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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 6080725
omgomgomg keep going and keep me updated, I love it.
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 6079607
Listen I was just trying this font out. Dont send crap to me k? Bye.
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5924348
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5925940
i kicked a homeless guy
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5909760
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5891617
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5833399
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq-Dvj8CN9I (Some of yours are in this sorry, but there is just too much)
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5833399

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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5833399
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5817336
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5796831
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5787538
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5774885
Thats me in my class.
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5763402
A chair
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5750955
Cassidy Lee (Thats my full first name); 16; Legittlyinsane; single.
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5747964
This is horrible. Zayn was getting like a bunch of crap because people kept talking bout the Zux crap.
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5739464
I definitely love that movie to death.
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5736305
I saw Liams first Audtition in 2008. And freaked out when he came back in 2010.(:
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5687787
I have a purple toothbrush.
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Legittlyinsane · 1 decade ago on quote 5680957
Yard sale, Lemonade stand, babysitting, yard work. Thats usually how I get paid.
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