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Tonyperry Quotes

  1. CharlieIsRad CharlieIsRad
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2014 1:30pm UTC
    But don't just say it,
    you should sing
    my name, pretend
    that it's a song ♥ ♥
    Please don't remove this!

  2. xthisisparadise xthisisparadise
    posted a quote
    October 22, 2013 12:46pm UTC
    The fact that some 'fan' of Pierce The Veil bought Meet & Greet passes and then told Tony all those things hurts me. LIterally that man works his a.ss off and performs for YOU. And you go and say these things to him, please just stop. Sure he's changed, and stuff but I still love Turtle.

  3. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 9:00pm UTC
    Twitter bios of Pierce The Veil:
    Jaime Preciado: Hi, I'm Jaime and maybe we'll pretend right now but I swear to god we're gonna change the world.
    Tony Perry: I play guitar in Pierce The Veil and I love STAR WARS
    Vic Fuentes: May my enemies live long so they can see me progress.
    Mike: I rub my díck on expensive shít

  4. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2013 10:28pm UTC
    What my dad thinks of band members:
    Vic Fuentes: He needs a hair cut. I don't like his nose piercing.
    Tony Perry: His ears confuse me, are they okey? Do those things hurt? God.
    Jaime Preciado: Your mother has the same hair as him. Don't tell her I said that.
    Mike Fuentes: This guy's your favorite? ....Oh no.
    Patrick Stump: He looks like a good-natured guy.
    Pete Wentz: Oh, I know this one. WENTZ.
    Kellin Quinn: She's cute.

  5. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2013 7:51pm UTC
    Interviewer: Tell us the story of how the band started.
    Vic: Well it all started out with me and my Hermano. Then we stumbled across Jaime in a dark ally.
    Jaime: I was on drugs.
    VIc: Homeless, pushing a shopping cart, playing a bass he made.
    Mike: It only had one string.
    Vic: So we recruited him. Tony was just dealing drugs downhill.

  6. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2013 7:48pm UTC
    Mike: Stay out of gangs and don't do drugs.
    Jaime: Always try to finish college.
    Tony: Don't be a fool, wrap you tool!
    Vic: Studded belts are out. Not really feelin' the V-Necks either.
    Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Pierce The Veil.

  7. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2013 5:02pm UTC
    Pierce The Veil is splitting up.
    Tony Perry has decided to marry and start a family with a turtle.

  8. OhhBeautifullBroox3 OhhBeautifullBroox3
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2013 8:18pm UTC
    Hi! I'm Jenni Acosta!
    And I'm obsessed with Tony Perry;3

  9. catchtheshadows catchtheshadows
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2013 5:30am UTC
    "I kissed the scars on her skin, I still think you're beautiful, and I don't ever want to lose my best friend" ~ Pierce the Veil

  10. catchtheshadows catchtheshadows
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2013 5:26am UTC
    Parents: get over your obsession with Pierce the Veil
    Me: no, amigo, no

  11. BulletproofLove BulletproofLove
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2013 5:54am UTC
    Let's lose our minds
    and call it love
    For the last time

  12. Mollie88 Mollie88
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2013 9:24pm UTC
    You remind her that the futrue
    is just a few heartbeats away
    from disaster.

  13. Revolution Revolution
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2013 3:11pm UTC
    Why is Tony Perry so adorable?
    Idk, ask jesus.

  14. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 4:17pm UTC
    I like your starry eyes.
    They yell "Surprise, surprise."
    I'm in love but not for long...


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