Witty Profiles

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  1. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2015 5:30pm UTC
    You are thirteen.
    Your hair is long and brown
    and you still wear it braided.
    You dress in pink
    and write poetry in art class
    on paper towels with pink Sharpie.
    You think you are wise.
    You want to be loved.
    You dream of bridges, and flying.
    You are fourteen.
    You hair is black,
    dyed in a river, in a sink, between
    your ribs.
    You wear black
    and draw on all your jeans
    with black Sharpie in music class.
    You think you are cruel.
    You want to be sharper.
    You dream of bridges, and falling.
    You are fifteen.
    our hair is dyed black in a salon
    with purple streaks.
    You wear chains
    and clothes that do not fit.
    You write suicide notes on your arms
    with black ink in math class.
    The teacher calls your parents.
    You think you are interesting.
    You want to be dead.
    You dream of bridges, and sharp rocks below.
    You are sixteen.
    Your hair is brown again,
    loose around your shoulders.
    You hide behind long bangs.
    You wear clothes that are too big
    and gummy bracelets, bunched together
    under your sleeves.
    You keep your poetry on paper now.
    You show your mother what you’ve
    Even the cries for help she finds
    You think you are no one.
    You want to breathe again.
    You dream of bridges, and melting wood planks.
    You are seventeen.
    You wear your hair up,
    out of your face,
    with pencils stuck in it.
    You wear clothes that fit,
    thick sweaters, skirts.
    You post your poetry online
    and make friends who understand.
    You write stories about planets
    falling in love,
    emotions that change
    the entire galaxy,
    that make it look as if
    the sky is blushing.
    You think you are healing.
    You want to feel again.
    You dream of bridges, and letting your sadness jump.
    You are eighteen.
    Your hair is long and red
    and you wear it braided.
    You wear dresses,
    floral prints,
    soft fabrics,
    things that make you sigh
    and think of sleeping.
    You still write on your skin sometimes
    but you can control yourself now
    and you never write anything
    that makes you think of darkness.
    You buy expensive journals
    and fill them up,
    no longer afraid of your words.
    You teach yourself languages.
    You don’t think of yourself as alone.
    You think you will survive.
    You know you are right.
    You dream of bridges, and what waits on the other side.
    to the people who said it was just a phase: you were right. // megan virginia

  2. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2015 1:41pm UTC
    your name is EVE and you live in the GARDEN of EDEN.
    Your life is PRETTY GRAND and you WANT for NOTHING,
    and all you taste is SWEET;
    still, you feel as though there is MORE.
    What will you choose - BLISS or FREEDOM?

    Your name is HELEN and you live in the KINGDOM of BATTLES
    You are a QUEEN and you are OUTRAGEOUSLY BEAUTIFUL,
    still, your KISS is heavy with WAR and not LOVE
    You’ve been careful your whole life, and there is no REWARD
    What will you choose - PEACE or FREEDOM?

    Your name is GUINEVERE and you live in a HOLY LAND
    Your PAST is worth a PENNY and your PRESENT worth a CROWN,
    still, all that’s YOURS is only YOURSELF.
    Your husband has no use for it, but it is all you have to GIVE.
    What will you choose - FAITH or FREEDOM?

    Your name is OPHELIA and you live in NOTHINGNESS
    Everything is FALLEN APART and everything is LOST.
    still, men talk of a HAPPY END.
    What will you choose - HOPE or FREEDOM?

    Your name is SUSAN and you do not live in NARNIA
    You were once a SAVIOR and a WARRIOR
    and now they say you are JUST a GIRL. They are WRONG. You have never been ‘just’ anything.
    What will you choose - NOSTALGIA or FREEDOM?

  3. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2015 12:12am UTC
    When the apocalypse comes, Jesus asks you to dinner. Jesus is the son of your mother’s best friend; naturally, you cannot say no. He’s five minutes late in picking you up, bites his thumb in supplication, and you want to press him against the leather seats of Jesus’ dad’s Cadillac. You’ve been on worse dates. The company’s decent, the séx phenomenal, except there is no séx and you’re left wondering why you thought there would be. This is not how you pictured the end of the world. Somewhere, a door slams. Your neighbors are filing for divorce. Jesus walks you to your door with his hand above your waist. He kisses you and time unravels, a ball of yarn torn between opposing knitting needles. Crabapples. Jesus tastes like crabapples and the final stanza of “Amazing Grace.” God calls, asks Jesus when he’ll be home. The sky is orange. At the end of your mother’s driveway, your mother’s best friend’s son’s car radio narrates the coming of the savior: This is Delilah. Avert thy mortal eyes.
    Brianna Albers, "Delilah"

  4. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2015 12:08am UTC
    “...and maybe greatness isn’t about being popular or heroic, maybe it’s about just fighting for the greater good for the world even when the world turns back on you.”

  5. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2015 1:28pm UTC
    “Too many young girls don’t know how to act when someone’s being inappropriate with them. They giggle or they try to brush it off. Don’t do that. Tell them to go fúck themselves - be a bítch. If someone’s being disrespectful to you, be disrespectful right back. Show them the same amount of respect that they show you.”

  6. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2015 12:38am UTC
    Complete in blue or black ink. Blood will count as extra credit. Only lies told through a clenched jaw will be graded. You have until the end of Tuesday’s thunderstorm to complete.
    1. How do you bring yourself back from the dead?
    A) Swallow the heart of the last person you thought she loved.
    B) Take the yellow pill off her tongue.
    C) Douse yourself in kerosene. Give her the match.
    D) Her hands.
    2. Use 5 in a sentence to describe the destruction of her mouth:
    Euphoria / Appetite / Absolution / Gossamer / Palpitation / Wretched / Celestial / Bloodthirsty
    3. If on the 24th of November, she says your name for the first time with her teeth on your throat and you are on your 9th cigarette, how many more will you have to smoke before you can breathe again?
    Answer in the form of heartbeats per minute.
    4. True or false:
    i. The night tastes different now that you have tasted her mouth.
    ii. She has the combination to your nightmares.
    iii. A girl with eyes like those can be trusted.
    iv. Her favorite song sounds a lot like how she owns you.
    v. This is a good idea.
    vi. She wants to stop the bleeding.
    vii. She opened the wound in the first place.
    5. Complete the sentence: She said that you are-
    A) That feeling you get when summer fades to autumn and the world slows down just enough to catch a glimpse of everything that’s been promised to you.
    B) Hers.
    --“POP QUIZ POETY” by kat myers and e.m.

  7. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2015 7:17pm UTC
    Can you hear me, or is my sound just off? Do they choose not to take heed, or am I just not speaking loud enough? Is this message overlooked because it did not come with a bird attached in its thought? Or in the form of a glorious book? They didn’t find this message burning in a bush, scripture, or novel, neither did it come in a bottle.
    This message is not a product of thousands petitioning, neither did a million men march until their feet were blistering, nor did it spurt forth from the mouth of a corpse. Cause when we was young we was told the revolution would not be televised, so we had to improvise, so we put that shít on the net and watch it get digitalised.
    Right now, there is a kid finishing parents' evening in a heated discussion with his mother, saying, why does he have to study subjects he will never ever use in his life?
    And she will look at him blanked eyed, stifle a sigh, think for a second, and then lie. She’ll say something along the lines of: “You know to get a good job you need a good degree, and these subjects will help you get a degree, we never had this opportunity when I was younger".
    And he will reply: “But you were young a long time ago, weren’t you mum?”
    And she won’t respond, although what he implies makes perfect sense, that societies needs would have changed since he was 16. But she will ignore him, grip his hand more sternly, then drag him to the car. What she doesn’t know, is that she didn’t ignore him, just to shut him up. She didn’t lie because they are just returning him from parents' evening and an argument in the hallway would look bad on her resume. She won’t lie because she had just spent the last one hour convincing a stern faced teacher that she would ensure that her child studies more at home. No! She will lie, simply, because she, does not know any better herself. Although her whole adult life, she has never used or applied Pythagoras' theorem, pathetic fallacy, and still does not know the value of “X”.
    She will rely on society to tell her that her child, who has one of the sharpest mind in the school, is hyperactive, unfocused, easily distracted, and wayward.
    How many equations, subjects and dates did you memorize, just before an exam, never to use again? How many “A” grades did you get, which were never asked for when you applied for a job? How many times have you remembered something, 5 minutes just after the teacher said “Stop writing”, only to receive your results one month later to realize that you were only 1 mark short of the top grade? Does that mean remembering 5 minutes earlier, would’ve made you more qualified for a particular job? Well on an application form it would’ve.
    We all have different abilities, thought processes, experiences, and genes, so why is a class full of individuals, tested by the same means? So that means Cherrelle thinks she’s dumb, because she couldn’t do a couple sums.
    And if this issue is not addressed properly it then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
    Then every school has the audacity to have a policy on equality. Huh, the irony!
    Exams are society’s methods of telling you what you’re worth, but you can’t let society tell you what you are cause this is the same society that tells you that abórtion is wrong, but then looks down on teenage parents!
    The same society that sells products to promote natural hair, looks, and smooth complexion, with the model on the box, half photoshopped, and has fake lashes and hair extensions.
    With pastors that preach charity, but own private jets.
    Imams that preach against greed, but are all fat.
    Parents that say they want “educated kids”, but constantly marvel at how rich Richard Branson is.
    Governments that preach peace, but endorse war. That say they believe so much in the importance of higher education and further learning -- Then why increase tuition fees every single year?
    I believed Miss Jefferson, when she took me into the office and said that my exams would be imperative to my success because we were taught to always follow when Miss Jefferson led. Then I took Jefferson out of the equation and learned to think for myself. I realized we were taught to always follow when Mis-Led.
    Huh, the irony!
    Test us with tests, but the finals are never final because they never prepare us for the biggest test which is survival! And what I suggest is fairly outlandish, so I don’t expect everyone to understand this except for the kids who know what it feels like to be worth no more than that D or that A that you get on results day.
    And the ones whose best stories were never good enough for your English teacher because apparently you missed out, key literal techniques, did not follow the class plan, and the language was too “informal” for him to understand. But then he’d reference Hamlet and Macbeth, and you’d fight the urge to express your contempt by partially clenching your fist with only your medius finger left protruding in the middle of your hand and asking if he was aware that Shakespeare was known as the innovator of slang.
    Or the kid at the back of the class, who thinks: “Why am I studying something that doesn’t fuel my drive?” But then, when confronted with a maths problem, his eyes come alive.
    So this one is for my generation: the ones who found what they were looking for on Google, the ones who followed their dreams on Twitter, pictured their future on Instagram, accepted destiny on Facebook. This one’s for my “failures” and “dropouts”, for my unemployed graduates, my shop assistants, cleaners and cashiers with bigger dreams, my self-employed entrepreneurs, my world-changers and my dream-chasers!
    Cause the purpose of “Why I hate school, but love education” was not to initiate a worldwide debate, but to let them know that whether 72 or 88, 44 or 68, we will not, let exam results, decide our fate.

  8. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2015 12:28am UTC
    i want trees instead of gravestones and nothing to confess. i got a soft spot for your ancient books of horror stories.

  9. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2015 12:19am UTC
    with an accent of blood
    who speaks in foreign tongues
    whose vowels are the sound of metal clashing
    with fire in her veins
    and armor beneath her skin
    who crushes earth beneather her feet
    hair streaked with daggers
    and iron filling her lungs
    each breath ivitingly toxic
    with lips made of glass
    and voice cut from steel
    features born from thunder and battle
    a grin made for war
    and eyes flecked with ash
    striding, powerful, into the arms of death
    perhaps she will be the one you follow into battle [t.r.]

  10. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2015 12:12am UTC
    i. you have never been one for loyalty or pure, unbridled faith but you see her one spring day and something about the steely strength in her eyes her gentle, commanding words opens a gaping fissure in your chest, an arcane ache that only lessens in her presence. she walks away from you that first time and a voiceless chant begins to echo in your ears follow, follow, follow.
    ii. you follow. you find yourself, more and more, trying to ease the weight of her burdens. she starts to expect your presence, rely on your counsel– she commands, you comply she questions, you reply. over time you learn to breathe in time with her heartbeat, know her joys and sorrows as deeply as your own. you let her reach for your hand when the pain is too great and treasure every fleeting smile she sends your way.
    iii. she is a wonder to you whether she is faltering or fearless, whether she is lost or lordly— oh, you love her all the same. you do not ask for more than you deserve, no, you dare not presume for she is a queen and you are no consort but sometimes, when she thinks you cannot see her gaze upon you is tender, so very sweet that you cannot help your quiet hope.
    iv. you stand by her in times of great beauty and times of great grief, you are there for her triumphs and her crushing defeats. you cannot tell if you love her more when she is a sunlit blaze on the battlefield, exuding an unattainable, otherworldly grace or when she heaves a sigh after a long day, runs calloused fingers through her hair, weariness lining her face (but then your love never truly fluctuates.)
    v. she holds your hand as the stars fall and again as the world burns. you grasp her like a lifeline every time and ignore your hungering heart. enough, you think, as you feel her fingertips soft against your skin, this is more than enough.
    lionheart, amrita c.

  11. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2015 8:27pm UTC
    We have been lost to each other for so long. My name means nothing to you. My memory is dust.
    This is not your fault, or mine. The chain connecting mother to daughter was broken and the word passed to the keeping of men, who had no way of knowing. That is why I became a footnote, my story a brief detour between the well-known history of my father, Jacob, and the celebrated chronicle of Joseph, my brother. On those rare occasions when I was remembered, it was as a victim. Near the beginning of your holy book, there is a passage that seems to say I was ráped and continues with the bloody tale of how my honor was avenged.
    It's a wonder that any mother ever called a daughter Dinah again. But some did. Maybe you guessed that there was more to me than the voiceless cipher in the text. Maybe you heard it in the music of my name: the first vowel high and clear, as when a mother calls to her child at dusk; the second sound soft, for whispering secrets on pillows.

  12. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2015 8:18pm UTC
    there is a man i know, seventeen years, he never spoke. guessed he had nothing to say; he opened his mouth on judgement day.

  13. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2015 10:44pm UTC
    oh lord, oh lord, what have i done? i've fallen in love with a man on the run. oh lord, oh lord, i'm begging you please. don't take that sinner from me.

  14. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2015 1:09pm UTC
    I want to fly. my eyes are like a little bird's, a bit afraid. my eyes are like a little bird's, a bit ashamed. i'm flying so far away, soon we'll play another game.

  15. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2015 1:06pm UTC
    But, as for hell,
    i just never did believe
    Amenah's format

  16. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2015 1:04pm UTC
    my friend makes rings, she swirls and sings. she's a mystic in the sense that she's still mystified by things.

  17. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2015 10:07pm UTC
    dear samson,
    i put your hair
    in a jar
    by the old pear tree near the well.
    i been thinkin'
    over what i done
    and i still don't think
    God gave you all that strength
    for you to kill
    my people.
    love, delilah
    carole c. gregory
    "love letter"

  18. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2015 3:45pm UTC
    Explaining my depression to my mother: a conversation
    Mom, my depression is a shape shifter. Ond day it is as small as a firefly in the palm of a bear. The next it's the bear. On those days I play dead until the bear leaves me alone.
    I call the bad days "the dark days". Mom says, "Try lighting candles". When I see a candle I see the flesh of a church, the flicker of a flame, the sparks of a memory younger than noon, I am standing beside her open casket. It is the moment I learn every person I ever come to know will someday die.
    Besides, mom, I'm not afraid of the dark. Perhaps that's part of the problem.
    Mom says, "I thought the problem was that you can't get out of bed." I can't. Anxiety holds me a hostage inside of my house, inside of my head.
    Mom says, "Where did anxiety come from?" Anxiety is the cousin from out of town depression felt obligated to bring to the party. Mom, I am the party only I am a party I don't want to be at.
    Mom says, "Why don't you try going to actual parties? See your friends?" Sure, I make plans. I make plans, but I don't want to go. I make plans because I should want to go, I know sometimes I would have wanted to go, it's just it's not that much fun having fun when you don't want to have fun, mom.
    You see, mom, each night insomnia sweeps me up in his arms, dips me in the kitchen in the small glow of the stovelight. Insomnia has this romantic way of making the moon feel like perfect company. Mom says, "Try counting sheep" but my mind can only count reasons to stay awake so I go for walks. But my stuttering kneecaps clank like silver spoons held in strong arms with loose wrists. They ring in my ears like clumsy church bells remind me tha tI am sleepwalking on an ocean of happiness I cannot baptize myself in.
    Mom says, "Happy is a decision". But my happiness is as hollow as a pin pricked egg. My happy is a high fever that will break.
    Mom says I am so good at making something out of nothing and then flat out asks me if I am afraid of dying.
    No! I am afraid of living!
    Mom, I am lonely! I think I learned how, when dad left, how to turn the angry into lonely, the lonely into busy. So when I tell you I've been super busy lately I mean I've been falling asleep watching SportsCenter on the couch to avoid going confronting the empty side of my bed but my depression always drags my back to my bed until my bones are the forgotten fossils of a skeleton sunken city, my mouth a boneyard of teeth broken from biting down on themselves, the hollow auditorium of my chest swoons with echoes of a heartbeat. But I am a careless tourist here. I will never truely know everwhere I have been.
    Mom still doesn't understand.
    Mom, can't you see? That neither can I.
    Sabrina Benaim

  19. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2015 11:25am UTC
    Here in America and every single state they have a set of standards for every subject, a collection of lessons that the teacher's required to teach by the end of the term. But the greatest lessons you will ever teach us will not come from your syllabus. The greatest lesssons you will ever teach us you will not even remember.
    You never told us what we weren't allowed to say. We just learned how to hold our tongues.
    Now somewhere in America there is a child holding a copy of Catcher in the Rye and there is a child holding a gun. But only one of these things have been banned by their state government and, it's not the one that can rip through flesh, it's the one that says "F You" on more pages than one.
    Because we must control what people say. how they think. And if they want to become the overseer of their own selves then we'll show them a real one.
    And somewhere in America there is a child sitting at his mother's computer reding the home page of the KKK's website and that's open to the public. But that child will never read To Kill a Mockingbird because his school has banned it for it's use of the n-word.
    Maya Angelou is prohibited because we're not allowed to talk about rápe in school. We are taught that just because something happens doesn't mean we are to talk about it.
    They build us brand new shopping malls so we'll forget where we're really standing -- on the bones of the Hispanics, on the bones of the slaves, on the bones of the Native Americans, on the bones of those who fought just to speak.
    Transcontinental railroads to Japanese internment camps. There are things missing from our history books. But we were taught that it is better to be silent than to make them uncomfortable.
    Somewhere in America private school girls search for hours through boutiques trying to find the prom dress of their dreams while kids on the south side spend hours searching through the lost and found 'cause winter's coming soon and that's the only jacket they have.
    Kids are late to class for working the midnight shift. They give awards for best attendance but not for keeping your family off the streets.
    These kids will call your music ghetto. They will tell you you don't talk right. Then they'll get in the backseat of a car with all their friends singing how they're "'bout that life" and "we can't stop".
    Somewhere in America schools are promoting self confidence while they whip out their scales and shout out your body fat percentage in class. Where the heftier girls are hiding away and the slim fit beauties can't help but giggle with pride.
    The preppy kids go thrift shopping beause they think it sounds fun. But we go 'cause that's all we've got money for 'cause mama works for the city; mama only gets paid once a month.
    Somewhere in America a girl is getting felt up by a grown man on a subway. She's still in ther school uniform and that's part of the appeal. It's hard to run in knee socks and Mary Janes and all her male teachers know it, too.
    Coaches cover up star players ráping freshmen after the dance. Women are killed for rejecting a date but God forbid I bring my girlfriend to prom.
    A girl is blackout drunk at the after party. Take a picture before her wounds waker her. How many pixels is your sanity worth?
    What's a 4.0 to a cold jury?
    What'd you learn in class today? Don't talk loud, don't speak loud, keep your hands to yourself, keep your head down. Keep your eyes on your own paper. If you don't know the answer fill in C.
    Always wear earbuds when you ride the bus alone. If you think that someone's following you pretend you're on the phone.
    A teacher never fails. Only you do.
    Every state in America.
    The greatest lessons are the ones you don't remember learning.
    Belissa Escobedo
    Rhiannon McGavin
    Zariya Allen

  20. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2015 11:37pm UTC
    Format coded by Amenah. Please don't remove this or any visible credit.
    And you know,
    you know, you know it's 'cause you're beautiful. YOU SAY YOU'RE NUMB INSIDE
    but i can't agree. so the world's unfair. keep it locked out there.


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