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Member Since: 19 Apr 2012 09:47pm

Last Seen: 22 Apr 2012 09:05pm

user id: 293587

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So, hey. 
I like to write storys. I have another account that is for quotes, But i'm not saying, sorry babes(:
But I am not a fantastic story writer...So just bare with me(: <3
Thank's for reading . (: <3
  1. DontSayGoodBye_StoryTime DontSayGoodBye_StoryTime
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2012 11:14am UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. DontSayGoodBye_StoryTime DontSayGoodBye_StoryTime
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2012 10:21pm UTC
    Going Somewhere? Chapter 1.
    ''I love you Adrianna.'' Tristen said, giving me a bracelet with 5 charms on it, for our 1 year anniversary of dating. He gently kissed me on the lips. ''I love you to Tristen.'' I said giving him a silver watch I had given him to.
    Today was the most perfect day I could have ever asked for I thought. I thought nothing could ruin it. But right after I got home from spending my whole day with Tristen, my mom and dad announced something. Something horrible.
    My mom and dad sat me and my sister, Annie down for a quick talk. After a few minutes of silence, my dad finally started to talk. ''This is never easy. As much as we hate to say this, but...Me and your mother haven't been getting along very well for the past few weeks, and well kids...it's time.'' My dad said. ''Time for what dad..?'' My sister Annie said, in fear. I looked at my mother, she instantly started to pour out tears. I put my head down and got up from the seat, and tried to run for the door. My mom, dad, and sister all looked at me. Quickly, I felt a hand grab my arm before I could run. My dad quickly forced me to sit down. ''Time for a divorce Annie....''My dad said. I could see tears in his eyes as well. Of course my sister was only 9. So she didn't really understand what was going on. But I saw tears stream down Annies face. Soon as I knew it, she got up, and started to scream. ''WHY?! DON'T YOU EVER THINK OF ANYONE, DID YOU NOT THINK OF WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO ME AND ADRIANNA? HUH?'' And the she ran off to her room, crying her eyes out. Then my mother and fathers eyes were on me. But I was now in tears, just sitting there staring at the bracelet Tristen had gotten me. I didn't move a limb. Until my mother got up, and went to Annie’s room. My dad's eyes were still on me. ''I'm sorry, but there is one other thing i need to tell you Adrianna....'' my dad said.. ''What now...?'' I said. After a few minutes he finally said ''I'm moving to Arizona next month..And..You are going with me.'' I sighed, I started to cry even harder, while saying ''I don't even have a say in it? I have a boyfriend here that I’ve been going out with for a year today, and I have friends as well!'' I just got up, and walked straight out the door to go on a walk, trying to forget everything. As hard as I was trying to forget, all I could think of what would happen to me and Tristen? Did I have the heart to tell him? Was I even going to? What about Allison?
    The next day at school was the worst. I barley talked to Allison or Tristen, I haven't had the heart to tell either of them. I was to scared of the results.
    after school, I walked home. When I got home, my mother was gone. And I saw my dad on the computer checking out the houses in Arizona. ''Is Annie staying here in Florida?'' It seemed like my dad didn't know I was home, he sort of jumped, like i scared him. ''Oh your home but yes. Mom agreed to take her. And I’m taking you to Arizona...Look, Adrianna, I’m sorry. But i just think your better off with me..Have you told Tristen or Allison yet?'' He said. I just stared at him. But then I said ''No...I didn't i don't think I can.'' Then, he didn't say anything. After a while of waiting for him to reply, i just gave up. And walked to my room. I sat down at my computer chair, and picked up my phone, staring at the messages between me and Tristen. The Tristen called me. I hesitated before i picked up, but then i did. ''Hello'' I said. ''Look, you barely talk to me today, why don't you come over here, and we can talk?'' i didn't answer him..''Hello? Adrianna...'' He said. ''Oh, okay. Uh okay. I'll be there in 20 minutes, bye.'' Then I hung up. What did I just do? Why couldn't I just have said I didn't feel well, or my dad said no. Some excuse I could have told him. I got up, and grabbed my purse, and entered the living room to leave. But before I could leave the house, my dad said ''Where are you going?'' I just sighed, ''Tristens..''I said. ''Oh, do you want a ride honey?'' He said. I just said no under my breath, and then I just left. . It only took me about 15 minutes to walk to Tristens house, but the whole walk there, I was practicing on what i was going to tell him.
    When I reached his front door, debating whether i should just run, or knock. Then as soon as i was walking away, the door open. ''s h i t' I thought to myself. He had a big smile on his face, and i was forcing a smile on my face. He took my hand, and led me into his house, and walked me to his bedroom.
    I sat down on his chair, as he sat on his bed. I just looked at him, and then as soon as i knew it, i started to cry, hard. He got up real quick and I stood up, and he took me into his arms, and held me. ''What's wrong Adrianna...?'' He asked, worried. I backed away, and said ''I got bad news.. ’’

  3. DontSayGoodBye_StoryTime DontSayGoodBye_StoryTime
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2012 10:10pm UTC
    Going Somewhere? Story. -
    Introducing the main Characters.
    1. Adrianna- 16 Year old Girl, Girlfriend of Tristen.
    2. Tristen- 16 Year old Boy, Boyfriend of Adrianna.
    3.Cassedy- 16 Year Old Girl, (new)Bestfriend of Adrianna, Girlfriend of Dominick.
    4.Dominick- 17 Year Old Boy, Bestfriend of Tristen, Boyfriend of Cassedy.
    5. Allison- (old)Bestfriend of Adrianna, 16 year old girl.
    -A little about the Story-
    Adrianna's mother and father had just gotten a divorce, not having a choice, Adrianna has to move to Arizona with her dad. Leaving behind her Mother, Cathy. Her bestfriend Allison, and her boyfriend Tristen all in Flordia. What all happens? What is she going to tell her bestfriend and her Boyfriend?
    Find out in the First story tomorrow . :)


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