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  1. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2009 1:56pm UTC
    you know what i've noticed?
    i've been single for a month or so now,
    not thinking of any guy in particular.
    i've realized that i dont need a guy
    right now in my life to hold me,
    kiss me, and tell me he "loves"
    me when he actually doesn't.
    so, why believe it? its just gonna
    hurt us more & more. why even
    fall hard for him? there's not even
    a point anymore. i rather live my
    life the way i want to, don't worry
    about guys right now. besides
    were in middle school we don't
    need h i m. we can make it out
    all by ourselves like we've been
    doing all along<3

  2. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2009 1:51pm UTC
    if today was your last day;
    would you say g o o d b y e to yesterday?
    regret all your mistakes? try to erase them?
    say sorry to the ones you've hurt?
    no, its too late.

  3. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2009 3:08pm UTC
    i looked in the mirror today;
    & realized i wasn't that little girl that would wear
    ribbons in her hair. i wasn't that little girl that
    daddy would pick up in his arms and spin
    around the room. i'm no longer that little girl
    that would dream of being a [princess], in a pink
    castle. i wasn't the little girl that thought boys
    were disgusting, and gross. i'm no longer
    that little girl.
    but i also realized that
    i'm the girl that cry's herself to sleep at night,
    only after a s t u p i d breakup. wishes her dad
    would pick her up and [ spin ] her around again
    like he used to. i'm not the girl anymore that
    dreams of being a princess, i dream of
    falling in love. i now am this girl,
    that i thought i would never turn out to be.
    credit to whoever made this (:
    i just added on,
    which the second part is 100% mine(:

  4. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2009 9:31pm UTC
    i sit in my room, mascara and
    tears running down my face, blasting
    the song that reminds me so much of
    him and the times we've had together.
    i sit there shocked, remembering
    all those breathtaking times when you
    helo, kissed, hugged, held hands with me.
    i sit wondering what happened to those
    three words "forever&ever" , did they
    mean anything to you? cause they meant the
    World To Me</3
    100% mine(:

  5. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2009 9:26pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2009 9:23pm UTC
    are things always going to the way you want them to?
    no, of course not. you just gotta take life one step at
    a time and remember things always
    Happen For A Reason.
    100% mine(:

  7. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2009 9:21pm UTC
    never let guys take advantage of you.
    dont let them make you feel like crap,
    or make you feel like your nothing to
    them. dont them rip & tear your heart
    into pieces with them untouched
    because we shouldnt care about
    "love" that every body thinks
    they know exactly what it is.
    everybody thinks they found
    it, but actually they really havent.
    they will never know what the word
    "love" actually means anyways, shes
    probably, better then what he deserves

  8. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2009 9:15pm UTC
    Be Strong
    i know there is people out
    there in this so called world
    that would hate to see you
    ever be weak because
    the people you think dont care,
    probably do and the ones that
    you think do, probably could care
    less. so try something new that you
    think your not & never will be
    Capable Of.
    100% mine(:

  9. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2009 9:09pm UTC
    In A Blink Of An Eye
    your life can change completely,
    your world will com crashing down
    when you least expect it to.
    are you going to like the changes?
    no, you probably wont; and
    probably never will. but
    you know what; its called life
    and you just gotta keep your
    head up and stay strong
    as much as you can because
    this is the moment of your
    100% mine(:

  10. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2009 5:22pm UTC
    we all choose a path in life,
    some we never look back ;
    and sometimes life forces us too.
    *photobucket, not mine.

  11. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2009 5:20pm UTC
    i've learned
    that we don't know what we have
    untill its gone
    but we also don't know what were missing
    untill we find it <3
    *photobucket, not mine.

  12. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2009 5:16pm UTC
    the only courage that
    matters is the kind
    that gets you from one
    moment to the next : )

  13. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2009 5:14pm UTC
    life is about
    | [ trusting ] your feelings & taking chances
    | loosing and [ finding ] happiness, appreciating
    | the memories & learning from your past and
    | realizing people [ always change ]
    * photobucket, not mine(:
    just colors .

  14. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2009 7:14am UTC
    you know its love ,
    when you cant get this feeling
    out of the pit of your stomach <3

  15. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2009 2:07pm UTC
    iamnowherenearperfect .
    i eat when im bored.
    i fall for boys easily.
    im vunerable to believing lies.
    im hoping one day i wont need a fake smile
    i live by quotes that say what exactly im going through.
    i make up excuses for everything.
    i have bestfriends & enemies
    i have drama & memories
    -----> but its life <------
    live it, love it.. learn from it .

  16. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2009 5:41pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2009 5:30pm UTC
    sometimes you just feel
    everything & nothing all at once.
    sometimes you'll find yourself smiling
    while missing someone at the same time.
    at times you can absolutely love a person,
    all the time wanting to hate them.
    life comes without guarantees,
    except that smiling will brighten your face.
    laughing will enhance your eyes.
    & falling in love will change your life<3

  18. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2009 5:25pm UTC
    were young, we dont need a boy to
    l o v e, hold and k i s s. we wont always
    be able to relax and be kids but,
    we'll always be able to love, so im
    gonna get out there and live my life,
    leave my mark, make a difference,
    because in 5 years we will want
    to rewind, but we cant. so stop
    worrying that boy, now is the time
    of our lives, lets make mistakes &
    not care, and make memories
    that will never fade. live it up &
    live it c r a z y. we are only young once,
    so lets screw this up right. drop the drama,
    screw the calories, and never question your actions.
    see ya later boy, i have history to make<3

  19. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2009 3:10pm UTC
    love is for losers
    so i guess im one of them<3
    make prettyyy?:]

  20. AllisonnBabeyy_08 AllisonnBabeyy_08
    posted a quote
    March 28, 2009 3:09pm UTC
    life is full of --->
    secrets and lies;
    so when you et screwed over, dont be surprised.


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