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Best Rant Quotes This Week

  1. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2013 10:24am UTC
    That awkward moment when you realize:
    people think gays shouldn't adopt
    babies (abandoned by straight people),
    because "straight people would be better parents."

  2. absent * absent *
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2013 3:49pm UTC
    The words 'twerk' and 'selfie' are now part of the Oxford English Dictionary. What is this world coming to? Honestly. I don't want my kids raised in a world where Miley Cyrus' actions are seen as acceptable.

  3. jimmy365 jimmy365
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2013 5:52pm UTC
    Honey Boo Boo
    and her family are happy, she isn’t doing anything more embarrassing than your standard blush-inducing family photo album stuff and her parents are literally putting every single dollar they make from the show into a college savings for their children and all the gifts she gets from fans get donated to LGBT youth shelters what possible bone could you have to pick with these people other than the fact that you find them slightly abrasive
    f o r m a t j i m m y 3 6 5 n m q!

  4. KayleighJean KayleighJean
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2014 9:44pm UTC
    So there has been alot of quotes recently about missing the old witty,
    and I have been doing a pretty good job about keeping my mouth shut.
    I had a witty back in 2010, and yeah it was different, there were some good aspects back then
    but it was also much worse than it is now.
    In the old witty, your chances of making top quotes was one in a million
    on witty now, everyone seems to have an even chance at making top quotes
    Back then we had way more egotistic boys and fake accounts
    on witty now, there are more real, kind people.
    It is easier to make friends and grow close to people now
    and although it may not be the same as the old witty
    I think witty now is still pretty great. Just be grateful
    that it is still here, because we almost lost it at one point
    there could not be a witty, so stop complaining
    and if you want the old witty back
    put as much effort into changing it as you do complaining
    and maybe, just maybe, we will get somewhere.
    ~End Rant~

  5. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2013 6:46pm UTC
    Do you want to know what I think
    about anorexia?
    Let me ask you, why are you anorexic?
    Is it because you want ot be skinny?
    Well let me tell you somehting. And listen.
    It won't make you skinny.
    It will make your stomache eat yourself alive.
    Then when you actually do eat, even if it's just a piece of toast,
    you will gian a LOT of weight from that.
    a LOT.
    And if you think "well then I won't eat at all"
    Then you're just looking for a one way ticket to death.
    You'll probably live for 2-3 weeks max.
    And if you think that starving yourself to be skinny
    will make guys want to date you,
    you're way off.
    Totally wrong.
    I wouldn't want to date someone who
    doesn't have the self confidence to look like themselves in front of me.
    If you want to be skinny and have guys notice you,
    exercise every day,
    eat a healthy diet,
    get off of the computer sometimes.
    Then not only will you impress us guys,
    you'll impress yourself
    and your family
    and your friends.
    You don't know how to get skinny and take care of yourself?
    There's a witty profile called "Fitness" that has great tips.
    If you use Pinterest, they have a ton of people always giving advice.
    But DON'T starve yourself.
    You'll just lose respect from others
    and yourself.
    I wasn't trying to yell at people by the way. It was kind of a rant / inspriational message.

  6. cujo* cujo*
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2013 11:49am UTC
    There are so many people on this site with online depression test results on their profiles and it makes me feel very {ugh?!???!??}. Please, please, you guys, I BEG of you people, DO NOT take the online depression tests. It gives you WRONG results. Do not believe all that bullsh-t. There is NOTHING wrong with you. Believing it will only make you feel worse. If you want to know if you're depressed or having any disorder, get a proper diagnosis, from a REAL doctor! Not some pathetic quiz on the internet. Seriously. Nothing it says are true. You are not having an extreme disorder. Please. Stop. Feeding. Yourself. Lies.

  7. gab* gab*
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2014 8:00pm UTC

  8. * Sabaism * * Sabaism *
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2013 8:13pm UTC
    Lyric's rant of the day:
    So I'm just sitting in my room
    And my sister starts blasting Potential Breakup Song
    And as you all know it's about a girl leaving a guy because he 'forgot' her birthday.
    And it's not like he didn't call, he just called later than he should've.
    Well, there's a line in this song
    That goes 'We got along until you did that'
    Proving he was a perfectly good man
    He just called her late on her birthday
    And don't even get me started on the millions of logical reasons why that might've happened.
    Nowadays girls complain about guys treating them bad
    Or just simply complain about not having a boyfriend period.
    So I've been thinking
    What if girls are only dating terrible guys
    Because all the good guys gave up on love
    Like they were sick of being thrown away
    Over something as silly as not calling at 12:01 am to wish thier girl a happy birthday.
    I'm sorry but this song managed to upset me beyond anything
    And honestly
    As terrible as this may seem
    I couldn't help but smile when Raven played their song Heart
    Because that song is about how their heart is broken
    Maybe karma finally decided to bite them in the butt.
    Let this be a lesson girls,
    Don't leave a good guy just because he isn't perfect.

  9. JustAnotherWittyGuy18 JustAnotherWittyGuy18
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 8:20pm UTC
    "You don't deserve to be depressed"
    Oh so do some people deserve it? The aching for something, for anyone to care? The self hate? The constant wanting of something better? Are you saying that someone out there deserves that? Because i have been through He.ll and back, and out of everyone, No one deserves to be depressed. When people look at mea and say to me, "You've had a hard life, you don't deserve depression." That's like telling a cancer patient you don't deserve cancer. Does anyone? Who out there actually deserves it? You can give me the worst person in your life. Here i'll use mine. We all know my sob story that i call a life, We all know what my father did to us. He murdered my little sister and he did things to us, like sexually. He pretty much stole my virginity. But i look at him, the man who tortured me. The man who locked me in a box full of snakes. Theman that tried to kill me, the man who hunts me. But not even my father deserves something like depression. So i'm sorry for ranting, but it kills me when people say that i don't deserve it! Out of everyone, i do the most. Because i've done drugs, i am the reason some friends are dead, i drink even though i cant if i want to keep my son. I've messed up, but do i deserve a war in my mind? No, no one does.

  10. chickittylover chickittylover
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2013 5:53pm UTC
    Format chickittylover
    do you even understand how hard it is to have 3,089 crushes all at once
    i mean all of those different feelings about different people all at once
    i still haven't mastered the ability to not cry out when i think of one of the 3,089 crushes oh

  11. PrincessKrys2000 PrincessKrys2000
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2013 10:21am UTC
    But that's okay.
    We're all a little broken.

  12. *•°¯`••songbird••´¯°•* *•°¯`••songbird••´¯°•*
    posted a quote
    March 8, 2014 1:34pm UTC
    This might make some people angry..But whatever. Here goes nothing:
    You know why Witty's almost dead??
    The top quote gets, like an average of about 75 faves a day.
    And maybe if its a guy or a popular Wittian,um 90 maybe.You
    know why?Because not a lot of people fave quotes
    All or most of the quotes here are about love or relationships or
    break-ups and blah blah..I mean, seriously, love is not your entire life,
    okay??Its not all boys and girls and butterflies and hearts and valentines
    or whatever, all the time.
    So many of the quotes here are from Tumblr or facebook.C'mon, Is it
    so hard to come up with your own?And many quotes are from Witty as well.
    The same quote gets posted every once in a few weeks.What pÏsses me off
    is that it'll still get faves.And the original quotes are almost neglected.
    I joined Witty beacause all of you here were so nice, because it was not unfair like
    the real world it was almost like an escape for me.I felt accepted, for once in my life.
    But over the past month, i've been feeling so "not home" here and its almost like
    a school with popular kids and all that shït.Maybe its a personal problem and
    nobody probably cares, but we need to stop all this and get Witty back up.
    Start faving more quotes
    Start making more quotes,your own quotes and stop stealing them from other sites just to be popular
    i'm done.
    thank you for reading this

  13. AlNicholas AlNicholas
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2013 8:41am UTC
    do you ever just get mad because
    you’re spending your only teenage
    years feeling like you want to jump
    off a cliff while other people are
    having the time of their lives and
    being in love and just being good
    at things and you’re just kind of there

  14. Skimrande Skimrande
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2013 4:34pm UTC
    Ugh quit acting like wanting attention is a bad thing. Seeking attention is a normal human behavior and every god damned person on this website is actively pursuing attention so quit acting like calling people "attention seekers" like it's some kind of insult makes you superior ffs

  15. savannah* savannah*
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2013 6:03pm UTC
    I'm one of the few girls who doesn't sleep around. I'm not easy, because I don't care what people have to say and I don't
    care if people think i'm a prude. I don't smoke weed or do molly because if you think i'm uncool for keeping my head on
    straight, you're not my friend anyway. I don't go out and drink every weekend because I'd rather not end up wrapped around
    a telephone pole with a beer in my hand. I avoid all of this stuff because it's not "part of being a teenager" it's part of being
    a complete idiot. So don't tell me to loosen up, when it seems like you're the one who needs to tighten up.

  16. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2013 8:16pm UTC
    i need to rant but i'm too annoying so i'll just cut it out

  17. Amenah Amenah
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2014 10:23pm UTC
    *rant* because omfg were people always this stupid and ignorant or am i just on the dumb side of the internet again
    i just can't
    *sighs self to death*
    ((i may be inclined to ignore idiotic comments. i have no interest in drama llamas.)
    Yes, you can be ra.cist to white people.
    Let's go into detail, ignoring for a second the blatant generalisation here.
    1. What is ra.cism?
    I read a tumblr post that said it was "prejudice + intstitutionalised, systematic oppression". That is buIIshit. You don't need organised, concious oppression. You don't need a government or a 'system' or a preached belief to breed ra.cism. All you need is hatred, and ignorance. That is all. Ra.cism is prejduice, and that's all. Stop flowering it up to be some political agenda, stop building podiums and ditches because you want to wax lyrical about how unfair people's lives are. It's ignorant, it's rude, and more than anything, it's stupid because it's so offensive to people who HAVE suffered ra.cism, WITHOUT your 'the-whole-world-needs-to-be-out-to-get-you' belief. Let's look at islamaphobia for example; muslims have the same right as every other citizen in the UK (for example, just as applicable in the entire western world). We are not depicted as monsters. They do not teach in schools that we are below anyone else. Muslims are not oppressed in the western world. But there is rampant ra.cism, inexusable ra.cism, and very obvious and tangible ra.cism. THAT happened, not because white people colonised the land and preached about how they were overlords, but because of fear, and ignorance. And when your father is killed by a stranger in a war your government has waged, who you can identify by only their faith and ethnicity, and you need someone to hate; when you hear about terrorists who call themselves Muslims, and you don't know /real/ muslims; when you're scared, and you don't know anything else, you're going to hate. And you're going to need someone to hate. And hatred can be blinding. THAT is ra.cism. Right there. Don't you dare tell anyone that there are 'criteria' that must be met for someone to be ra.cist. Because you know what happens if you do that? If you tell people that there is 'no such thing' as being ra.cist to a certain group? When someone IS ra.cist to them, it can be overlooked. And you create all the problems you claim don't affect them.
    2. Who can be ra.cist?
    You. Me. Everyone and anyone. A slave or a king or a mother or a teacher. The oppressed can be ra.cist. Someone from a minority group can be ra.cist. There are no 'rules' about this. There are no boxes that need to be ticked.
    3. To whom can someone be ra.cist?
    Right. This is where the issue is. I was having a conversation earlier, and one of the replies I got when I made my point was this: "You cannot be ra.cist towards white people. Even if white people are a "minority" in places, they still have privilege over POC. Remember colonization?" -- and then, also this: "there is not a system that oppresses whites". Really? Okay. I'll talk about colonisation and your 'oppressive' regimes in a second. First, let's please look at the fact that 'white people', as you so gently put it, are not magical or on a pedestal, are not anything but human - so of course they're going to be hurt when someone denies them something for their colour of skin. Anyone would be. I would be (and sometimes am...*sob story*). Who you are doesn't stop you from getting hurt. Who your ancestors were doesn't exempt you from being targeted. And how rich you are or how much power you have does not mean people cannot hate you, and will not hurt you. I just- can't- sldkfjsdlkfjds. ACCEPT THAT YOU CAN BE RA.CIST TO WHITE PEOPLE LIKE YOU CAN BE TO ANYONE. ANYONE. AANNYOOONEEEEEE.
    4. Where can ra.cism happen?
    also titled -- Where is ra.cism towards white people present?
    Because maybe it's just me being exposed to only privelaged kids who can only see as far as they're back garden. Maybe it's just me who's been to places like Pakistan, the USA, Dubai (JUST to name very few examples) and can compare them. Pakistan = white people are a minority, and where you will get glares, curses, and perhaps worse depending on how unlucky you are, if you are white. A word in Urdu, 'gora' means white person; it is not very often said without negative connotations, and is the only word in common language to refer to white people. You know why that happened? Because hatred, and fear. Because colonisation and years of oppression do not breed respect or kindness in the indigenous people, as surprising as that muuuust be to read. Then the USA = where I've gotten glares and stares and curses for wearing a hijab, for saying a prayer under my voice, for speaking in Urdu. Why did that happen? Because fear, and hatred, and ignorance. Dubai = one of the most multicultural places I've ever been. You will not get stares if you are white. Or if you are like me, and wear a hijab. Why? Because a lot of people from different places live there, because it is a city in the middle of a desert and most of it is made of people who are not 'from' there. Because there is not as much ignorance. So where can ra.cism happen? It can happen anywhere where people don't know. Where that skin colour might be unusual. Look at North Korea - whenever ANY white people go there, which is very rarely and usually a reporter or something, you will get stares, and so much fear. And that's for other reasons, too, obviously, but it's a prime example. Do don't you dare say that it's impossible to be ra.cist to white people because there are no regimes that oppress them - there are, there can be, and there needn't be one in the first place. White people (again, apologies for the gross generalisation) did not, believe it or not, take over the entire world. They did not COLONISE EVERYWHERE. And that thing about how 'even if they're a minority, they still have privileges' - privileges? WHAT PRIVILEGES? How ignorant must someone to be to actually believe that no matter where you are in the world, white people - whether the minority or majority - are considered 'better' because of who was there first? Because firstly, they weren't everywhere first. Secondly, it's not just ABOUT who was there first. Thirdly, even if they WERE there first and they oppressed the indigenous people (for example, Australia? - correct me if I'm wrong on this one, sorry), it does in no way exempt them from hatred or fear or prejudice.
    5. The issue of reverse ra.cism.
    Okay. I haven't addressed this yet, and it's really important. I'm assuming if you've read this far, you'll know what it is (although it does speak for itself). And I think that in, for example, the USA (although I can't speak from experience), reverse ra.cism isn't a thing. I agree that there isn't a system of oppression in generally, the Western world as a whole, towards 'white people'. However, I think it's the stupidest thing in the world to say that just because this isn't the case, it's impossible to be ra.cist towards white people based on their skin colour. That's not true. Besides, it's naive to think that ra.cism is just about skin colour, because it isn't - it's about what is associated with those people, it is about prejudice of what people OF that colour are like, and it is both personal AND societal views. There is more to it than just feeling uncomfortable because 'they don't look like you'. There is more to ra.cism than a society that hates you - and while that's important, and that's an issue, and it may not apply to 'white people' wherever YOU happen to be from, don't dare say that it means that ALL ra.cist acts towards white people are nonexistant and it doesn't happen anywhere else in the world. I kindly ask that anyone who is convinced that you can't be ra.cist to white people because they are white pull there head out of the sand, and look beyond their back garden. The world is bigger than a privileged area. I could say so much more on reverse ra.cism, but this isn't the place to.
    7. Why do I care so much?
    Because I think it's important. Because I know that if people start saying that it's impossible to be ra.cist to a particular group of people, bad things happen. Because anyone came up to me and said "it is impossible to be ra.cist to people of your skin colour," I'd be scared, and furious. Because you cannot know the entire story across the world. Because you cannot generalise to such an ignorant degree. Because you have no f.cking right to tell someone whether or not they are ALLOWED to be offended. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THAT. None. Because the world is bigger than what you see right in front of you.
    Oh, and guess what, angry commenter? I'm not white. I'm just not stupid. Go on and TRY and accuse me for just writing this because I was offended because 'i want the right to be pitied'. Just. F.cking. Try.
    Okay. That's my rant.

  18. iLL-Legal Alien👽* iLL-Legal Alien👽*
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 6:30pm UTC
    Robin Thicke has faced no repercussions because of his and Mileys
    I spent ages thinking Miley was the only person in the performance before I had even seen it because everyone was calling her a sl/ut and not
    focusing on the creepy 36 year old married man with kids pretending to fck her while singing a song that glorifies ra/pe okay bye

  19. cujo* cujo*
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2013 5:56am UTC
    if u use the ":3" face when you talk to mei will cut you and feed u to mutts

  20. hemmo1996* hemmo1996*
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2013 5:52pm UTC
    It's really sad that we live in a world where eating disorders, self harm, rac!sm and bullying isn't taken seriously. They are REAL issues, not the punchline of your stupid, insensitive joke.


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