Witty Profiles

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  1. teenqueen143 teenqueen143
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 3:59pm UTC
    What I think when kids in my class read:
    • That's a PERIOD, NOT A COMMA
    • That's a COMMA, NOT A PERIOD
    • Why can't you pronounce that word?
    • Can I sleep?
    • If you can't read, why'd you raise your hand?
    • You can't pronounce THAT word?
    • Oh god not him, his voice sounds like a dying nail on a dying chalkboard
    • You skipped a line.
    • LOL what was that?
    • I don't even..

  2. kylaz323 kylaz323
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2012 4:11pm UTC
    You're annoying and rude. Bye.
    Did you just call me an accumulation of sand that covers the shore of a body of water? Ouch, I'm so hurt.

  3. lovelyblueeyes lovelyblueeyes
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2011 4:02pm UTC
    I'm Amy. It's short for Amelia. I am fourteen years of age. And of only fourteen years of living, I want it to be over. I want my life to be over. I cry myself to sleep every night. And not because of things that happen at school. It doesn't inlove school. It's summer. No. It's the things that at home that hurt the most.
    This is my story. This is my life.

  4. lovelyblueeyes lovelyblueeyes
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2011 4:23pm UTC
    Chapter One
    It was a typical Tuesday afternoon, I was in my room laying on my bed drawing in my sketchbook. I just got it last week, and already, there were tons of designs. Of course, I bought it myself. And the sharpie. I sighed at the sound of the rain, it was a nice sigh though, a relaxed one. I love the rain.
    "AMELIA!" my mom called, even though I preferred to by called Amy, I didn't request it from her though. "Your friend is here!"
    She said friend like stuck up people said "fat" or "poor".
    She hated my friends.. I only had three. I barely got to hang out with them, but me and Lucy were going to go to the book store. I grabbed my jacket and put on my uggs... Well, they weren't really uggs. They were just air walks.
    I got off of my white bed spread and left the marker open, to bleed ink.
    That was the worst mistake I ever made.
    * * * * * * * *
    An half and hour later, my mom called me, she sounded furious, "A.M.E.L.I.A."
    My hands started to shake, "Yes?"
    I tried to sound cool, I mean, Lucy was right there. I didn't want to burst out crying. She was totally unaware of what happened to me, and why I wore long sleeves all the time, even in the summer.
    I got a lump in my throat, and I managed to mumble, "I-I'-I'll be r-r-right th-the-there."
    She hung up, and I could just imagine her inhuman face all scrunched up as I got home. I turned to Lucy, who was starring at me, she looked concerned, "Are you okay..?"
    "Uhm, yeah.. I'm f-fine. I just need to go home ea-early. I'm s-sorry."
    What could I have done? I did nothing. My room was spotless. I did the dishes, I turned the TV off, I made sure everything was spotless for my parent's huge party tonight. What could I have done wrong?
    Then it stuck me.
    The marker.
    I dreaded going home. But I had too. If not, she would hunt me down.
    * * * * * * *
    As I guessed, I was correct. Her inhuman face, all scrunched up ready to met me when I opened the door.
    One of her arms were behind her backs as she grabbed my neck, dragging me into the living room. She pushed me onto the sofa.
    She revealed what was behind her back, and my eyes were in horror.
    And I started to lose it.
    More? Feedback please(:

  5. lovelyblueeyes lovelyblueeyes
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2011 4:43pm UTC
    Chapter Two
    Okay, it wasn't a weapon, but I'm pretty sure if anyone could make it one, it'd be the lady I called my "mom."
    It was the sharpie.
    "What the hell?!" she yelled. "Explain. NOW."
    "I... I thought I..."
    "Oh, you thought, huh?" She said in a mocking voice.
    "I..." I was speechless. And my heart was cringing.
    She threw the sharpie on the ground and started to slap me, she stopped for a brief moment, "Who do you think you are?! Doing that the night of my party?! Ucch. Great. Thanks! GO TO YOUR ROOM."
    Think that's bad? She's done much worse.
    * * * * * *
    I went to my room, and my older sister[by three years] came in, silently, she saw how red my left cheek was, she gasped. She hated seeing what our mom would do to me. She was always softer on Allison. But she was awful to both of us.
    "Are you okay?"
    I didn't answer. I just stood and starred at my stained bedspread.
    I turned to face Allison, "Allie. I have to."
    "Have to what..?" she looked worried.
    I looked out in the hall, making sure that the monster wasn't near. Or my dad. My dad was much kinder. But he was at work all the time, he never witnessed what happened. I bet he wouldn't allow it though.
    "Runaway." I whispered.
    "What?" Allison said, confused. And she inched back.
    "I have too. I don't want her always coming after me, Allie. You have to understand.." I paused. "Don't rat me out once I'm gone."
    Allison looked me right in the eyes. She spoke, "I'm coming."
    "What?" I said, shocked. "No."
    "you'll get farther with me, think about. I've been saving since I was six. I have the money, and the car, and my lincese. Yes."
    I thought it over. I slowly touched my cheek, as tears slid down my cheek, "Tonight during the party."
    * * * * * *
    Lemme explain the "party" that was going to happen tonight and how Allison's and I's plan worked out. Our dad would be here at four thirty. It was four. The guess would be here at five thirty. The party would go probably at least until midnight. Everyone would be crazy druunk. Our big house would be crowded. Me and Allison would escape during seven or eight.
    You know what bugs me the most about my mom? Not the beating.
    No. None of that. When people are here, her friends .. or witnesses, she acts perfect, sweet, charming. She's a different person.
    It's all an act.
    Just an act..

  6. lovelyblueeyes lovelyblueeyes
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2011 5:19pm UTC
    Chapter Three
    It was four thirty, and my dad was right on time, he greeted my mother on a kiss, and came over to hug me and Allison.
    "What happened to your cheek?" He asked.
    I glanced at my mother, who gave me a warning look, "Uhm, nothing.."
    "It looks like something," He insited.
    "Dad, really, it's n-nohing." I stuttered.
    "alright," he said, not wanting to drop the topic.
    "We need to get set up, for the party," My mom said, turning to my father. "Girls, go upstairs."
    We obeyed. Not really having a choice.
    "Okay." Allison instructed. "Get a small backpack. Understand?"
    "I'll get the money," she whispered. "You get what you need, okay? Personal items, but nothing too big."
    And with that, we started to pack. But my heart raced, like I was doing a druuugg. What if I got caught? What if we got caught? We'd be in huge trouble.. or killed.
    * * * * * *
    Finally, the guests were arriving, I smiled, and did the "perfect" daughter image my mom wanted us to do. She gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek--it was an act. An act for the guests.
    "You have such a great family!" Someone gushed to my mom.
    Yeah right.
    The place was packed by seven. It was time.
    I got Allison and grabbed my small messangers bag, I looked out for my parents. My mom was in the bathroom, and my dad was downstairs, talking to his buddies. We had exactly three minutes to leave.
    "You go first, outside, hide by the tree where my car is packed, I'll go exactly seven seconds after, if i'm not there then, something's happened. Okay?"
    I nodded. And slowly opened the door, under radar. I ran across to the tree.
    one, two, three, four, five, six...
    Allison still wasn't out here...
    Only one more second left.

  7. lovelyblueeyes lovelyblueeyes
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2012 4:49pm UTC
    Chapter Four
    I saw Allison's figure running to the car, "come on! mom was right on my trail!"
    She went into the driver's seat and I went into the passenger's.
    I saw our mom running out with a camera in her hand, I lost it, "GO!!"
    Allison drove better and crazier than ever before, she drove crazily fast.
    "I'LL GET YOU BRATS!" our mom threatened, but we were already gone, with the moonlight guiding the way.
    An half an hour later, we were on the highway.
    I swallowed, "She had a camera."
    "Yeah.." Allison said, focusing on driving.
    "What if the cops believe her? They'll take her word over ours. Anyone would."
    "Not if we have proof."
    "Which we don't."
    "Not any that you're aware of."
    Allison slowed down, "Listen, Amy, you're going to get maybe a little mad.."
    "What?" I was axnious now.
    "I would always record what mom did to you from a distance--"
    I interupted her, "What? Then why didn't you turn it into the cops?"
    "Because.. something in my gut told me not yet. It was a hutch."
    She paused, and sighed, "I took pictures of your bruises, remember? When you were sleeping.."
    "I'm sorry."
    I didn't know if I should freak out, or be happy, or just leave it at rest. I was sleepy, and worried. What if me and Allison were going to be one of those creepy hobos out on the street? What if..? What if..? All the bad things that could happen came into my mind. What if we got raaaped? What if we got mugged? What if our mom hunted us down? She had the skills.
    All I could say was, "Where's the camera?"
    "In my purse."
    "What did you bring?"
    "Pads, money, the camera, sunglasses."
    I was thankful she brought pads, I admit. I mean, sure I hadn't gotten my period. And I was pretty much flat, but if it did strike, I was glad to be prepared.
    "Uhm, Allie.." I said, slowly.
    "What if mom ...?" I paused. "I think we need wigs or something--in case."
    "I'm not going to waste the money, if we do come to that point, then yes. If not, then no."
    "Good idea though," Allison said, the queen of comfort.
    "You should go to sleep,"
    "But--what if you fall asleep driving?"
    "I've had 6 cups of coffe, and 3 cokes, I'll be fine."
    I nodded, and drifted off to sleep.

  8. lovelyblueeyes lovelyblueeyes
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2012 3:00pm UTC
    Chapter Five
    I woke up, in the car still. We were pulling into a gas station. It was barely six am in the morning. Allison looked tired. I wish I could drive.
    "We need gas. Anything you want inside?" Allison reached for her purse and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. "Get a drink and some food for us, I'll be out here. Kay?"
    I nodded and went inside the gas station store. It wasn't very crowded, just some people on roadtrips with their family in sweats. I starred at a family.
    They had a little boy. The dad had him on his shoulders.
    "Daddyyy." He said.
    "I love you and mommy."
    "You do?" The dad joked.
    "Yes." He paused. "Forever and ever."
    Tears swelled up in my eyes. I was being such a baby. It made me so happy to see a family like that.
    The little boy looked at me,"Daddy. Why is that girl crying?"
    The mom blushed, "I'm so sorry,"
    "It's fi-fine." I said, and whipped the tears.
    "She was pretty." The boy said.
    More tears slid down my cheeks. I've never been called pretty before. I walked over to were there were doughtnuts for $2. I got four, two for both me and Allison. I grabbed an orange juice & a water bottle.
    I went over the the cash register and gave him the $20.
    I felt a tug on my shirt. I turned around and saw the little boy, who just smiled and ran off to his mom.
    She smiled at me, and so did the father.
    I didn't know what to do. I just sort of waved.
    "Thank you." I whispered and I went out to Allison's car, she was waiting inside.
    By now, it was 6:40 am.
    "Yeah." I answered and buckled my seatbelt.
    I handed her a doughtnut.
    "Allison.. we really didn't think this over well." I admited.
    "Yeah.. I know.."
    "Well, where are we going?"
    "I have no dam clue."

  9. lovelyblueeyes lovelyblueeyes
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2012 6:54pm UTC
    Chapter Six
    It was seven, and we were still driving.
    My phone vibrated. I checked the caller id. It was Lucy.
    I didn't speak, it could be the cops or someone else[my mom perhaps]. I'd let her speak first.
    "Amy?" It was Lucy.
    "What is happening?!"
    "Your mom just busted into my place at six demanding where you were! It scared my mom and dad and my little brother!"
    "What is..?"
    "It's a really long story. And I can't tell it at the moment."
    "Okay. When?"
    "Uhm. Later."
    "When's later?"
    "I dunno."
    There was an akward silence.
    "Listen if you ever need anything, you know you can come to me, or whatever."
    "Yeah. Hey, I gotta go." I lied.
    And I hung up. Should I tell Lucy? She was my best friend. I mean, she had the authority to know. But I knew the bad things that my mom was will aware of I didn't want Lucy to get hurt.
    Turns out, Allison just finsihed a phone call too.
    "Great!" She smiled. "Thanks!"
    She turned to me, sort of, "Guess what!"
    She didn't wait for me to guess, "We're going to California!"
    "Yeah! You know my friend, Luke? Yeah, he said he could keep us there, his brother is super wealthy and so is his dad, and stuff. And then, we can show the cops the video and--"
    This was going wayyyy to fast. I was barely realizing that we escaped. But now? California.
    Whoa, buddy. Slow down please!
    "Whoa. We're leaving Utah?"
    "Yeah! It will be a one day drive hopefully!"
    "Look, I know." She said. "But, now we have a place to stay. It's going to be good."
    I repeated those words over and over in my head.
    But I still didn't believe it.
    Feedback please xx

  10. lovelyblueeyes lovelyblueeyes
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2012 4:29pm UTC
    Chapter Seven
    It was about lunch. And my stomache was growling.
    Allison looked at me, we were off the highway, finally.
    "You hungry?" she asked.
    "Me too."
    "At the soonest fast food place." She promised.
    There was a ringing noise. It was my phone. I looked at the caller id.
    Oh. No.
    "Who is it?"
    "Uh. Mo-mom."
    "Don't answer."
    I let it ring.
    Then it ringed again.
    And again for five minutes, finally I got a text:
    Listen you brat. I don't have time to waste, okay
    I'm calling the phone company by the end of the day to track down you and Allison's phone. If you're not back by then.. I'll be hunting you down.
    "All-Allison." I stuttered, as we got to a red light, "Look."
    I showed her. Her eyes went wide.
    "I know what we gotta do."
    "Easy." she paused. "Through our phones into a lake."
    After and hour of driving, and still no eatting, we went drove high into a canyon/mountain.
    I called Lucy, "Lucy. Don't call this number."
    "It's hard to explain." I rushed. "What's I'm safe, I'll explain. I love you."
    I didn't need to bother to say; as a friend. I didn't love her as a friend. I loved her as a sister.
    I heard Lucy's tears slid down her cheek, I swallowed, pushing the tears back, "I'll be fine. Stay safe."
    "I will," she promised.

  11. lovelyblueeyes lovelyblueeyes
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2012 7:36pm UTC
    Chapter Eight
    "we're here." Allison said, looking me in the eyes.
    If here was no where we were defentitly here. We were in the middle of no where, and yet there was a river flowing infront of the car.
    We got out.
    "Throw as far as you can. Into the river of dispear, don't look back, smile at the moon and the sun as it rises to it's destiny." Allison said, all serious and then started cracking up. I laughed. I hadn't laughed in a long time... It was nice.
    I took a deep breathe, I closed my eyes. I threw my phone.
    I threw my past away, looking at the future. Forgetting the past.
    It had gone far. It was still soaring through the sky.
    Allie threw hers. It flew through the air.
    We took a moment to admire the landscape.
    "Common," she said, as she got in the car, I followed.
    We had no time to waste.
    * * * *
    It was one in the afternoon now, and we were back in a town of Nevada.
    We stopped at a gas station. Allie got the gas and I bought food.
    My jaw dropped to the floor when I saw who was there.
    It was the boy and his parents. They didn't notice me, but then at the starring, the boy tugged on his mother's shirt, "Look! it's the girl!"
    "No." his mom said, but then saw me, and sort of gasped.
    "Uh.." I said. "I'm not following you, I'm .. I'm on a uh.. roadtrip."
    I guess that's what you could call it.More like a prison break.
    "Oh, wonderful." the dad said.
    "Where's your parents."
    "Dead." I said, a little too quickly. If only. I loved my dad, but my mom... don't even.
    "Oh, I'm sorry."They said. "Where are you going?"
    "California.." I said.
    "We are too! Sliverlake, LA."
    "Serious?" I said. "Me too!"
    Whoa. This was too freaky.

  12. lexielove143 lexielove143
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2012 9:11pm UTC
    Chapter 1
    I woke up with a really bad headache. I started mumbling, when a guy I haven't seen before was startled. "Amber?" he said. Was that my name? I thought. Or so I thought. The guy heard me say that, and asked me if I remembered who I was. "No, where am I?" I asked. He introduced himself as Devan. He looked very familiar and it was making my angry that I didn't know who he was. "How long have I been here?" "About two months." My jaw dropped when I heard how long I was there. "What exactly happened to me?" I really wanted to know because I didn't remember anything from that night at the party. "You were pushed down the stairs on accident by some guy. Apparently there was a fire in the house, but someone came back and got you before anything else could happen." "IS EVERYONE ELSE OKAY?!" He smirked. I was confused, I really wanted to know if I was the only one who was hurt. "Yes, everyone else is okay." He started chuckling in the middle of his sentence. "Why are you laughing?" "I just think it's cute how you think about everyone else before you think about yourself." I think he might have seen me blush because he smiled. Oh he was so cute when he smiled. Wait! What am I doing? I barely even know this guy and I already think he's cute? SNAP OUT OF IT! But I couldn't. "I'm going to go get something to eat, do you want anything?" I smiled. "Yes please! Anything with chicken." I giggled. I still had my craving for chicken all the time. I'm so glad that hasn't changed. What seemed to be hours, Devan came back. I swear we talked for hours before he left. We made an agreement, for when I got out of the hospital, we would hang out every day after school to make sure I would be safe. I was so looking forward to leave the hospital and get back in school. I just never thought I would be taking it back again.
    I'm new to this soo it might be really bad:/

  13. xxloveualways xxloveualways
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2012 9:35pm UTC
    It feels like every time
    I need someone to be there
    no one ever is

  14. tylerr tylerr
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2012 1:36am UTC
    not to be rude but,
    i really don't care..
    like, at all.

  15. Michaela14 Michaela14
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2012 7:22pm UTC
    "I wasn't that drunk."
    dude, you cllimbed up a tree &' said,
    "Oh god, look how big this piece of broccoli is!"

  16. jessipoo08 jessipoo08
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2012 9:24pm UTC
    Little tiny monsters that hide in your closet and sew your clothes just a little tighter every night.

  17. confessions_of_a_cutter confessions_of_a_cutter
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2012 4:21pm UTC
    It started out of curiosity,
    and it will end as an addiction.


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