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Member Since: 24 Feb 2012 12:46pm

Last Seen: 5 Apr 2013 05:12pm

user id: 277409

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  1. DumDah DumDah
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2013 5:20pm UTC
    We'll take you to a place
    where dreams come true
    and tears fall
    Welcome to Rosewood College. The prestigious college, providing studies for a selection of subjects and giving great chances for career opportunities. Come here, to follow your dreams. Arrive and settle in to our array of luxurious houses, here on campus. We hold classes and courses for all sorts of career ideas. Come here to find one or pursue the one you've chosen. The high efficianado university. Welcome to Rosewood, where dreams come true and tears fall ...
    Once you have arrived you will be assigned a house, there are overall five beautiful houses for the female, and one for the male. In this stunning selection of accomodation you will have a room-mate of your own choice. A room-mate is mandatory as you will dine together and take part in certain activities with your mate as your partner. You will share a grand room, with a king size bed for you each, a wardrobe each and an en-suite each. All the house occupants will share one large closet already half-filled with rare and expensive garments from the biggest brands worldwide.
    There are twelve occupants per house and 3 complimentary cars for travel. You will travel with your room-mate all the time, no matter where they need to go, and another pair of housemates. As four per car.
    The Houses; [in order]
    - L a u r e n t i u s H o u s e
    - A q u i l a r i u s H o u s e
    - O l i v i a n u i s H o u s e
    - C a e c i l i u s H o u s e
    - C a s s i a n u i s H o u s e
    - T e r e n t i u s H o u s e
    (c) singerdemi

  2. DumDah DumDah
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2013 1:36pm UTC
    Rosewood School
    because we are here for you. . .
    "the highly prestigious school!"
    We are currently taking in new students, enrollments will be published momentarily, so please be patient.
    The houses;
    (in order of popularity)
    ♥ Laurentius House
    ♥ Aquilarius House
    ♥ Olivianus House
    ♥ Caecilius House
    ♥ Cassianus House
    ♥ Terentius House
    © singerdemi

  3. DumDah DumDah
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2012 4:25pm UTC
    We'll take you to a place
    where dreams come true
    and tears don't fall
    Welcome to Rosewood College. The prestigious college, providing studies for a selection of subjects and giving great chances for career opportunities. Come here, to follow your dreams. Arrive and settle in to our array of luxurious dormitories, here on campus. We hold classes and courses for all sorts of career ideas. Come here to find the one or pursue the one you've chosen. The high efficianado university. Welcome to Rosewood, where dreams come true and tears don't fall . (Most of the time)..
    (c) singerdemi

  4. DumDah DumDah
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2012 4:13am UTC
    Huge Breaking News"Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with Battery" ~LOL ♥
    Format: twilightgirl995

  5. DumDah DumDah
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2012 4:09am UTC
    Dangit. Damn... The Road to success, is ALWAYS UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

  6. DumDah DumDah
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 6:58am UTC
    Last night I lay in bed staring at the stars thinking, where the heckis the ceiling?

  7. DumDah DumDah
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 6:26am UTC
    Hey,Hate me?
    Go sit with the rest of the haters, waiting for me to..CARE [♥]

  8. DumDah DumDah
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2012 4:01pm UTC
    Note. You have to have Roleplaying Experience or I'll Ban You. Harsh? Trying to make a good club..
    Westwick Academy. New York
    When you walked through those shiny, steel gates, everything changed. You knew you were welcome. You walk up the sleek marble steps and sigh. A beautiful modern building appears before you, they're our school grounds. To your left is your dorms. A dozen big modern building, each building for another Clique. To your right is where you will take your classes. Before you is a big, luscious green area. Beautiful statues and seats make you comfortable. Behind the dtunning building before you is a lake, clearwater lake. Known for it's clearwater and warm feel. There is many places on Campus and we hope you enjoy it, if you survive.
    Here are our Clique's..
    ELITES [[ Invite Only ]]
    PLATINUMS [[ Invite Only ]]
    A-Team [[ Invite Only ]]
    Non- Invite Only Clique 's...
    A-Lister's ((Available))
    Vintage's ((Available))
    Plastic's ((Available))
    Socialite's ((Available))
    Mean Girl's ((Available))
    Sweetheart's ((Available))
    Prep's ((Available ))
    Unique's ((Available))
    Scene's ((Available))
    'Strive, and Survive.' ♥'
    singerdemi (c) Copy? I'll eat your cookies.


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