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Best Youandyourdarequotesamenah Quotes Ever

  1. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2015 1:31pm UTC
    (as requested in q/7053680)
    1. I take lone night walks. Some nights I'm gone for forty-five minutes. Some nights I'm gone for two hours. But if I'm gone for longer than three, send a search party.
    2. I play too many instruments, and will try to fit them all together somewhere. Otherwise they'll be lonely! :(
    3. I only use my gluten-free diet to my own benefit. Don't wanna eat that? I'm gluten-free. Otherwise, give me gluten.
    4. But it makes me sick and my skin /wretched/ so sometimes I try to stick to it, but also soMETIMES I WANT BREAD THAT DOESN'T HAVE THE TEXTURE OF SHXT.
    5. I have a carrot onesie that I will wear. Every movie night.
    6. Sometimes I have this thing called sensory overload, and please, p l e a s e do not touch me during this. Or turn on the lights. I might freak out and run away and get hurt (and I have finally learned that my safety matters). It's like a panic attack that every sense adds to every second my mind processes something external. I promise I don't hate you.
    7. Anyone you want can come 'round, at any time. Unless I'm in the shower.
    8. I love YouTube. I l o v e Y o u T u b e. It's one half of my support system. The other half is my basketball shoes--they were BUILT for my ankles, you know?
    9. I play video games when I'm upset, and when I'm happy, and when I'm completely numb. I really like it when you watch me.
    10. I will sort the laundry. I will wash the laundry. I will transfer the laundry from the washer to the drier. BUT I WILL NOT FOLD THE LAUNDRY. (Unless you do a terrible job, and then I will refold the laundry.)
    11. I go on rants about gender norms regularly. Bear with me. Even better, add and agree!
    12. I watch Wizard of Oz a lot, and it makes me super emotional. I don't know why. And I know a lot about the making of and the actors and story and such. Don't make fun of me. Or Judy Garland. I will end you.
    13. I don't cry. Sad movie? Nope. Favorite book stolen? Nope. Breakup? Nope. Death in the family? Probably not. Punched in the nose? Maybe.
    14. Birthdays are a big thing.
    15. My nightmares can get really bad, and sometimes I'll sit/lay down on the floor by your bed to feel better. But I won't ever wake you up.
    16. If you're dating an axshole, I will tell you.
    17. I wear boxers. Shorts, briefs, whatever. Not always with decent coverage. Sxck it up, buttercup. I have great legs.
    18. I'm OCD. I really am. But I've trained myself not to mess with YOUR stuff. And I need affirmation about that because it is /so/ hard.
    19. I'll cook for you. I'll bake for you too, if I don't eat everything first.
    20. I'll always be bugging you about getting a bunny. I just want a fxcking bunny.


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