Witty Profiles

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  1. twilightgirl995 twilightgirl995
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 11:35pm UTC
    When I say "nevermind"
    I really mean "You should have listened the first time"

  2. xoalicecullenxo xoalicecullenxo
    posted a quote
    October 30, 2011 2:04pm UTC
    Dear ♥ Guys,
    just because you have dicks, it doesn't mean you have to
    a c t l i k e t h e m

  3. Vintage101 Vintage101
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 7:19pm UTC
    If a guy responds to your text message,
    While playing Xbox:
    he loves you&&

  4. DamnnTaylerx DamnnTaylerx
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 6:00pm UTC
    I'd rather be real and say how I feel,
    than act all fake and be something I ain't.

  5. IFreakingloveyou IFreakingloveyou
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 4:17pm UTC
    Guy - Can I confess something?
    Girl - Sure!
    Guy - You've the prettiest smile I`ve ever seen ? ..
    Girl - Can I confess something as well?
    Guy - Yeah.
    Girl - This smile only exists because 0f you =]

  6. juliaa9715 juliaa9715
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 6:19pm UTC
    "Do you know them?"
    "Nope, but I've seen them on facebook!"

  7. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 7:31pm UTC
    1. I'm tired.
    2. I'm cold.
    3. I don't get it.
    4. I'm hungry.
    5. What time is it?
    6. I want to go home.

  8. thewayiam thewayiam
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 9:06pm UTC
    i once wondered why
    our hearts are on the left side of our chest
    when everything else is symmetrical.
    shouldn't it be in the center?
    then i realized hearts are not
    supposed to be alone.
    when you hug someone you love,
    their heart beats right next to yours
    in symmetry

  9. justxanotherxgirl justxanotherxgirl
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 10:47pm UTC
    Who else remembers this?

  10. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 10:25pm UTC
    Hi, I'm Taylor Lautner.
    I've been a shark, & I've
    also been a werewolf.
    Skill? I think so.

  11. lovemichellex3 lovemichellex3
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 3:38pm UTC
    Did you know..
    shakespeare invented the word swagger?

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. FunZy0x4 FunZy0x4 happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 2:18pm UTC
    What is love?
    Love is when one person knows all of your secrets…
    your deepest, darkest, most dreadful secrets of which
    no one else in the world knows… and yet in the end, that
    one person does not think any less of you;
    even if the rest of the world does.

  14. kattana12 kattana12
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 2:27pm UTC
    I ' m n o t s c r e a m i n g .
    I'm Italian. That's how we talk.

  15. FunZy0x4 FunZy0x4 happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 2:28pm UTC
    He's gonna be so sorry he lost you,
    so stop worrying. Forget the past, forget the pain, and remember what an incredible
    woman you are. When you do that, is when he will realize what he's lost,
    but by then you will be onto bigger & better things..

  16. valentineunicorn valentineunicorn
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 2:21pm UTC
    Dear snow flakes ,there are 1,933,233,233,222 of you.Why can't I get ONE on my tongue?!
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  17. DamnnTaylerx DamnnTaylerx
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 3:32pm UTC
    texting, eating and watching TV with an open textbook nearby.

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. xoalicecullenxo xoalicecullenxo
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 5:37pm UTC
    How Do I Pretend
    I don't miss you when I've never wanted anything or anyone
    a s b a d a s I w a n t y o u ?

  20. PerfectlyImperfect1206 PerfectlyImperfect1206
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 2:33pm UTC
    My aunt has cancer.
    Every Favorite is a prayer . ♥


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