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Member Since: 19 Jan 2012 06:06pm

Last Seen: 27 Sep 2012 10:05pm

user id: 265404

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This account where I just vent about life and it's challenges..

Follow my other pages: Smallzx88

  1. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 4:04pm UTC
    I don’t get it. Best friends don’t talk to each other like this…. I mean if you’d even call us best friends anymore. I don’t understand how you can be so mean to someone who hasn’t done anything wrong. I trusted you. I trusted that you would always be there for me and wouldn’t hold anything against me. I trusted you that you were always honest with me. All that trust has been broken. It sucks so much. There’s a piece of you that I just can’t let go of. I don’t know what it is. I swear I still love you. I don’t understand why though. All you do is break me down. Maybe it’s because you actually listen to my problems and help me deal with them. I don’t know. None of my friends like you and they all tell me to stop talking to you because they see how upset you make me. I wish it was easy to let you go, but it’s not. It’s not easy at all. You’re like my addiction. I need you. You know how people say actions speak louder than words? Well I think that’s one of my problems. I have to trust every word you say because it’s impossible right now for me to see your actions. It’s so hard. I can’t let you go but you do nothing for me. You drive me crazy but without you I swear I’m lost. I just don’t know how much more of your hate I can take.

  2. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2012 7:14pm UTC
    Singing carelessly to Taylor Swift's,
    We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,
    with my ex was honestly the best feeling ever...

  3. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2012 12:50am UTC
    No, people cut themselves because they want sympathy from other people and themselves but they're too afraid to kill themselves
    Not at all. Not when you're trying to cut so deep and youre passed out on the floor bleeding to death. People cut because they're angry, and they are numb, and all they want to do is feel something but they don't want to hurt anyone so they inflict the hurt and pain onto them self. I've been that person. So don't tell me it's to seek attention because that's f/cking b/llshit.

  4. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2012 12:41am UTC
    No, people cut themselves because they want sympathy from other people and themselves but they're too afraid to kill themselves
    Not at all. Not when you're trying to cut so deep and youre passed out on the floor bleeding to death. People cut because they're angry, and they are numb, and all they want to do is feel something but they don't want to hurt anyone so they inflict the hurt and pain onto them self. I've been that person. So don't tell me it's to seek attention because that's f/cking b/llshit.

  5. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 12:45am UTC
    My Life.
    I hate all of the way my life has changed.
    My mom doesn't tell me she loves me anymore, she never gives me hugs or tells me good night. She hides things from me and drinks even though she knows she isn't supposed to. She doesn't even talk to me like I'm her daughter. Instead, she swears at me at yells at me for little things...such as closing a door. She even yells at my little cousins. She barely makes any time for me..ever. I miss the old mom I had.
    My dad is so caught up in his new wife and son that he puts them before me and sometimes I don't think he realizes how much what he does, effects me. I know he tries, but I just wish he could try without her.
    And then there is my sister. She was so beautiful and she had so much going for her. Now she is into drugs, smoking, and alcohol. I can't go to her anymore when I have problems. She was my best friend, but I don't agree with what she is doing with her life and to be honest, I don't want to be apart of her new lifestyle.
    Then there's me. A total mess in disguise, trying to make everyone happy. I try my hardest to predict my mom's next move...or mood, so that I can avoid a scolding. I'm trying to show my dad how "happy" I am with everything that he is "doing" for me. I'm trying to be there for my sister because I know that I'm all she has left. Infact, I'm all that anyone has left and it just sucks. I know that if I were to leave my mom, she would go downhill and possibly attempt suicide...again. I just need to keep this smile on my face and make myself look happy through all of these tears.

  6. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2012 5:57pm UTC
    Nag nag nag nag nag nag nag. Nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag, nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag, nag. Nag nag nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag nag. Nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag, nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag, nag. Nag nag nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag nag. Nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag, nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag, nag. Nag nag nag nag nag.Nag nag nag nag nag nag nag. Nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag, nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag, nag. Nag nag nag nag nag.Nag nag nag nag nag nag nag. Nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag, nag nag nag. Nag nag nag nag nag nag, nag. Nag nag nag nag nag.
    I just thought I should write you a letter in your language, Maybe you'll understand better.
    ~You're loving step daughter,

  7. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2012 9:42pm UTC
    My Step Mom
    Today I heard you over talking with our neighbor how us kids are taking your pregnancy. You said that I was dealing with it just fine and then you went about explaining how the other FOUR kids felt about it. Little do you know, everytime I see a family with a newborn, I cringe, knowing that soon I will have a little brother. Knowing that soon my dad won't be just mine. Knowing that you and me will be attached forever. Knowing that there is no escaping this family anymore. I cringe knowing that my life will never be the same again. Yeah, I'm dealing with it just fine. I'm glad you know me SO well Michelle.

  8. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 10:34pm UTC
    When I have an opportunity to do one thing, just ONE thing to make myself the least bit happier, it destroys others. I can't please everyone. But right now the most important person to please is myself. I deserve it. I've spent the past 2.5 years living in Hell and faking smiles, just to please others. Now's my turn to be a bit selfish.

  9. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2012 7:49pm UTC
    Last year, late summer, early fall, I was so numb. I couldn't feel anything. I wasn't happy, nor sad, I was just there. My mind was blank. My body still. My feelings numb. My life was just stuck. I wanted to feel something so of course, I turned to my razor. I put the razor to my wrist. I told my friend that I was going to do it. He stopped me. For a few weeks he would check my wrists to make sure I didn't hurt myself. Eventually, I attempted it again. I didn't do it though. I couldn't hurt myself. My feelings started to come back. I was so sad. I felt so alone. So unwanted. Like a nuisance. As silly as it sounds, I turned to music. It was always there when no one else was. It wasnt't going to leave. It wasn't going to judge me.
    I'm still not as happy as I used to be. But I'm feeling again. I can finally say that "I'm fine." and actually mean it.

  10. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 10:42pm UTC
    You used me, didn't you? You used me so that you could get back with her. Guess what? My stupid self fell for you. I fell for you HARD. But now that I think back on everything that has happened to us, it makes me think that you just used me. I mean, who would want to date me? Especially when I live so far away. I know why I wanted to date you. But that's besides the point. It makes sense though. We dated. We broke up. We dated again. We broke up. We started talking and when I told you the truth, you told me a lie that I could never forget. You hurt me. But I get it. You made her jealous. You got what you wanted. Then when we dated again...and then broke up, you dated her again. You GOT HER BACK. But silly me, I stayed by your side. I helped you through your tears when she screwed you over. You got what you wanted. You got her, and you pushed me away(mentally). Physically I felt that I needed to stay by your side just to keep you. You still tell me that you love me. But is it because it will get her jealous? Is that why you tell her? Or do you really mean it? I'm starting to second guess you know. I don't know if I should trust you. I'm afraid that you are going to lie again. I'm afraid that this whole thing is just a lie. I don't know if you know about this account(which is why I'm posting this on here), but just in case you are reading this, please, please, PLEASE, help me out here. Tell me the truth. Do you love me? What do you want from me? Do you still love her? I'm so stuck. A few months ago, you told me not to give up on you. I'm starting to give up. I'm trying so hard to re kindle the flame. It's just not working. I hate it. I know what I want. And that's you. I want to see you. I want to hug you. I want to do EVERYTHING with you. I imagine it ALL the time. It seems so perfect inside my crazy mind. Just please tell me what you want. All I know is that I want you, and I love you so much.
    You're literally my best friend.

  11. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2012 1:30am UTC
    I'm writing this not knowing what I'm even going to write about. I'm just going to write what goes on in my head all day.
    So my dad keeps telling me, "You will get out of this, whatever you put into it." I don't think he understands that this is NOT what I want, which is why I don't put much effort into any of this. I have nothing to get out of this. And then you have my step mom who won't let my sister see her step siblings because she can't trust her. She thinks that my sister is going to get violent because my sister had to go to a mental hospital EIGHT months ago. My sister is so much happier than she was before. The problem is that my step mom only knew my sister for not even a year when that happened. My step mom doesn't know my sister. She needs to give my sister a chance so that she can be happy again. I don't think anyone really realizes how depressed this all makes me. I always tell them that I'm fine and they believe which makes me even more sad. They don't know the things I think about. My friends don't even know. Hannah you might know now if you are reading this. Hi if you are. But anyways, lately I have been thinking about what I would do if I were to commit suicide. Like my last goodbyes. Here is what I would do. I would write an individual letter to like EVERYONE I knew and I would make a list of who I would want to have some of my things. The absolute last thing I would do is call my friend Josh. I would spill my heart out to him and tell him everything and then I would let him talk and then I would be done. Hang up, and be done. I wouldn't ever commit suicide though. I'm afraid to do it. It's just that I think about it often and I wish I didn't.
    Anyways, this is much longer than expected, so if you are still reading this, I love you so much.

  12. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2012 6:32pm UTC
    This NEEDS to end.
    Spread the word.

  13. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 10:27pm UTC
    SO my step mom is pregnant with my dads child...of course. I know I should be excited about it...and I am. But I'm also soo hurt. My dad was married to my mom for over twenty years before they divorced. Infact they just got divorced a little over a year ago. And my dad is already remarried with a kid on the way. This is too much change for me. A baby. I'm going to be a big sister. I'm going to be a half sister. I'm going to be a role model. My dad is going to be a dad again. I already have a sister who is 20. I'm 15. And I have a step brother and two step sisters. ANYWAYS, back to what I came here to write about, this baby. It's a boy and his name is Joseph William blah The Third. My dad is the second. I'm scared though. I'm scared that when this baby comes and I see my dad parenting his child, that I am GOING to break. I'm going to do something really bad. I have almost ran away multiple times. The last time was actually less than a week ago. I just don't know how much more change I can take. I am truly excited to have a baby in the family, but why me? Why my dad? Also my dad and his wife are 10 years apart. That's also hard for me. When I first found out that my step mom was expecting I started bawling uncontrolably. I just sat in a fetal position crying for about five minutes before I said anything. The first thing that I said was, 'That was the last thing that I wanted". I feel guilty saying that, but it's the truth. All I want if for things to be back the way they were.
    My parents married. Me happy. My sister happy. No change.
    (I'm calling the baby 'JayDubs' which is why this is called, "JayDubs")

  14. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 7:23pm UTC
    Say What!?
    A few years back I was with my parents and my sister on a vacation on our boat. My parents got in a fight..of course, and we were on our little boat on our way back to our big boat. It was just me, my dad and my mom. My dad threatend my mom that he was going to puch her off of the boat. I was so scared. I was crying and screaming. Trying to get them to stop. When we got to the dock, I threw up twice because I was SO upset. My dad left the little boat and started walking into the city. I kept screaming at him, telling him to come back. I was afraid that he would never come back. That I would no longer have a dad. He came back when he heard me, but my mom told him to get away from me. He left. Me and my mom got our things and walked back to our boat. I was still crying in fear. I told my mom that I want to see them hug. When we got back to out boat, I went in my bedroom. &sure enough a little while later my mom called my name and I looked out of my bedroom to see my parents hugging. If only that would have permanently saved their relationship.

  15. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 7:15pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 6:45pm UTC
    I'm not going to finish my story. Instead, on this account, I'm going to vent. Write about past experiences or current experiences. If you can relate or just wanna talk, comment!(:

  17. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2012 7:08pm UTC
    &Here's Mine
    Chapter Two
    As my dad was hiding in the closet, me and my sister were on the phone with 911. The woman on the other line was asking us if there were any weapons in the house. There were. We had guns, but no ammo, so we were fine. The woman told us to lock the door to my sister's bedroom, so we did. Then all of a sudden, right after we locked the door, we heard my drunken mother try to get in. I started to shake. She kept telling us to open the door. We knew she wanted one thing. My dad. My sister ran to the door, grabbed her knife that was sitting on her dresser, and kept telling my mom to go away. Eventually we heard my mother storm off. We could hear her loud footsteps in her bedroom above us. We heard the sink start to run. We figured that she figured out that we had the cops on the line. That's when the lady on the line told us that the cops had arrived, but to stay in my sisters bedroom. We could hear my mom running to the other side of the house. The cops. They were here.

  18. EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory EveryoneHasTheirOwnStory
    posted a quote
    January 19, 2012 10:28pm UTC
    &Here's Mine
    Chapter One
    September 10, 2009. That was the day that changed my life. The day when I became a lost little girl. The day that turned my world upside down. I was only twelve years old. I was sitting at the dinner table, while having a normal conversation with my family. I asked my parents if I could have three friends come up to our boat that weekend. My dad said one or none but my mom said that it was fine. Of course after a few hours past, my parents started to fight. It wasn't just an argument, it was a fight. But it was normal for them to fight like this. I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep while listening to my alcoholic mother scream at my dad. I don't know how, but my dad was able to sneak away from her wrath and he came into my room and went on the top bunk of my bunk bed to hide from her. A few minutes went by. I just layed there as still as could be. I was scared. I didn't know what to do. My mom came into my room. She was searching my top bunk. My heart began to race. What would she do if she saw him? Luckily, she was too intoxicated to find him. When she left my room, I ran to my older sisters room. I asked her if I could sleep with her. She let me. This was pretty normal for us so we just tried to fall asleep. After about five minutes, my dad ran into my sister's room and told us to call 911. We thought he was joking. But he kept telling us too. He hid in the closet. We called 911.


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