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Best Pushing Quotes Today

  1. appleloop* appleloop*
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2014 10:39am UTC
    i don't care i don't care i don't care Format made by
    Sleepy. Please, ONLY use this as a quote on witty. Do not use for
    your profiles, do not use to make your own tumblr themes, do not
    use on any other site. Please leave credit in the coding and do not
    remove any current credit. AND DO NOT REMOVE THIS PART.
    The sad thing is
    I'm trying to reach you, and you keep pushing me away.      

  2. ^_^* ^_^*
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 4:21pm UTC
    We sometimes push people away just to see if they'll come back. The truth is sometimes we push too hard and they never push back into our lives. Then we're left with the regret and lonliness that we feared the most...

  3. soccermm soccermm
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2013 8:11pm UTC
    I'm afraid that I'm pushing people away but i just have nothing to say to anyone.

  4. justkiddiing justkiddiing
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2016 8:22am UTC
    It's always pushing
    and pulling
    and pushing again
    pushing, because,
    I'm a scared little girl
    I want to be alone and
    bear this misery
    pulling, because,
    I'm also afraid of being
    lonely in the dark and
    I want to borrow your light
    and pushing, again,
    because the inconsisency
    of my being is what I am
    made of
    I'm shaking the world around me
    to see what falls off
    the only one that dissapoints me
    is me

  5. TheHalfbacksGirl TheHalfbacksGirl
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2013 6:25pm UTC
    I thought you were done pushing

  6. hello_universe hello_universe
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2013 8:42pm UTC
    I understand pushing you aways was my fault.
    But why did you let me?

  7. it_goes_on* it_goes_on*
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 12:14am UTC
    I'm gonna laugh
    when you realize
    you're just p u s h i n g me away
    from taking your anger on other people out on me.

  8. help_me_im_drowning help_me_im_drowning
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2013 6:21pm UTC
    What is it going to take for you to see how much I care.?
    Do I have to stop breathing and fall on the floor in order for you to miss me?
    What if I said that I wasn't going anywhere, and I'd never leave you?
    Is the only way to get rid of me is to push me away?
    Because you are pushing away the only person that would say...

  9. invisableme13 invisableme13
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2014 1:48pm UTC
    You can go through life pushing people down to get higher, but in the end its not how high you got rather the journey that got you where you are.

  10. Superman x x * Superman x x *
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2013 8:37pm UTC
    You just have to push push and push soon it will be too late and you will reget pushing


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