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Member Since: 21 Sep 2009 05:57pm

Last Seen: 26 Jun 2013 11:48pm

user id: 89622

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Status- This summer is going to be a summer of change.
Mood- Music is my life.

I myself am made completely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.

I'm Abrielle Jean. I'm 17 years of age. I love music and photography and everything else except the color yellow. Video game such as Zelda, Pokemon, and Mario are the best things ever. Get to know me. :)
If you want to know more comment me, or follow me on Tumblr. Here's the link-

Sleeping with Sirens, Pierce the Veil, Memphis May Fire, Destery Smith, Go Radio, A Day To Remember, etc. Electronica, dubstep, rock, alternative; I listen to pretty much anything.
This is me.
101_2529-1-2.jpg picture by abbyjb10101_2519-1-2.jpg picture by abbyjb10101_2479-1.jpg picture by abbyjb10cp1_0919091314.jpg picture by abbyjb10
These are some of my friends that I got to join Witty. Check them out.[♥]
evernightangel18- Keera
XxXEmo_GirlXxX- Mackenzie
beautifultradgity- Taylor
makenzieaubert- Makenzie

T  O  D  Y,
 we got our math tests back after being graded. One of my answers I knew was wrong, so I had drawn a stick figure next to it with the caption  "this is a ninja idisguise. he is here to guard my answer  from the red pen."  Next to my answer my teacher wrote  "you need a new ninja." He had graded my test in blue.

Today I Was Bored So I Called
a random number and pretended to be from Pizza Hut. A guy picked up and when I asked him what he wanted, he proceeded to mention about 20 different items from the menu with loads of adjustments. At the end I told him I was kidding. He just said "I know. I'm just as bored as you."
.A .

Today, I was sitting in my biology class 
 when a kid pointed out that another boy in our class had gone to the bathroom six times in the past two classes. As the first boy was saying, "What could he be doing?," the missing student walked back in holding four freshly baked waffles. I am still confused.

Boy: let me ask you something.
Girl: Okay
*So The boy flipped her hand over to the palm side.*
Boy: There was a little bunny here and a BIG river here. The bunny wants to get to the other side, but he can't swim and it's too long a hop to go around. How does the bunny get over? 
* pointing to her hand, drawing her a little scenario*
She looked down at her hand, thinking.
Girl:  I dont know, how? 
He smiled.
Boy: I dont know either, I just wanted to hold your hand.


you didn't love her, -->
you don't   [d e s t r o y]   the people you love.

The Girl:
she's rolled up on her bed, black tears
rolling down her face. she's got her
cell phone held tight in her hand,
just in case he's decided he was
wrong. her best friend is sitting right
next to her, making fun of his past
school pictures, hoping it will help.
she thinks to herself "i thought we
were supposed to be together forever"
The Guy:
he's locked up in his room, mad at
himself for what he's done to her,
the one he loves. he's got his
phone held tight in his hand,
waiting for her to call and yell at
him. his friends are calling him
every five minutes, trying to find
out why he was so distant in
school today. he thinks to himself
"how could i have done this to her?
she is everything to me and i
just ruined that"


I wondered what
went threw your mind when i walked into
first period in old sweats,
down my face, and my two best friends on
either side of me  >> [[ that aren't in my first

period Class ]]  <<  give me a hug and
whispering { "
It's okay, honey. He didnt
deserve you." } before  giving you an evil

glare and walking out of the class before the
bell rang. You looked at me, as i
looked away,
and i heard you
whisper to your friend >>
wrong with her?" << {[ I heard someone
broke her heart.]}   //        [[  He replied.  ]]       
>>  C a n t   y o u   g u e s s 
who?  x||3  <<

I like him, okay?
I like how he's kinda  q-u-i-e-t  and reserved. I like that I can have a conversation with him for hours and [ [  not get bored  ] ] . He has the sweetest smile and is just so darn cute :D. I fall in love with those  eyes  [ ( every time ) ]  I look into them <3.  And his personality? Ah-mazing. He's always smiling and  happy, but he always holds up a guard. I love how  he  gets  embarassed  when we  play Truth  or Dare And when someone  asks  him who he likes,  his  cheeks turn {cherry} red. I love everything about this kid.  He's absolutely  --->  amazing and I can't help but  smile  whenever I see him. I think you  can  officially  say  that  I've  fallen  for  him. <33

And Tonight..
She sits in the corner of her room.
Squeezing her pillow as tight as possible. Tears streaming down her face as she stares at the pictures taped to the wall. She screams as loud as possible into that pillow, but no one can even hear her. She gives up, turns her Ipod on and softly plays over their lullaby as she sinks in to the floor crying and says into her tears, "We were supposed to be together forever."

And Tonight..
He throws every memory he has
across the front lawn and screams
as loud as he ever has and falls into the grass and starts to cry for the first time in years. He pulls his Ipod out and blasts over their lullaby as the tears come down uncontrollably. He grips onto the grass with all his might and shakes, it used to be impossible for him to feel this much pain, but now everything is different. Then he says into the grass, "We were supposed to be together forever"


Then His Phone Rang...It Was Her.
He was with his friend playing xbox, and he quickly hit a button to silence his phone, his friend noticed and put the game on pause. 
"Who's that?"
"This girl I really like."
"Why don't you talk to her?"
"She'll never like me dude. She's like, everything you could imagine, and so much more. She's like, so perfect. She'd never like a nerd like me. I'm ugly and...stupid and not good enough. Even if I got the guts to tell her that I like her she'd never ever date me anyways. No point in trying."
"Dude...you're normally so damn cocky what....She must be amazing. But dude, ignoring her isn't going to make her like you genius."
"Yeah she really is. She isn't suppost to like me."
"I'm not good enough OK?!"
His friend smiled.
"Look at your phone ."
He did. He didn't hit ignore, on her call like he thought he did,
he hit talk.
"Was that true? "Oh.."
"Um.I um..Y-yeah. It was."
"I...I'm sorry...I um."
"Don't be....Because.....I feel the same way about you....!"
"So...Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Oh my gosh yes!"
He never says he hates that phone anymore.


[after the break up]
him: you seem sad. is it because of me?
me: no, it's because my gay uncle's boyfriend died. YES, because of you!!


let's look at two pictures, shall we?
there's a girl asleep in her room;
mascara is under her eyes and pillow;
the notebook is playing on her tv;
there's an empty carton of ben & jerry's;
her phone is lying next to her;
she's just praying they'll text her back.

now let's look at another one;
there's a guy lying awake in his bed;
he can't seem to sleep;
he has his phone on his chest;
he can't make up his mind.
all his covers on his bed are kicked off;
the xbox hasn't been turned on yet.

guess which one screwed up?

Boy, just look at her.
Yes, she's smiling and laughing. But i mean really look at her. See how she's got her arms wrapped around herself, like she's trying to [( hold herself together?)] Did you hear her laugh >> b r e a k ?  << Why can't you see how hard she's trying not to  run away crying?
she's brokenwithout you</3

He looked at her, and said..
"i bet you 20 dollars i can kiss you without using my lips."
she laughed and said "bets on!"
he bent down and kissed her lips and said,

" i  guesi  lost."


The Way He Flips His Hair.
and how the sunlight beams of his
gorgeous face. How his eyes light up when he laughs. and how he is always smiling. his- c  u  t  e -laugh. everything.

About This Boy, I Love.

here's to ...
the barbies, the jocks, ( the scene kids ) and stoners,
the girls in [ short skirts ] and the guys hiding boners.
[[-- the shy kids, the loud kids, the ones in debate, --]]
the j e r k s, the , the "skaters" who dont skate...
they've all been together since around preschool,<<

______{[(before there was gossip, cliques, or "cool."
but now its all different, each found their own group,
like the suck-ups and gossips --> the ones in the loop.
and here's to the kids who fit in no label, _______ )]}
`- - - >> here's to the kids who sit alone at their table.
now its time for high school, i swear you'll have fun,
you'll make friends for life by the time its all d o n e.
now here's to the ones who can't WAIT to be seen;
>> t h i s i s t h e c l a s s o f <<

( 2 0 1 4 )

I got bored so I decided to edit some pictures

If you want me to make something for you, just ask because I'll be happy to do it(:

Paint-1-1.gif picture by abbyjb10

What_Is_Love-1.jpg picture by abbyjb10brokenemoheart-1.jpg picture by abbyjb10emo-in-france-eiffel-1.jpg picture by abbyjb10


Fanart made by me(:

dark.jpg picture by abbyjb10
To XxXEmo_GirlXxX

Paint-1-2.gif picture by abbyjb10
To victorinobaby96

colorful-11-1.jpg picture by abbyjb10
To victorinobaby96

var fsi = $('fullSizedImage'); var onFsi = function(event) { pageTags.addTagListToImg('fullSizedImage', [ ]); Event.stopObserving(fsi, 'load', onFsi); } Event.observe(fsi, 'load', onFsi);
3390940694_2d4242701f-2-1.jpg picture by abbyjb10
To KittKat17
var fsi = $('fullSizedImage'); var onFsi = function(event) { pageTags.addTagListToImg('fullSizedImage', [ ]); Event.stopObserving(fsi, 'load', onFsi); } Event.observe(fsi, 'load', onFsi);
  1. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 4:06am UTC
    I want to hate you
    so bad.

  2. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 3:43am UTC
    walked on broken glass
    Sleeping Beauty
    let a whole lifetime pass
    fell in love with a hideous beast
    married a common theif
    walked on land for love and life
    Snow White
    barely escaped a knife
    It was all about blood, sweat, and tears
    because love means facing you biggest fears.

  3. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 3:30am UTC
    Everything he tells you now
    h e t o l d m e f i r s t
    so stop thinking you're so
    S .x. P .x. E .x. C .x. I .x. A .x. L

  4. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 3:23am UTC
    People say love is an expression or feeling.
    The definition of love
    is to give someone your heart,
    knowing they have the power to break it,
    but trusting them not to.
    &&Even though my heart is beyond broken,
    I still love you.
    With all my heart.
    Forever and always.

  5. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 3:14am UTC
    Let's cause a scene
    like lovers do on
    s i l v e r.s c r e e n s

  6. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 3:01am UTC
    Does anyone else
    think that Witty needs
    a new category labeled "Vent"
    because I sure do.

  7. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 2:57am UTC
    Everyone always told me that we were cute together.
    People still tell me that we were cute together.
    I loved you.
    I still love you.
    I always thought about you.
    I still always think about you.
    It's like you are a part of me now, like we're supposed to be together.
    We were perfect together.
    We made other people jealous.
    I just don't understand why you can't see that!
    I miss you, and I love you.
    Forever and always.

  8. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2009 8:32pm UTC
    To do this quiz, put your iPod on shuffle and go through songs for each of the questions below.
    What will next year hold in store for me?
    Hero- Superchick
    (Apperantly I'm going to be a hero to someone.. hopefully including myself..)
    What does my love life look like?
    Better Than Me- Hinder
    (See! That's my point! He can probably find someone better than me...)
    What do I say when life gets hard?
    Last Time- Secondhand Serenade
    (That's exactly what I say...)
    What song will you dance to at your wedding?
    It's Not Over- Secondhand Serenade
    What do I want as my career?
    Stand Up- Fireflight
    (I'm not going to be ashamed with my job apperantly..)
    My favorite saying?
    Got The Life- Korn
    (I have never said that once in my life but okayy...?)
    What do I think of my parents?
    Going Under- Evanescence
    (Uhm.. wow.. yeah kinda..)
    Where would I go on a first date?
    Obvious- Hey Monday
    (Aww(: )
    Drug of choice?
    Nikki FM- Hawthorne Heights
    Describe myself?
    Vampires Will Never Hurt You- My Chemical Romance
    (Uhm... WTF?!)
    What is the thing I like doing the most?
    Tipsy- Brokencyde
    (Lmaoimh! Yeah right! Hahaha no)
    The song that best describes the president?
    I Don't Care- Fall Out Boy
    (Lmao xD wow...)
    How will I die?
    Down- Blink 182
    The song that'll be played at my funeral?
    Waiting- There For Tomorrow
    (Wow.. That sure is an interesting song to play at a funeral..)

  9. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2009 7:30pm UTC
    I'll be fine,
    I swear.
    I'm just gone beyond repair.
    -Jersey;; Mayday Parade

  10. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2009 5:21pm UTC
    I love you, I love you
    Oh, I really do
    But what makes me unable to hate you?
    Is it all of the times we've spent together
    Or when you picked me up like I was as light as a feather
    Because I know I'm not, I know that for a fact
    Or was it all just an act
    You didn't really love me, and you never really did
    All you ever did was run hid
    I miss you, I miss you
    Oh so very much
    Now it's my torso I will clutch
    Since you left, and broke my heart
    Inside, I've been falling apart
    -not finished yet.. it's still a work in progress
    I'll finish it later..
    I'm not really sure if it makes sence or if it's all that good or not
    -Because After All, It's Abby(:

  11. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2009 12:32am UTC
    We had .f.i.r.e. in our eyes
    in the beginning
    I never felt so
    . A . L . I . V . E .
    in the beginning
    .x. Y .x. O .x. U .x.
    you >blame< me
    but it's not fair when you say
    that I >|didn't|< try
    I just don't wanna hear it
    I swear I never meant to
    L E T . I T . D I E
    I just don't care about -you- any more
    it's not fair when you say that I didn't try
    I just don't care about -you- anymore
    -I'll Add Color Later
    -Because After All, It's Abby(:

  12. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2009 7:08am UTC
    He b r o ke my heart
    I broke his skateboard.
    Not Mine
    I Just Changed One Word To Make It Fit For Me(:
    -Because After All, It's Abby(:

  13. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2009 6:58am UTC
    I Hate It When People Ask:
    1) Can I ask you a question? (didnt gimme a choice there, did ya sunshine?)
    2) Did you get a haircut? (no it shrunk..!!)
    3) Did you lose weight? (yeah. it just vanished!)
    4) Did you catch a fish? (nope. i talked it into giving himself up.)
    5) *waiter* Table for how many? (one hundred and twelve. us 3 would like to switch seats every 4 minutes)
    6) Were you sitting there? (yes. me and my imaginary friend steve.)
    7) Your not wearing that out are you? (actually i was planning on going naked)
    8) Is that yours? (no i stole it...!)
    9) *watching a trick* Am i supposed to pick a card? (no your supposed to pick your nose)
    10) Are you going to eat that? (only if you want it)
    11) *doctor* How are you today? (Great! I just like your company(: )
    12) *clerk at store* Is that all? (why? wasnt this enough??)
    13) Where did you get that accent? (i bought it on ebay)
    14) Hey, are you moving? (nope. we just like to pack our stuff up in boxes every week)
    15) Are you always funny? (no, i only make a special effort on tuesdays and thursdays)
    16) *waiter- your plate is completely cleaned* Are you done with that? (what? do you want me to eat the plate, too?!)
    17) Did you get braces? (naw, these things just appeared on my teeth!)
    18) *cashier* Out of 10? (no, it's out of 100!)
    19) Who whould do that? (uhm, them.. they just did!)
    20) *texting your friend* What are you doing? (uhm, texting you.)
    21) Do you want to do something? now? (naw lets do that later even though we are bored out of our minds!!)
    22) *you start bleeding* Ohh, what's that? (oh, nothing.. it's just some thick red liquid that just happened appeared on my finger)
    23)*drinking soda* Oh, whatcha drinking? (uhh it says it on the can..)
    24) Oh my gosh! Did you just get shot?! (no, this thing just randomly came at me and went through my stomach!)
    Haha I Laughed So Hard I Cried
    I Read This Like 5 Times! Lmaoimh xD
    Not Mine
    I Added Numbers 16-24
    But Some Of Them I Found Them Several Different Places
    And Some Of Them I Made Up(:
    -Because After All, It's Abby(:

  14. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2009 6:09am UTC
    Funny Instruction Labels:
    These are actual instruction labels on
    consumer goods:
    On Sears hairdryer:
    Do not use while sleeping.
    (Gee, that's the only time I have to work on my hair!)
    On a bag of Fritos:
    You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
    (The shoplifter special!)
    On a bar of Dial soap:
    Directions: Use like regular soap.
    (And that would be how?)
    On some Swann frozen dinners:
    Serving suggestion: Defrost.
    (But it's just a suggestion!)
    On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert: (printed on the bottom of the box)
    Do not turn upside down.
    (Too late! You lose!)
    On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding:
    Product will be hot after heating.
    (Are you sure? Let's experiment!)
    On packaging for a Rowenta iron:
    Do not iron clothes on body.
    (But wouldn't that save more time?)
    (Wait a minute, whose body?)
    On Boot's Children's cough medicine:
    Do not drive car or operate machinery.
    (We could do a lot to reduce the construction accidents
    if we just kept those 5 year olds off those fork lifts!)
    On Nytol sleep aid:
    Warning: may cause drowsiness.
    (One would hope!)
    On a Korean kitchen knife:
    Warning: keep out of children.
    (Hmm...Something must have gotten lost in the translation...)
    On a string of Christmas lights:
    For indoor or outdoor use only.
    (As opposed to use in outer space.)
    On a food processor:
    Not to be used for the other use.
    (Now I'm curious.)
    On Sainsbury's peanuts:
    Warning: contains nuts.
    (But no peas?)
    On an American Airlines packet of nuts:
    Instructions: open packet, eat nuts.
    (somebody got paid big bucks to write this one...)
    On a Swedish chainsaw:
    Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands.
    (Raise your hand if you've tried this..)
    On a child's Superman costume:
    Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.
    (Oh go ahead! That's right, destroy a universal childhood belief!)
    Lmaoimh! xD
    This Made Me Laugh So Hard I Cried! xD
    Not Mine Though
    -Because After All, It's Abby(:

  15. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2009 5:10am UTC
    Dare. To. Be.
    -D i f f e r e n t-

  16. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2009 1:43am UTC
    It takes .o.n.e. who can *---> make a sacrifice<---* to change the world.
    When I look ((around)), and see people doing drugs and fighting,
    I think, "Whoa, is t h i s the world I want?"

  17. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2009 3:02am UTC

    \ ▌
    / \

    His Name Is Bob
    And He's Listening To
    There For Tommorrow(:

  18. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2009 1:06am UTC
    &&Do You >Ever<
    .x. W.o.n.d.e.r .x.
    What Is Running
    Through Her Mind ?

  19. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2009 9:07pm UTC
    I Am Prepared To Look At
    Myself And The World Differently

  20. ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3 ItWasWrittenInHerBloodx3
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2009 8:16pm UTC
    I love you
    I will always love you
    I guess you just don't feel the same way...
    -all mine
    -no jocking


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