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Member Since: 9 Nov 2011 09:17pm

Last Seen: 3 May 2012 04:05pm

user id: 236361

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  1. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2012 7:27pm UTC
    Why is it that when I say something, it hurts and its all my fault, but when you say something, you seem to expect me to just take it?

  2. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 9:28pm UTC
    You're Beautiful <3

  3. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 9:14pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 9:10pm UTC
    Protect her, love her, kiss her, hold her,
    smile with her, laugh with her.
    But don't make her fall if you don't plan on catching her.

  5. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 9:04pm UTC
    so wake up and treat her how she should be treated.

  6. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 6:50pm UTC
    hates when you break up. than you go to there wall and BAM ALMOST every girl on his friends list are bombing his wall. seriously.

  7. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2011 5:12pm UTC
    ALL GUYS NEED TO READ THIS (pay attention to the ♥'s guys)
    -When she pulls away pull her back ♥ ♥ ♥
    -When you see her start crying just hold her and don't say a word ♥ ♥
    -When you see her walking ... sneak up and hug her waist from behind ♥ ♥
    -When she's scared protect her...
    -When she steals your favorite hoodie Let her wear it♥ ♥.
    -When she says that she loves you She really does mean it.
    -When she grabs at your hands Hold her's and play with her fingers
    -When she tells you a secret Keep it safe and untold
    -When she looks at you in your eyes Dont look away until she does
    -When she reposts this bulletin She wants you to read it
    -When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go ♥ ♥
    -When she says she's ok don't believe it. ♥ ♥
    -Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
    -Treat her like she's all that matters to you ♥ ♥
    -Watch her favorite movie with her even if you think it's stupid.
    -Don't talk about ♥ ♥other girls around her
    -Kiss her in the pouring rain
    -When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is: "Who's butt am I kicking baby?"

  8. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2011 10:05pm UTC
    I love how, in scary movies, the person yells out, "Hello?" As if the bad guy is gonna be like, "Yeah, I'm in the kitchen! Want a sandwich?";D

  9. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2011 9:45pm UTC
    That one guy that is just so effing gorgeous <3

  10. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2011 8:44am UTC
    The akward moment when you go to hug someone sexy and you run into the mirror. ♥ :D

  11. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 10:49pm UTC
    i t s s o h o t i n h e r e
    Oh sorry did you want me to leave?♥

  12. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 10:36pm UTC

    ☆ ☁ ☆
    When it seems like there's no one left to run to in this empty world you can come to me & I'll be your shooting star. You can tell me your dreams. I can't promise to make them come true, but I can promise to be there for you even if your dreams happen to fall through.-

  13. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 10:32pm UTC
    ☺\loowanna be remember as the girl who always smiled. The one who could always brighten your day. Even if she couldn't brighten her own.Smile cuz you never know whos falling inlove with it

  14. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 10:21pm UTC
    There are so many tools at my school,
    I feel like im at HomeDepot

  15. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 9:47pm UTC
    "Okay I wasn't that drunk"
    "Dude. You were throwing bricks threw car windows singing
    Like a good Neighbor State Farm is there"

  16. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2011 9:43pm UTC
    * Your Lips on my lips *◕‿-

  17. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2011 9:52pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. HannahElaineNichols HannahElaineNichols
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2011 9:41pm UTC
    holding her hand is just another way to show your proud of her♥


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