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Best Uk Quotes Today

  1. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2013 2:51pm UTC
    UK Grading System:
    75-100 A+
    70-74 A
    64-69 A-
    60-63 B+
    55-59 B
    50-54 B-
    46-49 C+
    43-45 C
    38-42 C-
    35-37 D
    0-34 F
    US Grading System:
    100-93 A
    92-90 A-
    89-86 B+
    85-83 B
    82-80 B-
    79-77 C+
    76-74 C
    73-70 C-
    69-67 D+
    67-65 D-
    64-0 F
    UK-1, America-0

  2. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2013 9:47am UTC
    You're insecure. I know what for.
    It's because you lost the Revolutionary Wa-a-ar

  3. Sophie* Sophie*
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2014 9:19am UTC
    Rest of the World:Kilometers
    Rest of the World:Celsius
    Rest of the World:Daylight savings was last week
    Rest of the World:day month year
    Rest of the World:drives on right side of the street
    America:HELL YESSSS

  4. dontsellyourselfshort dontsellyourselfshort
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 8:22pm UTC
    Dear Will and Kate,
    If William is 100% royal, and Kate is 0% royal, does that ,make your son a half-blood prince?
    -Severus Snape

  5. *crybaby* *crybaby*
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2014 12:24am UTC
    UK- We call it Autumn, from the French word "autompne" and later, the Latin "autumnus"

  6. ^_^* ^_^*
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2013 7:42am UTC
    So let me get this straight.
    if you cross the North Korean border illegally,
    you get 12 years. Hard labour. If you cross the Afghanistan border illegally, you get shot.
    Two americans just got eight years for crossing the Iranian border.
    If you cross the U.K. border illegally you get a job,a drivers license, food stamps, a place to live, health care,
    housing and child benifits, education
    and a tax free business for 7 years..
    No wonder we are a country in debt. We really are a joke of a country.

  7. ^_^* ^_^*
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 2:58pm UTC
    "I smell weed" is probably the most used sentence in
    the UK.

  8. byewitty* byewitty*
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 10:07pm UTC
    Anybody else in the United States kind of laugh,
    when someone from England (or another country) will ask, "What is a state?"

  9. Mollie88 Mollie88
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2013 9:52pm UTC
    They think we're in heaven but we're living in hell.

  10. eve123 eve123
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2013 3:10pm UTC
    I've never been so proud of my country.
    Go Britain for legalizing gay marriage!

  11. everythingiseeis1d everythingiseeis1d
    posted a quote
    July 4, 2013 8:29pm UTC
    white lips
    pale face
    breathing in

  12. thisisthestoryallabouthowmylifegotflippedturnedupsidedown thisisthestoryallabouthowmylifegotflippedturnedupsidedown
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 2:46pm UTC
    Okay, time for a little geography lesson...
    I suppose no one will read this but I'm gonna say it anyway because it really annoys me when people don't realize this:
    England = one country.
    Scotland = one country.
    Wales = one country.
    Together, they make up Great Britain.
    Great Britain is not a country.
    Northern Ireland *not the Republic of Ireland*
    is a region/province of the UK.
    The Republic of Ireland is not in Great Britain or the UK,
    nor is it ruled by them.
    Great Britain is the name of the island.
    The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The UK) is the political grouping of countries under the sovereignty of Queen Elizabeth II.
    England is a constituent country in the UK along with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
    Okay? Thank you.
    a very p-ssed off English girl.

  13. zer0* zer0*
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2013 11:05am UTC
    Our father, who are in prison
    mother knows not his name.
    Thy chavdom come, thy shoplifting be done, in JJB
    sports as is it in Poundland
    give us this day our welfare bread
    and forgive us our ASBOs as we happy slap those
    who give evidence
    against us
    and lead us not into employment
    but deliver us free housing
    for thine is the chavdom
    the Burberry and the Blackberry
    for ever and ever

  14. beautifulhomicide beautifulhomicide
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2013 4:16pm UTC
    One thing I’ve learn is that you should never look back. The past is dead and buried. You get nothing from living there. It’s all about today. But I’ve been having these dreams. In them, nothing’s real. Nothing’s solid, everything’s fantasy.
    An illusion

  15. Sandie Sandie
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 12:31pm UTC
    UK: *22°C*
    America: ...
    Australia: ...
    Saudi Arabia: ...

  16. GlassHorizon GlassHorizon
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2013 1:20pm UTC
    "those brits are a strange old race. they show affection by abusing each other, will think nothing of casually stopping in the middle of a fire fight for their 'brew up' and eat food i wouldn't give to a dying dog. but fùck me i would rather have one british squaddie on side than an entire battalion of spetznaz! why? because the british are the only people in the world who, when the chips are down, and it seems like there is no hope left, instead of getting sentimental or hysterical, with strap on their pack, charge their rifle, light up a smoke and calmly and wryly grin 'well, are we going then, you wánker?'"
    - an american soldier's words about the british army.

  17. The_Sky_Is_Falling* The_Sky_Is_Falling*
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2013 3:15am UTC
    I like how Britains like to
    make comments about all
    American's being obese because
    of statisics, but yknow the UK isn't
    that far behind, b.tch.

  18. MiLkx MiLkx
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2014 5:41pm UTC
    "i'm so fixated on the girl with the soft sound,
    and hair all over the place."
    the 1975

  19. SisiAdelia SisiAdelia
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2013 12:49pm UTC
    Did you know that in the UK X Factor
    you have to be sixteen on or before February 1st to audition?
    Harry just made the cutoff.
    If he was born one day later,
    he wouldn't be in one direction!
    *le me*

  20. ChekkaWay ChekkaWay
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 5:17pm UTC
    Dear anyone who lives in the Uk and Ireland,
    You know the way we get terrible weather in the summers and then as soon as we go back to school the weather's really nice?
    yea, we won't get nice weather during the summer holidays untill the year 2020.
    The government can't change our holiday dates because it would mess up everything else.


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