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Member Since: 6 Feb 2010 09:14am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 100501

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 First off I wanna say, if you're reading this, You're an amazing person, and I love you already. lmfao. Call me whatever you like, but most chose Kate or Katey. I'm young, but I act mature for my age. I'm a Sophmore at Tussey, and yes, its as much of a hell hole as everyone says. I'm loud, and opinionated, and I sure as hell don't ever bite my tongue. I hate drama, and this year, I'm pretty much free of it, you put me in it, fine, I'm going to put an end to it. I support gay and lesbian marriage, and I don't really give a fuck if you think its wrong or whatever. I don't believe in this "god" that everyone thinks of, and if you think I'm a bad person for that, then you may now just delete yourself from my friends list because you are a waste of my time and energy. I sing and dance in public, and I'm not afraid of what people have to say about it. My second home is the store that best fits my personality, hot topic. No I'm not goth, or scene, or emo, I'm just my own person. I tend to be rather random, and if you don't understand me I'll just look at you and laugh. I say epic, lol, lmfao, thats horrible, and I'm sorry a lot, so just get used to it if you plan on being around me. Time is not particularly something that I have enough of to waste on guys who are going to be douche bags to me, I've learned my lesson one too many times. Then again, I have nothing to currently worry about in that category, because I am happily taken by an epically amazing guy. My two best friends are what keep me going, and I love them dearly. Yes, I'm another small town girl with big city dreams, and the day I graduate will be the last day anyone near my hometown will ever see me again. I'm a sucker for a stereotypical fairy tale ending. I tend to fall way to hard, way to fast, and it gets my heart broken often, although, I can't say as though I regret any of it. I'm a dork, and I tend to become hyper quickly. I love dumb little things, but they're what makes me the happiest. I'm easy to please, and I'm far from high maintenance. I don't believe in killing animals, I think its just wrong.
Simple things that amuse me:
Taking a walk in the rain after you've been sick for a week without a coat on
Going to Walmart at ungodly hours of the morning
Running through the mall screaming "SHANAY NAY HEEEYYY GIRL"
Cute foreign boys with distinctive accents
Random items from bubble gum machines
Winning stuffed animals from the fair
Singing at the top of your lungs with the windows rolled down sitting at a stop light with a car full of boys next to you
Making deformed snowmen because you have nothing better to do with your time
Listen and watching your boyfriend sing off key to Taylor Swift on Webcam
Telling said boyfriend that there's somebody behind him, and it turning out to be a reflection from a mirror
Getting told your GERgeous and giggling from the way his accent makes it sound
Knowing that, no matter what happens, that boy is going to love you, just because he can
Flipping out at the word EH, just cause its "oh so canadian"
Being told that you should make a fort in the snow and attempt to sleep in it
Knowing that in the summer, you will have someone to protect you from the thunderstorms
Multiple page notes that take you 3 or more periods to write, then getting them taken and read to your world history class, all because you just had to decorate the outside of it.
Talking to random people you meet on myspace, and having them pissed off at you within the first 20 minutes of talking.
Talking about the teachers girlfriend and how she's a tyrant when he's standing in front of you and by the time you notice, he's already heard the whole conversation
Staying the night at boys houses when your mom thinks your elsewhere
Getting caught doing something you're not supposed to be, but then convincing your mother its not what she thought it was
Planning random road trips in the middle of the summer, and getting pissed off when the plans get flushed down the shitter.
Watching a scary movie and almost pissing yourself because your best friend rubs your thigh when you're not expecting it.
Getting kicked out of spencers for making inappropriate comments about the merchandise
and finally
Telling your mom you spent the day at the mall, but you go to Warped tour instead, and when she asks you why you have bruises, instead of the mosh pit, it came from the ball pit in chuckie cheeses.
Long story short, I love stupid, seemingly meanless things, that you create memories from.
I always love to talk, and meet new people. So lets talk. comment me or mssg me for my AIM and MSN. Peace love and converse hoes.
  1. KateyLynn KateyLynn
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2010 5:46pm UTC
    There's this little thing called distance,
    that's keeping us apart.
    Oceans are Between us,
    But I'm still right by your heart.
    --Mine Thanks. :D

  2. KateyLynn KateyLynn
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2010 12:43pm UTC
    Why Girls get heartbroken,
    and Boys are players
    I swear to you it's not rocket science;
    It's simply this...
    Teenage girls are all the same when it comes to romance, hopeless.
    Teenage boys are all the same when it comes to romance, they think with their one head more then the other.

  3. KateyLynn KateyLynn
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2010 10:39am UTC
    It's just not the same when its your best friend
    The heartache is something that you can bare with,
    but watching her go through it tears you apart.
    And even though you love her and only want whats best,
    it doesn't matter if she thinks she loves him.
    He'll hurt her and lie, and break her down,
    and she'll end up missing the boy thats right in front of her.
    the one that loves her, the one that needs her,
    and he'll slip away, and you'll have to help her through double the pain.
    &its times like those, you'd be willing to deal with the heartache,
    because you love her more then yourself, and you wish it could be you and not her.

  4. KateyLynn KateyLynn
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2010 9:29am UTC
    I guess there's really only so many times that I can fall before I break;
    but then again.....
    there's always a chance someone will be there to catch me. <3


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