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Member Since: 23 Mar 2010 07:54pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 104299

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^Yes I do actually change this^

Today: Cheer 3-5 NO HOMEWORK!
Mood: Ehh
What's your name? -I'm skyblu. LOL jk. I just love that songg :] So my name is Brayton, but you are welcome to call me any of these: Bree, Bray, Brayton, BB, BabeBray. Or feel free to make up a new name for muh ;) Anyway, I got my new iPhone on my 15th birthday which was on March 4th<3  I live in the wonderful state of California, but the northern part so it ain't all that glamorous. I have a wonderful family pretty much... I have a mom and a dad, but they split up when I was 11. It has been hard since my dad lives in Georgia now. I live with my mom and sisters Chelsea whos 13, and Kelsey whos 17. My brother Derek lives with my dad and he is 11. I have a boyfriend that I love with all my heart <3 We have been going out since 7th grade. Oh yeah I am a freshman btw :) I use smiley faces alot to show what I am feeling ahaha ;) The ones I use are :) ;) =) :( =( :] :[ ;] =] =[ Thats just me. Sorry if it gets annoying. I am beach blonde, tan, blue eyes, skinney and 5' 3". I am done growing so I feel like I am the perfect hieght. Obviously I don't play basketball. I do cheerleading and soccer. I get everything I want since my parents are divorced so thats a good thing. I have 4 best friends and we rule the grade ;] Kasey, Janie, Cassie and Lilly. We live for eachother<3 My boyfriend was by Pat, but he is a sophmore so I don't see him during the school day as much as I would if he was in my grade. My favorite colors are Aqua, Pink, Purple and Orange. I have a kitty named Polly and a Doggie named Kali. I have a serious problem. I am gonna put it out here because I need help and I need you guys to give me all the support and advice you got. If you leave hate comments good for you, but you can just kiss 'em goodbye cause they go in this thing I call the trash can! Heard of it? Good cuz thats where you'll be looking for it ;)  So here it is.... I drink... ALOT. Like I live off of it. I know It's not good at all, but I have had this slight addiction since I went to a 9th grade party with my boyfriend in 8th grade. NO he does not drink and he didn't pressure me too. It was a group of girls. He supports me in getting though it though. My mom found out about 6 months ago when I came home from "my friends" when I was really a junior party. I am screwed up and I know it. I have been wasted and I am not proud. I need your guyses support so help me out please.Got questions? ASK!
1) My sissy Chelsea may make an account. She doesn't knoww!
My Quotes:
So my quotes may not be the best ones out there... I KNOW THAT. There is no need to tell me they are bad, I can tell by the ratings. I try to right about personal experiences and when I have a mind block I find ones online that describe what I am going through and make them pretty. What I really wanted to say though, was I have known about this website forever and I know jocking is a problem. I will not be part of that in any way or form. Copy my quotes? Whatever not a big deal to me. I will confront you, but I won't spam you or "tell Steve on you" because I am 15. Not 5. So yeah my main point here is my quotes will be 100% original 80% of the time and the other 20% will get credited.

Waiting for someone to make muh some<3
  1. HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2010 9:58am UTC
    ♥And I'm Like♥
    Hot Damn,
    Let me make you
    My Boo
    -Hot Mess By: Cobra Starship
    (c) Got the backround code thing from Everlongs_Layouts profile!

  2. HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2010 9:46am UTC
    Should I have to share an account with my sister?
    Should she just make her own account?

  3. HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2010 5:31pm UTC
    I wish that he would fall in Lov..
    Damn It.

  4. HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2010 5:25pm UTC
    If you live to be
    I wish to be 100
    1 day so I never have to life without you<3
    Winnie The Pooh<3

  5. HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2010 5:22pm UTC
    & It's funny how;;;
    someone can break your heart
    into a million pieces, yet you
    can still love them with all
    1,000,000 of them.

  6. HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2010 5:08pm UTC
    SO I AM NEW!
    I want some friends so read about me! Here are 10 quick facts!
    1) My name is Brayton
    2) California is where im at
    3) Im 15 and my bdays March 4th
    4) my boyfriends pat
    5) i got a sister chelsea and kelsey
    6) i get what i want cuz my parents are divorced :/
    7) I have an addiction... youll hav to go to my pro to figure it out
    8) I AM HOT HOT HOT hahahahha
    9)I am a freshman!
    10) I play soccer<3 and Cheer<3

  7. HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2010 5:08pm UTC
    SO I AM NEW!
    I want some friends so read about me! Here are 10 quick facts!
    1) My name is Brayton
    2) California is where im at
    3) Im 15 and my bdays March 4th
    4) my boyfriends pat
    5) i got a sister chelsea and kelsey
    6) i get what i want cuz my parents are divorced :/
    7) I have an addiction... youll hav to go to my pro to figure it out
    8) I AM HOT HOT HOT hahahahha
    9)I am a freshman!
    10) I play soccer<3 and Cheer<3

  8. HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2010 5:08pm UTC
    SO I AM NEW!
    I want some friends so read about me! Here are 10 quick facts!
    1) My name is Brayton
    2) California is where im at
    3) Im 15 and my bdays March 4th
    4) my boyfriends pat
    5) i got a sister chelsea and kelsey
    6) i get what i want cuz my parents are divorced :/
    7) I have an addiction... youll hav to go to my pro to figure it out
    8) I AM HOT HOT HOT hahahahha
    9)I am a freshman!
    10) I play soccer<3 and Cheer<3

  9. HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2010 5:08pm UTC
    SO I AM NEW!
    I want some friends so read about me! Here are 10 quick facts!
    1) My name is Brayton
    2) California is where im at
    3) Im 15 and my bdays March 4th
    4) my boyfriends pat
    5) i got a sister chelsea and kelsey
    6) i get what i want cuz my parents are divorced :/
    7) I have an addiction... youll hav to go to my pro to figure it out
    8) I AM HOT HOT HOT hahahahha
    9)I am a freshman!
    10) I play soccer<3 and Cheer<3

  10. HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon HoTbItChBaBeBrAyTon
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2010 4:28pm UTC
    A F R I E N D I S S O M E O N E W H O
    knows the song in you're
    ((( H E A R T )))
    and can sing it back to you
    when you have forgotten the
    1st quote... Let me know what you think!


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