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  1. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2011 2:32pm UTC
    Fave the quote if;
    You have low self-esteem

  2. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2011 2:27pm UTC
    Fave the quote if;
    You have ever felt alone.

  3. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2011 7:30pm UTC
    Yeah I miss you.
    I miss us.
    I miss having you
    to talk to whenever
    I wanted.
    But I know
    I have to move on,
    because this is pointless

  4. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2011 7:28pm UTC
    Sometimes you just gotta accept that
    some people can only be in your heart,
    not in your life...

  5. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2011 4:02pm UTC
    I am going start doing beauty pageants
    tell me if you think I could make it!
    Please & thank you.
    *Please give your honest opinion,
    no sugar coating!

  6. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2011 8:30pm UTC
    I see you and my heart breaks.
    I miss you.
    I hope this is just a phrase and
    you come back.
    I can't stand you leaving me. I love you i really do.
    Your the best thing ever.
    Every time i blink i see you.
    I do not know what to do.
    But all i can do is trust that
    God has something better in store.

  7. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2011 8:26pm UTC
    You know the girl;
    who has the tendency to stay up all night listening to music that
    reminds of her current situation.
    Who hides her fears, hurt, and pains and tears
    under her smile and laugh all on a daily basis.
    The girl who wears her hearts on their sleeve.
    The girl who pray things will workout just once
    and she'll be satisfied.
    The girl who screams and cries into her pillow
    because the rest of the world fails to listen.
    The girl who have it hard but don't let anyone know that.
    The girl who may never have it easy.
    The girl who have so many secrets, but will never tall a soul.
    The girl who has regrets and mistakes as a daily moral.
    The girl who doesn’t always win, who may never win.
    The girl who stays up all night thinking about that one boy,
    wondering if he'll ever notice her.
    The girl who gets what she gets and don't throw a fit.
    The girl who takes life as it comes,
    hoping it will get easier somewhere down the road.
    The girl who loves with all her heart but always get broken.
    Yeah. I know that girl
    That girl is me.

  8. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    October 9, 2011 7:42pm UTC
    You don't know my life..
    you don't know what i go through
    You don't know what I deal with;
    & you don't know what I feel.
    You don't know me
    So lets make a deal
    Keep my name out of your mouth
    & ill try to keep my fist out of your face.

  9. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2011 9:14am UTC
    Doctor; You have walking pneumonia.
    Me; But I am sitting down....
    Yep, True story haha. (:

  10. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2011 3:24pm UTC
    I went into this girl's room
    & tripped over her bra.
    I was
    Booby trapped.

  11. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2011 3:19pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2011 8:56pm UTC
    Please Read!!!! (:
    Friday night was homecoming at my school.
    I am senior & I ran for homecoming queen.
    Most girl's had their dad walk them out on
    the field. I didn't because my dad is
    fighting in Iraq. So I thought...
    When they called my name, My daddy stood up out of the crowd, in his uniform
    & walked me across the field.
    I haven't seen him in two years. <3
    Oh & by the way I won. But
    most importantly my daddy is home. (:

  13. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2011 5:21pm UTC
    Life is to good ,
    to waste your time
    thinking about someone
    who doesn't treat you right.

  14. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2011 5:16pm UTC
    I hope when you look at me, your heart hurts
    & a tear runs down your face.
    Because you sweetheart
    let go the best thing
    you will ever have.

  15. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2011 6:10pm UTC
    This is a tribute to all those
    affected by the
    9/11 attacks, whether that be
    directly or indirectly.
    I pray that there families have peace &
    their memories live on forever.
    Rest in peace
    My brother who lost his live
    in 9-11.

  16. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2011 9:08am UTC
    Rest in peace
    to my brother.
    He lost his life trying
    to save others. It's been 10 years
    You are my still my big bubba.
    I can't wait to see you in heaven.

  17. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2011 10:00pm UTC
    Eventually the fast text message responses will become slow.
    The long conversations will cut short.
    The attention they give you will become neglected.
    The comfort they give you will become something awkward.
    The time they have for you will become nonexistent.
    The feeling of being close to them will become distant.
    And then everything will come to an end,
    and you'll become strangers again
    as you were before. .

  18. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2011 9:50pm UTC
    Falling in love is like jumping
    off a really tall building; your
    head tells you 'idiot, you're gonna die.'
    but your heart tells you ,
    "don't worry pretty girl you can fly"

  19. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2011 9:45pm UTC
    I believe I am ugly,
    Everybody always says
    "Oh my gosh your so pretty"
    Blah blah.
    I don't believe.
    So tell me what you think?

  20. Annalove17 Annalove17
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2011 11:21pm UTC
    Please read </3
    My best friend was in a really car accident yesterday morning & he did not make it.
    He was suppose to graduate this year with us. I miss him so much. I can't stop crying. So can i please get a few favs for him? :'(
    Thanks girls.


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