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Best Ty Quotes Today

  1. Chris* Chris*
    posted a quote
    September 27, 2013 3:48pm UTC
    I love listening to people talk about their crush and I'm so interested about all your stories. I want to make a quote dedicated to our crushes and our stories. I'll start: my current crush is a freshman named Ty. He's in my gym class and he's amazing at basketball. He was new to the school, and he had poofy, blond curls (which was the reason I first started liking him). 2 weeks into school, he trimmed his hair, but it was still cute. Last night, the upperclassmen on the football team gave all the freshmen a hazing, so his hair was destroyed. Everyone was making fun of him today (and it doesn't help that he got hit in the face at the Homecoming dodgeball game). Anyways, his blond curls (which were the things that first made me fall for him) are gone, and I still like him. I don't know how or what I'm feeling, but whatever this is, I don't want it to end.

  2. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2014 9:03pm UTC
    Almost 4 years.
    323 "comment points."
    I got this page when I was a freshman in high school.
    Now, I am going into my sophomore year in college.
    From fifteen to twenty years old.
    I want to thank my followers.
    And everyone who has ever talked to me.
    And to anyone who has noticed me.
    I want to thank Steve, too.
    I started out with only a few followers.
    I don't remember when I gained so many.
    But when Steve followed me, I felt accomplished.
    And then when FramingMatthew followed me, I cried.
    Because he took the time out of his only days left, and followed me.
    And took the time to read my comment to him and tell me thank you.
    This is just my thank you to everyone on here.
    I've come a long way.
    I've changed a lot in the last four and a half years.
    It's cool to go back in my quotes and see my differences.
    It's cool to see how many people appreciate me, too.
    Thank you so much for the last four years.
    5,000 quotes later and I'm okay.
    I don't know if I'll ever hit 10,000, but if I do, it'll be cool.
    It'll take longer than four years, but I feel like I want to do it.
    Even if I will be forgotten and even if everyone from now leaves.
    A lot of people left from when I first got on here.
    It's just how life goes.
    So I hope years from now, you come back here and see my quotes.
    I hope that I'm still posting them.
    Thank you, guys.
    Until next time - you mean a lot to me.

  3. kaylaslife kaylaslife
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 9:14pm UTC
    105 notifications??
    I swear I love you all to the moon and back<3

  4. KassieKiss KassieKiss
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2013 6:15pm UTC
    At first you didn't notice me.
    Then you smiled.
    My heart melted, and hope formed.
    No one liked me, i was the outcast.
    But you still said hi.
    We talked frequently, but only when your friends were around.
    You were the bad boy jock.
    I was the weird emo girl.
    Yet we had so many thing's in common.
    We smoked.
    We partied.
    We laughed at everything.
    Didn't care what the others thought.
    But still we weren't supposed to be.
    A few years passed.
    We lost touch.
    You moved on to another girl.
    But I still secretly loved you.
    But I changed.
    I grew taller and lost the weight.
    Formed my identity as the BAD GIRL.
    And you were still the BAD BOY.
    We still smoked.
    We still partied.
    We still laughed at everything.
    But again.
    We were still not ment to be.
    Then you found me on facebook, and said Hi.
    You made my heart stop.
    You made me love you again.
    Then you gave me a chance and I said yes.
    Then you changed me.
    You made me want to be with you, and you said you loved me.
    Then you left me.
    You still loved me.
    I still loved you.
    We were ment to be.

  5. shoppergal123 shoppergal123
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2015 12:16am UTC
    wen ur friends try to threaten u

  6. noortycool999 noortycool999
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 5:05am UTC
    i don't know why i every time lose somthing the first place i look in is the "kitchen"


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