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Member Since: 29 Mar 2010 09:00pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 104798

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Hello I am Steven. I am a soon to be college student. I am going to be be a music journalist. It has always been my dream to interview bands and learn something new about the music that I love. I am happily taken my fiance named Sarah. She is a great girl and she treats me with respect even though my music obsession is a bit much.(laughs). She been extremely nice to me and I do mean EXTREMELY. She gave me a lot of my favorite CDS, band t-shirts, magazines, and lots of candy.(yummy/munch).She is my world and no one can replace her in my life. I am also a music addict. I memorized every track of every CD album I own as well the released date,band members and genre. I love music since I was young. Music been one of the forces that drives me to do things. Music is my poison of choice. Music is more then just a fad. In fact music is my religion some would say. Music to me can heal someone that is damage and is a friend you can count one when you need someone to laugh,cry, and be angry with. I am heavily into the Gothic music scene as well the industrial one and metal. I love these genres because they genres that has the most influence over me even though they are somewhat enemies of one another. I am a huge supporter of metal blade records, metropolis, celoptra, nuclear blast, and century media. These record labels and the bands they produce show that no matter how many radio stations do not play their music they are adored everywhere somewhere in a country.
  1. Gothic_raven15 Gothic_raven15
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2010 11:06pm UTC
    Fall away from me
    verse one:
    the things that we said
    can never be undo
    they are etching into our hearts
    a new kind of heartache
    verse two:
    We dance around the lie
    that we hate each other now
    but there was a time
    when we could laugh and play
    verse three:
    i see your tears
    falling to the ground
    Just to let you know
    I am right here next to you
    repeating verse:
    You are so away form me
    so far away from me
    I can not hold on to you any more
    i can not stop your fall. your fall away from me
    verse four:
    I can not talk to you
    for i might start to tear up again
    all these emotions
    can no longer be bottle up
    verse five:
    they need an escape
    they need a touch from you
    only you can take the top off
    and release them from their cell
    repeating verse
    You are so away form me
    so far away from me
    I can not hold on to you any more
    i can not stop your fall. your fall away from me
    If you fall today
    so will i
    I never let you go
    and let you fall away from me
    verse six:
    The world passes us by
    with fading memories
    we hold each other tight
    as we fall away, fall away from the world
    repeating verse:
    You are so away form me
    so far away from me
    I can not hold on to you any more
    i can not stop your fall. your fall away from me
    repeating verse
    You are so away form me
    so far away from me
    I can not hold on to you any more
    i can not stop your fall. your fall away from me
    If you fall today
    so will i
    I never let you go
    and let you fall away from me
    Last verse:
    fall away, from me
    fall away, from me
    fall away, from me
    I wont let you fall away from me

  2. Gothic_raven15 Gothic_raven15
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2010 10:54pm UTC
    Dead House
    Verse One:
    The breeze is blowing hard, tonight
    While darkness consumes the light
    I don’t think she is coming back home, again
    But she is still mine
    Verse Two:
    She had gone, far away
    But I feel she is still in this hallway
    Waiting for me to kiss her
    Because she knows, I am waiting for her
    Repeating Verse:
    In this house, house of the dead
    Love here never dies
    Even if you do
    Memories that are stuck in your head
    Are the ones that you can never leave behind
    And the memories, will never forget about you
    Dead House
    Verse three:
    Her warm embrace, is never to be found
    Her heartfelt laughter, I will never forget that sound
    I know she is never coming back again
    But she is still mine
    Verse Four:
    I still feel her in my bed
    Her hand touching the side of my head
    Waiting me to see her
    Because she knows, I am dying to see her
    Repeating Verse:
    In this house, house of the dead
    Love here never dies
    Even if you do
    Memories that are stuck in your head
    Are the ones that you can never leave behind
    And the memories, will never forget about you
    Dead House
    Verse Five:
    She is lost in this house
    In this dead house
    I don’t know if the house is dead
    Or the feelings in my heart
    Verse Six:
    No one can take her place
    And no one has her face
    That shines in the night
    Which brings me back to life
    Repeating Verse:
    In this house, house of the dead
    Love here never dies
    Even if you do
    Memories that are stuck in your head
    Are the ones that you can never leave behind
    And the memories, will never forget about you
    Dead House
    Repeating Verse:
    In this house, house of the dead
    Love here never dies
    Even if you do
    Memories that are stuck in your head
    Are the ones that you can never leave behind
    And the memories, will never forget about you
    Dead House

  3. Gothic_raven15 Gothic_raven15
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2010 9:11pm UTC
    Verse One
    Long live the dying heart
    That was torn apart
    So many years ago
    May it heal and grow once again
    Verse Two
    Don't let the person that hurt you
    Bring you down from your cloud
    And strip you of your halo
    For I am forever with you
    Repeating Verse
    Never say never for it lasts forever
    I Know it is scary
    Especially with all that pain you carry in your heart
    Your heart is sinking deeper
    Into the deep dark abyss
    Don't worry I won't let you drown
    I will save you and put you back on solid ground
    Verse three
    You think no one hears you silent S.O.S
    But I do loud and clear
    And you know deep inside your heart
    That rescue is on his way
    Verse four
    It is hard for you to take your next breath
    I know because I see you gasping for air
    The abyss is filling up your lungs
    Just hold on a little longer for me to come
    Repeating Verse
    Never say never for it lasts forever
    I Know it is scary
    Especially with all that pain you carry in your heart
    Your heart is sinking deeper
    Into the deep dark abyss
    Don't worry I won't let you drown
    I will save you and put you back on solid ground
    Repeating Verse
    Never say never for it lasts forever
    I Know it is scary
    Especially with all that pain you carry in your heart
    Your heart is sinking deeper
    Into the deep dark abyss
    Don't worry I won't let you drown
    I will save you and put you back on solid ground
    Verse Five
    I know if I was a better man
    And told you everyday that I love you
    You might believe me
    You might stay with me
    Verse six
    I am going to save you
    I am going to save you
    I am never going to let you go
    For I love you, For I love you
    Repeating Verse
    Never say never for it lasts forever
    I Know it is scary
    Especially with all that pain you carry in your heart
    Your heart is sinking deeper
    Into the deep dark abyss
    Don't worry I won't let you drown
    I will save you and put you back on solid ground
    Repeating Verse
    Never say never for it lasts forever
    I Know it is scary
    Especially with all that pain you carry in your heart
    Your heart is sinking deeper
    Into the deep dark abyss
    Don't worry I won't let you drown
    I will save you and put you back on solid ground
    Final Verse
    Never say never
    For it lasts forever
    Don't worry I won't let you drown
    I will save you and put you back on solid ground


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