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  1. destabilise destabilise
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2014 12:16am UTC
    White people get so angry at the phrase, “You cannot be rac.ist towards white people.”
    I will never understand why.
    Why are you so angry that you are being treated as actual human beings? You are not reduced to caricatures, but portrayed as characters. You are treated fairly, judged not by your skin tone, but by the ways that you carry yourselves, by your actions.
    Why do you want to experience rac.ism so badly? It is not fun to be mocked, dehumanized, attacked, killed, incarcerated simply for daring to exist. It is not fun to know nothing of your history or family because it was torn apart, whether through distance or death. It is not fun to hear, at every turn, comments reminding you of your lesser status as humans.
    Do you really want to turn on the tv, open a magazine, watch a movie, play a video game, and not see yourself? Or, even better, to only see yourself as a criminal, as a drunk, a mocking stereotype, or as someone to be killed off? Or would you rather see fleshed out, well-written characters with lives and personalities and feelings? I know which I’d rather pick.
    If I were a white person, the phrase, “You cannot be rac.ist towards white people,” would be the best thing I could ever hear.

  2. Blurryface* Blurryface*
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2013 7:45pm UTC
    But I'm gonna be me, so please be who you are
    This is something that is effortless and shouldn't be hard


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