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White people get so angry at the phrase, “You cannot be rac.ist towards white people.

I will never understand why.

Why are you so angry that you are being treated as actual human beings? You are not reduced to caricatures, but portrayed as characters. You are treated fairly, judged not by your skin tone, but by the ways that you carry yourselves, by your actions.

Why do you want to experience rac.ism so badly? It is not fun to be mocked, dehumanized, attacked, killed, incarcerated simply for daring to exist. It is not fun to know nothing of your history or family because it was torn apart, whether through distance or death. It is not fun to hear, at every turn, comments reminding you of your lesser status as humans.

Do you really want to turn on the tv, open a magazine, watch a movie, play a video game, and not see yourself? Or, even better, to only see yourself as a criminal, as a drunk, a mocking stereotype, or as someone to be killed off? Or would you rather see fleshed out, well-written characters with lives and personalities and feelings? I know which I’d rather pick.

If I were a white person, the phrase, “You cannot be rac.ist towards white people,” would be the best thing I could ever hear.
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White people get so angry at the phrase, “You cannot be

18 faves · 27 comments · Jul 13, 2014 12:16am





quote · whiteprivilege · reverseracism

desperado* · 9 years ago
Literally, people who sit there and say there is ra.cism to whites frustrate me. There isn't. If people haven't noticed, whites have been viewed as superior for quite some time and until someone comes back with new "scientific evidence" for another race to be superior, whites will be. I'm not saying this as rude, I'm saying this as a white person living a dominant white society. People will not say ra.cist things towards whites because whites are a dominant race. The whites view themselves as the be-all-end-all of the races. Look at Imperialization: whites dominating blacks with "evidence" showing that whites were superior to blacks because of their "head shape". Making a joke and saying "it's because you're white" isn't ra.cist, and if you think is, you're incorrect. It's stating a fact. Literally, just because someone says that you're white, doesn't mean they're discriminating upon you. You want to see real ra.cism? Look at the Civil Rights movement in the United States and then tell me what you think is ra.cism.
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destabilise · 9 years ago
for anyone who still believes reverse ra cism is real please read this post http://vexednature.tumblr.com/post/91508769184/a-masterpost-on-reverse-
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death ramps* · 9 years ago
A person CANNOT be towards a white person, it doesn't exist. A person can be prejudiced towards a white person, not as they have not been oppressed through generations. Rac/sm isn't about having your feelings hurt, it's when a race have been oppressed, belittled, humiliated, declined opportunities and stereotyped for generations. As a white person you have to realise that there is no such thing as "reverse " or towards white people as you have never been discriminated against (in the USA anyway) in any way apart from having your "feelings hurt" or being "stereotyped" on the internet or between friends. Your basic human rights have never been revoked for your skin colour and that is something white people (including myself) need(ed) to realise.
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Amenah · 9 years ago
i doubt it's because they 'want to experience ', it's probably because they've seen actions towards white people and it p/sses them off when someone pushes it off as no big deal idk????????
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Amenah · 9 years ago
(++ want to add because people seem to assume that anyone who disagrees with this quote is white;; i'm not. k bye.)
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destabilise · 9 years ago
yes but just because someone says something about you that you dislike does not make it an act of rac ism. there is literally no such thing as 'reverse rac ism' because there is not a system that oppresses whites
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Amenah · 9 years ago
Sorry, guess I didn't make it clear enough. I mean RAC IST action. I don't really need you to tell me what an act of rac ism is, thanks.

You don't need an oppressive system to be rac ist. If I said 'all white people are rac ist' or 'all white people should leave whatever country', it's rac ist. It's as easy to be rac ist to them as it is to any minority group, but if you've never been somewhere where whites ARE a minority group I guess it's not as obvious. Please go to a Pakistani or Central African airport, and tell me again how it's impossible to be rac ist to white people. -----
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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
As someone who lives very near pakistan (india) let me tall you something. Pakistanis and even Indian muslims have had to put with mountains of s h i t from white people. Former president Abdul Kalam was interrogated lke a criminal when he flew to America. I'm sorry if you think that its possible to be r a c i s t towards white people, because , irl, they don't. White people in India don't face , they face prejudice sometimes because people still remember the colonial era when they spat on us.
It might be because of Jallianwalah Bagh, because that will never,ever be forgiven.
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partie · 9 years ago
You cannot be ra/cist towards white people. Even if white people are a "minority" in places, they still have privilege over POC. Remember colonization?
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Amenah · 9 years ago
I disagree, and I think that's an ignorant thing to say. But I'm done arguing about this. Bye.
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partie · 9 years ago
Yes, it's ignorant to state the facts; it must be /very/ ignorant to state the obvious, that you can't be towards whites.
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Amenah · 9 years ago

*i won't reply again*
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dolph* · 9 years ago
hey there friend
if ya could do me a favour and not generalise people that would be great ty ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º)
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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
Generalize how? A lot of white ppl think that reverse exists and it does not.
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dolph* · 9 years ago
People are individuals and just because a majority of a certain group of people e.g white people, doesn't mean EVERY SINGLE white person is that way
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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
Oh, sorry.
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destabilise · 9 years ago
literally just proved a point lmao
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Lethal* · 9 years ago
most of the time rac.ism toward white people is petty so i dont get how whites get so offended bc people of darker skin tones have a reason to hate us.
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partie · 9 years ago
I'm crying at all the white ppl that got mad about this
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icannottellalie · 9 years ago
Oh my gosh this gets me so angry when people group all white people together as if some white people haven't been discriminated against in books, tv shows, magazines, ect! you totally can be towards white people! Like not all white people are privileged, not all white people are racists and not all white people are protected by the governments all over the world! The fact that people are so ignorant of the fact that you can be towards anybody quite frankly disturbs me.
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Primadonna* · 9 years ago
Hold your horses. You totally cannot be r a c i s t towards white people the way poc have been oppressed. Do you know what its like to have histories textbooks filled with stories of how your people were considered lesser human beings? Do you know what its like to be an Indian and have to watch Raj Koothrapalli on tbbt being the best representation? KOOTHRAPALLI ISN'T EVEN AN INDIAN SURNAME. STOP BEING SUCH A CRYBABY. I WATCH TV AND MAGAZINES ALMOST EVERY TEEN FIC BOOK HAS WHITE MAIN CHARACTERS- CLARY, KATNISS, TRIS, HERMIONE ETC, ETC, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM IS I N G WHITE. DO NOT TELL ME THAT YOUR RACIAL GROUP IS DISCRIMINATED AGAINST WHEN PEOPLE FORGET THAT SOUTH EAST ASIA HAS MORE THAN YOGA AND ELEPHANTS AND SMART PEOPLE.
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icannottellalie · 9 years ago
rac.ist should be included after be and before towards.

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Nobody* · 9 years ago
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death ramps* · 9 years ago
you can't be towards white people because you have not been systematically oppressed by another race throughout generations. Someone could be PREJUDICED towards a white person, but not .
isn't about having your feelings hurt, is the systematic oppression and belittlement of another race.
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Nobody* · 9 years ago
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destabilise · 9 years ago
Wrong. Prejudice is a feeling of dislike for a person based on a stereotype whether it is fat, tall or short people for example. Discrimination is when a person acts on said prejudice. And rac ism is discrimination institutionalized as 'normal' in an whole culture, "It's not just one person discriminating, but a whole population operating in a social structure that actually makes it difficult for a person not to discriminate". Moron.
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destabilise · 9 years ago
- by thedeathcats on tumblr (http://thedeathcats.tumblr.com/post/91523606954/white-people-get-so-angry-at-the-phrase-you)
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