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  1. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2011 4:53pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2011 7:36am UTC
    Take me down like im a domino :P
    Jessie J <3

  3. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2011 1:38am UTC
    Dont Forget your Roots my friend. <3

  4. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2011 3:41am UTC
    "Were you dropped as a baby?"
    Yeah! Into a pool of sexy! XD

  5. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2011 1:41am UTC
    I used to be good at maths... Until they added the alphabet

  6. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 2:31am UTC
    Fave if you live in
    New Zealand!

  7. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2011 2:13am UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 6:56pm UTC
    Dude she has a Bf!
    So, Soccer has a goalie, doesn't mean you cant score...

  9. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 5:07am UTC
    Does anybody else not get the saying "you are what you eat" cuz i dont!

  10. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 4:14am UTC
    Purposely drying all of the simple things first and leaving all the hard things for the other person!
    Gotta love doing the dishes :P

  11. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 3:11am UTC
    I wasn't that drunk!
    Dude you made your girlfriend a sandwich!

  12. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 10:25pm UTC
    Please take sometime out of witty scrolling to read this quote...
    A tragic event happened 10 years ago on this date. It went all around the world. It was a very very sad time for many family's. People ran and cried, screamed in horror as they blew. People running away from the towers, and also people jumping from them. Most of you know what happened ten years ago.
    It was called...
    Please fave this quote. Its a very important time, as you think of all the damage this has caused. damage to family's and damage to a city. Just in one day a lot can happen. Just remember this day is a sad day to remember. And please fave this quote for all of the world to remember this day. A very sad day in history

  13. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 5:02am UTC
    Save the drama for your llama!

  14. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2011 4:49am UTC
    Three words that you want to hear:
    I love you
    You're so beautiful
    You win 1,000,000
    <3 if you want to hear one of these 3

  15. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2011 2:01am UTC
    Folding up your pajamas after a hard day of beinga banana :P

  16. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2011 1:55am UTC
    Hey a running bag...
    Wait its just a year 7

  17. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2011 1:48am UTC
    Nice tan...Do you shower in fanta?

  18. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 11:12pm UTC
    Don't you hate it When your chewing bubble gum and you blow a huge bubble, and try to show someone..
    But then it pops :P

  19. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 6:28pm UTC
    You can count on me like 1 2 3,
    I'll be there, and i know that when i need it
    i can count on you like 4 3 2 you'll be there
    Bruno Mars <3
    Count on me..

  20. Jessiex Jessiex
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2011 6:19pm UTC
    Shake, Shake , Shake that bottle and make it POP!
    <3 Champagne Showers <3


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