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Member Since: 30 Sep 2005 09:58pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 29321

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Hey hey...hope you guys like them...They are all last minute but O well!
  1. InLoveWithHim34 InLoveWithHim34
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2005 8:25pm UTC
    SHe spilled her heart out...crying on the phone as she told him how she felt
    With another guy but wanting to be with him
    HE told her he would be there for her whenever she needed him and when she was sure who she loved
    She was for sure she needed to be with him but then when the oppurtunity came he was with someone else
    He told her he didnt want her that he had moved on..."How could he do this again? He told me he would wait forever?"
    Trying to move on the only thing she can do is cry herself to sleep every night...
    No matter what he did...Deep down in her heart she know she can forgive him and get things back to the way they used to be"
    If that chance ever came around again.....

  2. InLoveWithHim34 InLoveWithHim34
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2005 8:00pm UTC
    As many guys as she goes out with and thinks she is in love with...She just remembers how it used to be.
    When all you could see was the love in her eyes,
    The passion in her heart,
    The skips in her ears,
    And Love flakes all around her body.
    Her whole love life flashes before her and the only picture she sees is him.

  3. InLoveWithHim34 InLoveWithHim34
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2005 10:24pm UTC
    & I guys you really meant it when you told me you didn't love me anymore... Because I've seen you with everyone except me...Loving them so easily. Showing me that you have moved on so well and that I was just a fool to take you back the first time.

  4. InLoveWithHim34 InLoveWithHim34
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2005 10:22pm UTC
    You showed me how to take that extra step to be with someone.
    You showed me how to care about someone deeply.
    You showed me how to be with someone all day and never once think about anything else for the following week.
    And then you showed me how to break someones heart and walk out of there life and a heart beat.
    & that was the easiest one to learn cause you did that without one repeated step.

  5. InLoveWithHim34 InLoveWithHim34
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2005 10:18pm UTC
    i just need one more day to prove that I am the one that you love... I am the one you can't live without with. I just need one more day anmd If when that time passes that you still love her and need her...Then I guess it is time for me to realize not to fall so deeply in love with someone thought out to be the perfect guy...

  6. InLoveWithHim34 InLoveWithHim34
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2005 10:14pm UTC
    We were at the game...you were sitting with him as you walked uo with her... You sat down and started talking... I just turned to my friend, tears coming down my face.." I can't take my eyes off of him..."

  7. InLoveWithHim34 InLoveWithHim34
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2005 10:11pm UTC
    Everyone knows she has changed so much since last year.
    She just doesn't realize who her real friends are.
    The "friends" she hangs out with don't care about her...everyone knows it. And her real friends are the one that noticed shes changed. And if She looks around she knows she chose it to be that way.

  8. InLoveWithHim34 InLoveWithHim34
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2005 10:09pm UTC
    She loves the way she gets butterflies in her stomach everytime she hears his name...The way her heart pounds everytime he comes near her...The way her eyes wonder into his when they take a glance...She loves the way it feels to be in love...Even if he don't.

  9. InLoveWithHim34 InLoveWithHim34
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2005 10:06pm UTC
    & She tries to move on...She tries to say she doesn't love him anymore. And everyone know that she would take him back....Even if he does love her best friend.

  10. InLoveWithHim34 InLoveWithHim34
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2005 10:04pm UTC
    & She loves everything thing about him...The way he talks, acts, moves, walks...everything. & They she thought they were perfect for each other...But she couldn't get over the fact that he loved her best friend. She with someone else now but she still can't get through the day without think of him atleast twice. They were perfect...But hey thats just what she thought...

  11. InLoveWithHim34 InLoveWithHim34
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2005 10:01pm UTC
    ** Come and lay your head..On this big brass bed **
    ** & I'll be alright as long as you stay with me **


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