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Member Since: 25 Apr 2011 10:09pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 169149

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made this account for story writing purposes only
hope you enjoy !(:

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Rain On Roses

  1. Forever_Loved Forever_Loved
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2011 12:09am UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. Forever_Loved Forever_Loved
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2011 1:59am UTC
    i want to know what you think of it (:
    Rain On Roses

  3. Forever_Loved Forever_Loved
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2011 2:30pm UTC
    please check out my story, everyone(:

  4. Forever_Loved Forever_Loved
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2011 1:56pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. Forever_Loved Forever_Loved
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2011 1:39pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. Forever_Loved Forever_Loved
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2011 12:49am UTC
    Rain On Roses
    Chapter Four
    I walked out into the foggy afternoon. I started to walk towards the direction of Miranda's house. Her parents both leave for work at around this time. I reached for the front steps of her private house. I looked to my right and dug into the soil of an undeveloped plant, in search of the hidden key. I held up the key & inserted it into the lock. The smell of roses filled her house as i opened the door. It was vacant. I texted Miranda stating I was staying for the night. I instantly got a text back from her saying: okay bbygirl :* i heard what happened & im coming to stop myself from smashing his head into pieces. How that get around so fast ? i thought. Five minutes later Miranda opened her door to find me laying on her leather couch. "Kat !" she yelled and came over to me. She sat down and put my head in her arms. I cried and tried to get all my emotions out as she was holding me tight, close to her chest. She said, "Shh mama, shh" as i calmed down. Finally i layed quiet on her chest & looked into her eyes. I was just so relieved i had a friend like her, reassuring, confronting, understanding & loyal. We held our stare for about a minute. Her light brown eyes glowing, her black hair sticking to her face, her bangs just above her eyes. I sat up next to her, still admiring, when all of a sudden, i kissed her.

  7. Forever_Loved Forever_Loved
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 11:32pm UTC
    Rain On Roses
    Chapter Three
    Brown eyes, dark brown hair, Hispanic, full lips, plain old me. My grades are about average but i figured im dropping since my math teacher tells me to see the school tutor during lunch. I bet its cause Hector is distracting me. Ugh, now i basically have to starve untill i get home. Something tell me to skip this tutor crap but i dont for some instinct. Im about to reach the staircase heading down when i see Hector sitting against the wall after the first set of stairs. It looks like hes waiting for something. Just as im about to yell "Babe !" my jaw drops instead. A girl rushes over to Hector and gets to her knees, being at the same level as Hector. Her hands went behind his head and their faces collided. I watched in horror as Hector moaned and the movement of their heads continued. Water filled my eyes. I bit the inside of my cheek and start to run down the stairs. They both stopped kissing and looked at me in surprise. As i came, they tried to get on their feet but i was too fast. I grabbed the girl by her hair and threw her into the handle rail. Then i held out my hand and slapped Hector across his face. "How could you ?!" i yelled. I ran down the next set of stairs and past the exit doors with tears streaming down my face. Thoughts raced in my head. I started to calmly walk away from the building like a fire drill.

  8. Forever_Loved Forever_Loved
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 10:57pm UTC
    Rain On Roses
    Chapter Two
    Living in an apartment in West Side Bronx and taking the subway to school isnt necessarily rich, but we survive. After i drop off my "Little Booger" at school, i start heading my own way. You know its my school when a bunch of teens are hanging out in groups in front of it. Theres some boy groups and some girl groups, while others are mixed. Most of them are cussing or talking in spanish. Some are just yelling or laughing. I try to find my best friend when i feel arms around my waist & a head on my shoulder. Hector. Immediately i feel the rush of heat on my cheeks from blushing. "Hi baby," he says casually. Hector has been through tons of girls but i have a feeling i must be different. "Babe, oh my god i missed you so much !" I put my arms around his neck, feeling his soft black hair. Its been two months and i still feel the sizzle when we kiss. "Uh excuse me." i hear my best friend Miranda say, pushing through crowds to get through. I let go of Hector quickly because i know Miranda isnt a big fan of him. I mean Hector HAS cheated on me but i gave him another chance because i love him & he loves me. He said he was extremley sorry anyway. "Oh hell no, move out the way pendejo. She needs a real hug from her girly," Miranda yells to Hector. Hector knows not to say anything smart back. He watches as we hug and walk off. I turn around to give him an "Im sorry" wave before we enter the school. The day was about to start officially.

  9. Forever_Loved Forever_Loved
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 10:30pm UTC
    Rain On Roses
    Chapter One
    *Beep, beep, bee-*
    I turn off my alarm with a small grunt. i would've set my alarm for five more minutes because i was tired, but not today. Last night i decided to stay up, reading past conversations on aim and texts. First with friends, all the laughs & memories. The problems and pointless discussions. Then it changed to someone else, Hector. The best boyfriend a girl could ever have. Every five minutes he'll say "ily" or "i love you Kathy.<3" The butterflies wont stop *flutter flutter*. i walked a few steps to my bathroom. My little sister was still sleeping and my mom was at work. Typical. My mom is a single mother, since her and her husband divorced when i was small and my mom was pregnant with Ashley. Never will i call my moms exhusband my father after hurting my mom. He knows that too. i hop in the shower & start to jam to my favorite song. Today was Friday and i was getting down.


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