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Member Since: 18 Aug 2010 10:13pm

Last Seen: 6 Mar 2012 01:37am

user id: 121423

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  1. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2011 8:48pm UTC
    I'm falling in love with my best friend and I don't know if I can take this emotional pain anymore.
    I don't know if I can stand the fact that she will never be mine.
    I don't think I can watch her like another guy.
    I'm falling head over heels for this girl, but I know I don't stand a chance.
    I mean...she's absolutely gorgeous and I'm just...not.
    Besides...what would a straight girl wanat to do with her bisexual friend?

  2. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2011 9:49pm UTC
    I'm so confused. I don't know what to do.
    I love my best friend. And I know I shouldn't. It's wrong...so wrong, but I can't help it.
    You're probably wondering, "what's so wrong about loving your best friend?"
    Well, when your best friend is a girl who likes guys, and you're a girl who likes girls(and guys)...well that's when all hell breaks lose.
    She knows absolutely everything about me, even that I like girls and guys when no one else knows. But when she asked me how I knew this...I didnt know what to say. I couldn't just tell her...it'd ruin everything.
    What the hell am I supposed to do? Keeping this to myself is killing me.
    Please, help me, I feel like I'm losing my mind over this. Thanks if you read this<3

  3. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2011 4:17pm UTC
    Hey Witty,
    I wanna know what you think about this.
    I'm going to this farewell dance with my crush. And I really want to tell him how I feel. I mean, it's a dream come true that he asked me to the dance in the first place, but I don't know how he'd react to me telling him I like him. What if it gets awkward and weird in the middle of the dance, what then? I want to be more than just his friend, but if that's all I will ever be to him than that's fine. But I don't want to ruin our friendship since it's been great for the past couple weeks.
    Should I tell him how I feel?
    Comment if you can help, Thanks -

  4. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2011 1:54pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 5:24pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2011 5:55pm UTC
    &+ Those days where you can't stand what's going on anymore and you just want to escape to Narnia

  7. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2011 7:06pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2011 6:13pm UTC
    It's like my own personal brand of heroine

  9. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2010 7:57pm UTC
    I hate how I get a new hair cut, and I end up looking like my oldest sisters twin. And now every guy thinks I'm hot. Yeah, I know, how is that a bad thing? Well its a bad thing because now I'm only being asked out because of my looks. The guy I like, likes me too and thinks I'm hot,bad thing is...all my friends like him. So even if I was asked out...I'd have to say no. I don't want to hurt them...but WHAT ABOUT ME? Why am I always the nice one, even when I'm not known to be one?
    Sorry, Vent/:
    Think you can help a girl out??

  10. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2010 8:22pm UTC
    Were you playing "How To Get A Girl To Like You In Ten Days"? Cause it worked. You got her to like you, maybe love you.
    But are you proud that you tricked her? Are you happy that you proved to her that guys are jerks? Are you glad you taught her not to trust? Are you proud that you hurt her just like every other guy already has?
    Well....ARE YOU?
    thats to the guy who hurt me and to many guys who may have hurt you.

  11. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2010 8:48pm UTC
    Confusing, but Amusing
    Sweet, but Annoying
    Adorable, but Intense.
    Stubborn, but Caring.
    Protective, but Incredulous
    He's Everything I Want and Everything I Need.
    I Just Wish He'd Want and Need Me Too</3

  12. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2010 2:00pm UTC
    My wish....
    My wish is to be standing alone at the dance, watching as HE walks over and asks to dance with me. To let me rest my head on his chest as he hold me close.
    My wish...
    My wish is to be able to call him MINE. <3

  13. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2010 8:49pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2010 8:32pm UTC
    Hey, Witty Girls, I need some help....
    I really like this guy right...and he's my best friend. He knows me better than anyone, but he completely loves one of my other friends who happens to be a...well she gets around. She'll never like him, she just likes the attention he gives her. I've helped him so many times with girls, and he has never noticed that i like him. until now. Appearently someone told him and now he tries to make me jealous. and it works. He constantly tells me he loves her, and lists everything he likes about her. He also plays with my feelings by yelling "i love you" to me, and trying to hug me. But he does this AFTER he flirts with her, and is a big jerk to me. I dont know what to do....
    oh, and i'm falling for my ex again. yup, the ex boyfriend who i loved... alot. he broke up with me, and it took me five maybe six months to get over him enough to be his friend again....well when i saw him on the first day back to school....i got that feeling again. the butterflies, the racing heart beat. I HATE IT. i know he'll never like me again, i just wish he did. everyone says we're always flirting, but i dont know. He hugged me a few days ago and he makes me sing "his song" to him every day. yeah, the song i wrote for him...it's nothing big just a few sentences of words that rhyme with his nickname. Maybe it's flirting, maybe not. i just know i love him still, and i dont know what to do about either boys.
    help me, i dont know what to do. SHould i just forget them both?? or not? PLease help...

  15. Baby_Asian Baby_Asian
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2010 10:28pm UTC
    i am super duper bored right now...does anyone have a story i can read? Comment if you do, i'd love to read it.


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