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Writers Quotes

  1. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2017 12:58am UTC
    "Better to write just thoughts which have got wisdom a lot than a whole book that is not even worth referring for its quotes by a sensible reader and yet be regarded as a published author or celebrity."
    ~Anuj Somany

  2. MissyLizzie MissyLizzie
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2016 11:56am UTC
    writers fly without airplanes

  3. Neblagiye Neblagiye
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2014 12:04am UTC
    I feel the passion in every word you write.
    In every quote you think.

  4. Ashleyray123 Ashleyray123
    posted a quote
    May 22, 2014 9:21am UTC
    Please be nice
    Respect the actual writers on Witty
    The ones actually sharing their own work, the ones who think up quotes, poems, stories and words themselves
    Not everyone here just posts song lyrics, poems, and quotes written by other people that are taken from other sites
    You can usually tell who is actually being creative
    And who is just reposting the same stuff
    People here who are actually sharing their own writing, are being nice and sharing their thoughts with you
    These are talented people
    Don't be disrespectful to what we are choosing to share, and copy it, or use it without the permission of the orginal artist or writer
    Relating to someone else's words or creative outlet is great
    That is why most writers, write
    To make an impact, and make others feel something when they read it
    But just because you relate to something, doesn't mean its about you
    A writer's work is always about what they choose it to be about
    People can find it inspiring or helpful. It's great if they do
    I just wish people wouldn't copy or take the ideas others come up with
    I could never do that....I would never do that
    It doesn't matter how much something spoke to you, how much it felt like something you could write yourself
    Bottom line. a writer's words belong to one person only, the writer-they thought it up
    who they choose to share it with is their business
    And if you are unable to write, or you just won't put in the effort to write anything or think of anything yourself
    and you start taking really good pieces of writing and quotes from other people, as though you wrote them
    eventually people will figure out you didn't write it
    you can take a writer's words,
    you can't take the thoughts or inspiration behind the words
    you can't feel what the writer felt as they were creating it
    A writer can either give permission for their stuff to be used, or they don't
    A writer wants their work to be viewed by people
    A writer doesn't want their writing copied, or passed off as someone else's work
    Unfortuantely that happens to writers all the time, and it sucks
    It just means while there are alot of inspiring, talented people in the world sharing their talents
    there are also alot of greedy, mean people in the world, who will use someone else's talents
    for their own benefits
    Don't be one of the mean people
    Respect the writers

  5. br0kenwings br0kenwings
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2014 3:08am UTC
    Advice for writers:
    Find little inspirations:
    I just wrote a short poetic piece after using my now cigarette-flavoured (ugh) lip balm. I've written pieces after songs hit me in a certain way, when someone says something that makes me stop and think, after seeing something particuarly interesting. In short, inspiration can come from anywhere. If something triggers something in you, GET THAT FEELING OR IDEA WRITTEN DOWN SOMEWHERE. Scribble it in the back of your note book, save it on your phone, write it on the back of you hand or up your arm.
    Keep all drafts of what you write:
    Even if you re-read and decide you don't like part of it, copy that part into another document before re-writing. You might come back later and realise that some of that would work in well somewhere else, or phrases are better than you first thought.
    Avoid using cliches as much as possible:
    Use your imagination and come up with unique or new ways to describe things. It makes your work more original and more interesting to read, and potentially expand your vocabulary. Reading the same descriptions over and over in different stories get really old and can turn readers off.
    Be consistent within pieces:
    Don't randomly flip between first and second person, or past/present/future tense. There may be points where changing is appropriate, like at the end of chapters or the change of scenes, but try to avoid changing at every scene change or end of chapter, as it can confuse readers.
    Use point of view appropriately:
    You should write in third person (he, she, they, etc.) unless first person (I, we, etc.) offers a really strong, interesting view of your story.
    Write from experience:
    Writing about things you're familiar with is so much easier than things you know nothing about. It also adds realism, which helps readers to really connect with your story and characters. At the same time, don't allow your familiarity with a situation blur the lines of what should be there and what is actually there.
    (on a related note) Do some research:
    Learn about the topic you're writing about. This can be as simple as people-watching, learning mannerisms and habits of people, or as intense as sitting down and googling things like you would for an essay.
    Know the difference between their/they're/there, your/you're, than/then and when to use much vs. many, less vs. fewer. Start a new line every time someone new speaks and after they've finished speaking.
    Don't get too obsessed with speech tags:
    'Said' is fine. If every line of dialogue is marked with 'questioned', 'exclaimed', 'asked', 'yelled', 'mentioned', 'noted', etc., it detracts from what is actually being said and the context around it.
    'Story' and 'plot' are different things:
    The story of a piece is all events without causality or linkage. Plot is the events with how they interlink and how one event cause or influence another. If you've ever asked a young child about their day, they will rattle off a list of things they did and saw; for example,
    I went to school and did art and had recess and played in the mud and Miss Lewis got mad and drew a picture and climbed a tree and got told off and fell over and my pants ripped and mum yelled and....
    This is the story of their day. An older child will be able to tell you what they did with how the events caused or influenced each other,
    'I went to school and had art class. At recess, I played in the mud and got dirty, which my teacher got mad at me for. I had to draw a picture of why we shouldn't play in the mud. At lunch I climbed a tree and fell after the teacher yelled at me, ripping my pants on the ground. When I got home, mum yelled at me for being dirty and tearing my pants.

  6. Emina1 Emina1
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2014 1:36am UTC
    I am a Writer I write to escape the harsh reality around me
    I live through characters and made up dreams
    I fantasize about mystical powers,
    and I wonder what it would be like to be noticed.
    I am a Writer
    I inspire others through my words
    I create myself in impossible situations
    I see the darkest of the hero and the brightest of the villain
    I control all.
    I am a Writer
    I Journey to world beyond imagination
    I build dream worlds and terrors
    I can swipe out an army with one flick of a pen,
    and I can mold a nation in one sentence.
    I am a Writer.
    I take people to places of thier wildest dreams.
    I forge seemingly unreachable and unrealistic goals,
    and I chase them every time.
    I am a Writer.

  7. Delwen Delwen
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2014 8:24pm UTC
    who are your favorite wittians?

  8. AwkwardlyAnna AwkwardlyAnna
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2013 7:57pm UTC
    "Writers aren't exactly people...
    they're a whole bunch of people trying
    to be one person."
    F. Scott Fitzgerald

  9. VioletCherries VioletCherries
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2013 2:26pm UTC
    It's ironic how
    the people we think of as the world's
    greatest writers were once
    shunned by their society.
    It gives me hope that one day
    I'll be known for something.

  10. VioletCherries VioletCherries
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2013 4:24pm UTC
    “Writers are the exorcists of their own demons."
    -Mario Vargas Llosa

  11. lovelusthatedisgust lovelusthatedisgust
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2013 2:35pm UTC
    i am a writer who happens to love women
    not a lesbian who happens to write
    -jeanette winterson
    if i love a woman as much as i love the words in my notebook
    thats when ill know its forever

  12. Chris* Chris*
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2013 3:06pm UTC
    Writers are endless.
    Their reveries are endless.
    Their words are endless.

  13. heyitskate24 heyitskate24
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2013 9:57pm UTC
    Attention story writers!!!!
    If anyobe is writing good stories for me to read let me know please!!

  14. karenfelloutofbedagain karenfelloutofbedagain
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 10:18am UTC
    If a writer falls in love with you, you can never die. --Mik Everett

  15. celestialerror* celestialerror*
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2013 7:11pm UTC
    ❝When writers die they become books, which is, after all, not too bad an incarnation.

  16. epictacos epictacos
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2013 1:41am UTC
    Is there anyone out there
    who doesn't like Bruno
    Mars, besides me?

  17. epictacos epictacos
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2013 1:31am UTC
    Is there anyone out there
    who doesn't like Bruno
    Mars, besides me?

  18. AnotherAverageTeenageGirl AnotherAverageTeenageGirl
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 1:21am UTC
    Writers are not happy people. Yes they may laugh, they may smile, they may
    even look happy from time to time, but they aren't truly. Writers all have something in their life they hate: family, friends, school, work, themselves. Things they hate so much they want nothing more than to escape from. That's what writing is, an escape. It allows people to go somewhere they never could, it allows them to control something in a world where nothing is certain. It allows them to change what they hate, to destroy it if they want. Writers battle their demons with pen and paper. So even though they may appear happy on the outside, every writer struggles throughout the day.

  19. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 1:02am UTC
    Writers are not happy people. Yes they may laugh, they may smile, they may
    even look happy from time to time, but they aren't truly. Writers all have something in their life they hate: family, friends, school, work, themselves. Things they hate so much they want nothing more than to escape from. That's what writing is, an escape. It allows people to go somewhere they never could, it allows them to control something in a world where nothing is certain. It allows them to change what they hate, to destroy it if they want. Writers battle their demons with pen and paper. So even though they may appear happy on the outside, every writer struggles throughout the day.

  20. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2013 7:03pm UTC
    if writers wrote as carelessly as some people talk
    then aslfakjs lkadj


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