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Truthbetold Quotes

  1. The Sleeping Wallflower* The Sleeping Wallflower*
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2014 8:00am UTC
    I wish that someone in this world would love me. Not like a family love, not like a friend love, something more. I want someone to tell me that i am worth something to them, that maybe, just maybe i am the reason that they are on this earth, to love me. Someone to tell that i am beautiful, inside and out, because i dont think anyone else can do that. I want love, maybe not true love, because its not time for that. I dont feel deserved by anyone, i am just too odd, i guess. No one accepts me, but i have already known that, pretty much my whole life.Well thats it i guess. Thanks for reading this whole thing. I appreciate your guys support. I love my wittians! RAIN_013

  2. The Sleeping Wallflower* The Sleeping Wallflower*
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2014 7:58am UTC
    The most likes i ever get on a quote is like, 5!

  3. The Sleeping Wallflower* The Sleeping Wallflower*
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2014 12:31pm UTC
    It seems i have grown up. I remember when i first started in the witty world, i was so happy, like all the time. Now i am a bit more, me, l guess. I am not afraid to be myself on this website, its not like people will judge.But you must learn that the real world will knock you out, cold. Anyways, thanks guys, especially Steve. I will be forever grateful for the brilliant idea of wittyprofiles. And always remember that you are far bigger than anything that the world can ever put you through.RAIN_013.

  4. meltdown meltdown
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2013 1:50pm UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [Please keep this little message thing here as well. :) ] (c) cloudlings do not convert to make your own layouts/tumblr themes/etc. specifically made to only be used for quotes on wittyprofiles.com
    my body is breaking down,

  5. still_standing_strong still_standing_strong
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2013 11:04pm UTC

  6. panic at the rachael* panic at the rachael*
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2013 9:35pm UTC
    I am one of those freaks who faves ther own quotes
    It's not my fault i was born a comedian

  7. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2013 7:38pm UTC
    Okay guys. So I have something important and completely serious to say.
    So I just recently got my 400th follower.
    When I created my witty profile in January, my friend Adrienne helped me set it up. I set it up because I was playing Truth or Dare with my friends.
    Adrienne helped me set up the profile and taught me how to use witty. The dare was that girls seemed to always follow guys on this site for whatever reason. She wanted me to wait until I got 400 followers and then suddenly turn into a terrible person and crush the hearts of every girl following me on this site.
    After getting 100 followers and getting used to the website, I realized how much I actually love some of the people on this website and how I feel so safe with so many of the people on here. So I made my policy that you have to favorite a certain amount of my quotes before you follow me because I don't want fake followers who only follow me because they think I'm cute or anything.
    But a dare is a dare. But I refuse to act like a jerk to any of the fine people on this website. So I decided something similar.
    I'm going to be myself. Don't get me wrong, I was being myself on this website before and was being completely honest (about being agnostic and bisexual and all that jazz). But there's more to me. I'm going to start revealing it soon and I completely understand if you decide to hate me based off of my decisions that I make from my beliefs.
    I don't want to do anything to hurt the feelings of anyone on this website because I truely think of everyone here as my friend. So within the next few weeks to month, you're going to see me actually transition into who I really believe I am. Feel free to unfollow me if you are unsatisifed with the results of how I show myself and if you don't support my actions. But please don't insult me because this is a big step for me.
    Thank you to those who will be there for me, and to those of you who have been there since the beginning.
    You know who you are.

  8. Move_Along Move_Along
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2013 8:04pm UTC
    Dear Guys,
    Don't ever say calm down or cheer up, because it puts us in a worse mood.
    Us Girls

  9. itsrosieee_ itsrosieee_
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2013 2:32am UTC
    Let's be honest, you're not sorry you did it,
    you're sorry I found out.

  10. itsrosieee_ itsrosieee_
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2013 2:26am UTC
    It's not a real friendship without homosexual moments.

  11. maddiepoytress maddiepoytress
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 9:41pm UTC
    You know what makes me really sad?
    No more bacon. Now that depresses me.


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