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Best Turkey Quotes Today

  1. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2013 2:49pm UTC
    "The revolution will not be televised!"
    No mainstream media outlet in the country is speaking out about what has happened in Turkey. The only way to follow what has happened is via social media, eye witness accounts, and a few cameras broadcasting on the internet.
    We desperately need to draw attention to the injustice that is taking place in Turkey. We cannot let the media blackout bury this in darkness.
    31.05.2013 Bloody Friday
    Yesterday was the scene for unprecidented state and police violence against the public in Turkey. What started as a sit in against plans to build a shopping mall in place of Gezi Parki, known as the only green space left in central Istanbul, eventually turned into something much bigger. Yesterday was Turkey's Bloody Friday.
    It started as a peacful protest. People set up tents, sang, and held book readings at the park to keep out bulldozers
    -Police started firing tear gas grenades, water cannons, and rubber bullets, directly targeting the people.
    -Gas grenades were fired into metro stations. The doors were locked. People were tweeting, asking for help.
    -The emergency room of a hospital was gassed
    -Hundreds of people were admitted to hospitals. Several had severe brain damage and others are now dead.
    -There are reports of people permanently losing their sight due to gas grenades or water canons
    -There were reports that police would drive the crowd to the end of Istiklal Avenue by use of gas grenades, where police buses were waiting to take detainees the anti-terrorism bureau
    Early hours of Saturday morning, 40,000 people are marching
    on the bridge towards Taksim. Countless buses from all around the country are taking fellow citizens to Istanbul to join resistance against the opressive government.
    People chant: "Shoulder to shoulder against facism!"
    You can help by tagging the following news outlets on Twitter:
    @bbc @cnn @aljazeera @euronews @nytimes @newyorkpost @reuters @cnnlive @foxnews @newsweek @theeconomist @huffingtonpost @parisview @usweekly @theatlantic
    Top trending hashtags on Twitter:
    #direngeziparki #TurkiyemDireniyor #GeziParkiCanlaBasla #SesVerTurkiyeBuUlkeSahipsizDegil #occupygezi #occupytaksim #occupyistanbul

  2. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 4:28pm UTC
    For the past few days Taksim (Turkey) has been calmer, more peaceful
    with only the protestors walking around and making shows. But this morning, one million police attacked the citizens in Taksim. Taksim is now the way it was 17 days ago: a war field. fire, tear bombs, guns and water cannons; everything.
    Taksim is literally like a hospital, too many injured people to count.
    Too much smoke. Too much blood. Too much pain. The ruling party's young supporters are given guns and sent into Taksim to kill the people that are against the ruling party (AKP).
    Most of the people in taksim are in highschool and college.
    They're young citizens that are asking for their rights, that are sick of the oppresive government. They do not want religious people to rule their country, they don't want trees to be cut so that they make a shopping center. They just do not want AKP.
    They never did anything to hurt anyone until the police came in.
    Of course they hurt the police--what were they suppose to do? Just died?
    The governer of Istanbul gave a speech on TV. He was banning people
    from going to taksim without saying it directly. He said things along the lines of "Whoever goes to that place is a terrorist" and "We will not take responsibility of your injury if you go to Taksim" and "Anyone supporting those terrorist will be in danger" (indirectly) etc.
    The Turkish government is trying to stop people from voicing
    any of their opinions. In the media, they are not showing anything. None of the major channels, none of the big newspapers are showing anything. All of them are supporting the ruling party.
    Turkey is in danger.

  3. soccertrack soccertrack
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2013 1:23pm UTC
    Bucket List #14
    Go to Turkey. Gobble at the locals. Insist I'm speaking thier native language.

  4. Bec* Bec*
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2013 11:51pm UTC
    "It's just a midnight snack" I said as I prepared a full turkey dinner.

  5. MaryPenguin MaryPenguin
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 7:21pm UTC
    My mom's way of thinking:
    Mom: You look like you're having fun.
    Mom: Let me assign you a chore.

  6. Livelovemusic11 Livelovemusic11
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2013 8:39pm UTC
    Patrick: You're a turkey.
    Spongebob: What's that?
    Patrick: That's what you are.

  7. hear_me_roar hear_me_roar
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2013 12:33am UTC
    Pray for

  8. ChrisMat ChrisMat
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2013 9:24am UTC
    So many quotes about Turkey O:
    Does anyone know what happened in Greece?

  9. haynaww_17 haynaww_17
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2013 6:13pm UTC
    Waking up in the morning
    Person: Good Morning!
    Me: Shut up.

  10. DunGoofed DunGoofed
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2013 12:18am UTC
    Just noticed the Witty header is turkeys. I love the interweb.

  11. Cameron* Cameron*
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2013 4:42pm UTC
    Oh gods, the turkeys!

  12. livelaflove livelaflove
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2014 3:41pm UTC
    Haha, the turkeys are a nice touch Steve
    Happy Belated Thanksgiving everyone :)

  13. hayhayy915 hayhayy915
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 4:20pm UTC
    Hey everyone!!
    I need a favor!!
    Go to this link----
    And comment or like it or do both to get it to the top quotes!!
    Repost it please!!
    Put it on any other social media you have!!
    We gotta make people aware of whats going on in Turkey!!
    The people of Turkey need our help!!

  14. Amanda Zicca* Amanda Zicca*
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2013 11:23pm UTC
    what did the turkey say to the vegetarian on Thanksgiving?

  15. anime_lover anime_lover
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2013 12:08am UTC
    I went on holiday to Turkey a while ago. I fell in love with the most awesome guy ever. I like everything about him even his personality. I couldn't tell him and on the last day i was there i vowed i was going to tell him. He asked about my cousin and that was when it hit me. He liked her.. Not me. He smiled at her at dinner. When we were shopping and ran into him he looked back and winked at her. My heart was broken and it has been a year and i'm still not over him. I don't think i ever will be. And that.. Is my story.

  16. *~Andria~* *~Andria~*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2013 12:16pm UTC
    Let's express gratitude for our prosperity while ravaging a beheaded fowl carcass.

  17. soccer#7* soccer#7*
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2013 9:21pm UTC
    Starving myself
    in preparation for Thanksgiving

  18. Victoria13 Victoria13
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2013 4:54pm UTC
    I just love Thanksgiving :)


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