beam that's only five inches in width no matter how easy it looks. No need to elaborate.
    #11: Never try to climb a thorn-apple tree. The thorns are experts at disguise and are sharper than one might think.
    #12: Never sit on a swing in the same vicinity that your eight year old brother is (trying to) play golf – with real golf balls. Minor concussions may occur.
    #13: You know those big 1 pound packages of butter? The ones in aluminum wrappers? Never put these in the microwave in order to soften the butter….those were some pretty fireworks though…
    #14: Always look to see if a chair is underneath you before you sit down…
    #15: Never try to take a pie out of a 350 degree oven without oven mitts. Hot glass is…well…hot.
    #16: Never get your little brother riled up to the extent that they think spraying Axe ™ in your face is jolly hilarious.
    #17: Never jump off the roof of your chicken's house (without proper padding that is) with an umbrella and the false idea that said umbrella will slow your descent. Mary Poppins must be fiction.
    #18: Never try to ride your completely insane and violent cow. (FYI…She was a twin who got her brothers crazy hormones, while he got her nice ones… Oh and notice, the keyword is "was.")
    #19: Never try take the steps two at a time in three inch heels. It doesn't do the old ankles a bit of good.
    #20: Never, ever, never, never, ever be too cautious. Try daring things, live life to its fullest, get thrills (as long as you're not positive they'll cause you certain death or injury)... Just don't try these things… well what do u think? i no, i no, u think imv a complete idiot. no im not. some parts r just missing.......

  5. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2008 5:06pm UTC
    Forget Him forget is name forget his face forget his kiss his warm embrace forget the love that you once knew remember he has someone new forget him when he played your song remember when you cried all night long forget get how close you once were remember he has chosen her forget how you memorized his walk forget the way he used to talk forget the things he used to say remember he has gone away forget his laugh forget his grin forget the dimples on his chin forget the way he held you tight remember he's with her tonight forget the time that went so fast forget the love that moved, its past forget he said he'd leave you never remember he is gone forever

  6. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2008 8:24am UTC
    You drove me, nearly drove me, out of my headWhile you never shed a tearRemember, I remember, all that you saidTold me love was too plebeianTold me you were through with meAnd now you say you love meWell, just to prove you doCome on and cry me a riverCry me a riverI cried a river over youcry me a river. I did for you

  7. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2008 8:10am UTC
    THE CLIQUE The only thing harder then getting in is staying in. rate high if u love the clique series <3

  8. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 3:16pm UTC
    The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up

  9. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 3:14pm UTC
    Love is about relecklesly hurting each other yet insanely loving each other At The Same Time

  10. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 3:12pm UTC
    Think about the mistakes you will make Not the ones you made

  11. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 3:10pm UTC
    You make me weak in the knees

  12. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 3:08pm UTC
    your heart is my sweet candy bowl >0<

  13. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 2:28pm UTC
    No guy is worth cryinn over and the only ones who are will never make you CRY......

  14. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 2:23pm UTC
    In my world everyones a pony, and we all eat rainbows, and poop butterflires!!!!!!

  15. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2008 2:21pm UTC
    when i was in love................. i told him i loved him he didn't love me he said he liked me as a friend but i'll always love him no matter what!!!!!

  16. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2008 7:30am UTC
    how can i ever tell him how i really feel his face haunts everything i do what if he doesn't feel the same way what if he doesn't love me? what should i do then? rate high if you feel the same way as me

  17. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2008 8:15am UTC
    I'm in love with a guy. he was mean at first but than he became so sweet. now he's out of my life. i don't think i'll ever see him again. my heart is broken in two.

  18. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2008 8:07am UTC
    I'm away cuz i have a life......... but u don't cuz ur sittin here reading this

  19. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2008 8:05am UTC
    Life is harsh when you don't know how to spend it...........................but i do so my life is PERFECT!!!!!!

  20. Luv_At_First_Sight Luv_At_First_Sight
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2008 7:54am UTC
    I'm trapped in this DARKNESS of a cave I'll see you again, but NOT today I hope to see you in the NEXT LIFE In PARADISE I'll see you again this is the chorus of a song i wrote 2 weeks ago called I'll See You Again


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