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Orange Quotes

  1. Cammie Cammie
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2013 10:01pm UTC
    Are oranges named orange because
    they are orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange.

  2. JamiCee JamiCee
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2013 9:16pm UTC
    & There's no more lies
    in the darkness there's

  3. PrettyUnicorn101 PrettyUnicorn101
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2013 8:03pm UTC
    When life gives you lemons make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it

  4. ^_^* ^_^*
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2013 8:01am UTC
    I swear some girls
    just head-butt a tub of
    foundation before they go

  5. smile_cos_you_can smile_cos_you_can
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2013 1:53pm UTC
    just gonna stand there are watch me burn.
    thats allright because i like the way it hurts

  6. JessssIsBored JessssIsBored
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2013 5:30am UTC
    When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it.

  7. TrollersAnonymous TrollersAnonymous
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2013 6:28am UTC
    I hate Ed Sheeran so much, omg. He's like a red haired hamster that got hold of a guitar.

  8. TheJealousOne TheJealousOne
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 10:30am UTC
    Sometimes I might include strong content and language, like I did in my last.
    If you can't take it then, dont read?
    Also these are written off the top of my head. So forgive me if I make a few mistakes.
    Oh Cherie
    Kiss or a killer?
    Chapter 3 - p2
    I was looking for Jason all day today. The message spread around the school really fast about what has happened
    last week. People were staring at me when I walked passed them, they laughed, and they talked.
    There was even a photoshopped picture of me that someone stuck in the yearbook.
    I got so much hate aswell on facebook, most of which were just Jolene's fake accounts.
    "Tina!" I shouted. "Where's Jason."
    "Boys bathroom," she said.
    I could tell by her face that Jolene has already told her what had happened.
    "Look, Tina. I really need a friend, not even my own mother wants to speak to me. I can't
    take it if you don't either. Please understand. I'll explain later."
    Tina frowned.
    "I'm not upset with you, Cherie," she said.
    I sighed.
    "Thank you."
    "But I know Jason, really well. He's dangerous. Stay away from him."
    "You know him?"
    She nodded. "I've got alot to tell you, Cherie."
    I was slightly confused but went to the boys bathroom. I waited for almost 10 minutes before deciding to go in.
    "Oh no," Jason said.
    He looked around and lit another cigarette.
    I knocked it out of his hand.
    "Are you crazy Jas?"
    "What were you doing in my back yard, yesterday?" I asked.
    "I was looking for you of course."
    I had no time to ask him how he knew I would be out there.
    "What exactly is it you want?" I asked.
    "I want two things," he replied.
    "What are they, go on."
    "Your help and," he began. "and...you."
    I shook my head.
    "My help with what?" I asked, curiously.
    "Your help to kill, Jolene."
    My heart sank to my toes completely.
    "You want my help with what?"
    "To kill Joe," he whispered.
    I was really confused.
    He explained to me that he needed to kill her, or else he would be killed.
    "Why, is someone threatening you?" I asked.
    "Something like that."
    We spoke on that topic for ages.
    "Please, I'll explain later," he said.
    "Why do you need my help?" I asked.
    "I want you to fall in love with me."
    I looked down.
    "I love you," he said.
    "I don't love you," i replied.
    There was a solid silence for a few seconds, the longest seconds of my life.
    "Fine, I'll help you kill Jolene. But what's the name of the guy threatening you?"
    Mike? The guy I was in love with a long time ago.
    Memories flashed into my brain.
    Suddenly, the toilet flush, flushed. Someone had heard everything we'd just said.
    We both turned and looked at the cubical, the sound was coming from.
    And you'd never guess who walked out.
    She was crying, shocked and scared.
    She was shivering.
    "Please," she said and got down on her knees.
    "We're not going to hurt Joe," I told Jason.
    "It's her or you," he explained. "I chose her because I don't love her."
    "I'd like to meet Mike."
    "He's going to hurt you," he warned.
    "I don't care."

  9. TheJealousOne TheJealousOne
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2013 8:53am UTC
    Sometimes I might include strong content and language, like I did in my last.
    If you can't take it then, dont read?
    Also these are written off the top of my head. So forgive me if I make a few mistakes.
    Oh Cherie
    Kiss or a killer
    Chapter 3 - p1
    "Just wait until we get home, Cherie," Mum shouted at me in the car.
    "Mum, I'm sorry," I said, quietly.
    "Sorry doesn't cut it!" she snapped.
    Jake, wrapped her arms around me, letting me rest my head on her shoulder.
    "Mum, she's tired, can we talk about it in the morning?" she said.
    I was tired. It was almost midnight, we would be having the dance with our dates if the incident didn't happen.
    "Jake, she humiliated me! She had sxx with her best friend's boyfriend, she made a whole scene tonight. Joe's close friends and relatives were there. My friend's were there. What will they think? She's 17 for god's sake! She shouldn't be doing stuff like that at her age! She now even has her sxx tape! God knows what that boy could do with it!"
    "Calm down mum," Jake said as we pulled up in the driveway.
    "Just wait," Mum began. "Wait until we get inside, she's going to be in for a hiding."
    "Mum, don't," Jake said as she saw me, silently crying.
    She pulled me out the car and gave me some support. I could hardly walk.
    I was limping.
    "Easy does it," Jake said.
    It wasn't the same for my mum though, she pushed Jake away, causing me to fall on the ground.
    "MUM!" Jake shouted as Mum was lifting her hand up to slap me.
    "Unlock the door!" she demanded on Jake. Jake could see how angry she was and gave in.
    Mum, dragged me by the arm inside the house, throwing me on the couch.
    "Mum, stop please! I'm sorry, so sorry," I cried.
    "You think, just because you started this thing, you can end it?" she said.
    She turned to look to Jake. "Go to your room and go to bed."
    Jake did as she said and gave me a little, sympathetic wave. She was almost in tears.
    "Mum," I said.
    She grabbed a belt from the closet and started to whip me.
    "Mum!" I shouted.
    She didn't stop and kept going. I could hardly breath. Never has my own mum beat me. She never did.
    It was my first ever spank.ng.
    She then, sunk to her knees and cried.
    "Do you know what people are gonna think? What they're going to think of you?"
    "It doen't m...atter," I hesitated to say.
    "You played dirty, Cherie."
    I nodded.
    "Get n.aked."
    What? Was this a punishment?
    "If that's what you're interested in, then okay," she said.
    She made me strip. It was cold in the living room.
    I shivered. Jake could hear everything from upstairs.
    "Get outside," she ordered.
    "Like this?" I wimpered.
    She forced me to go, she grabbed me by the neck and pushed me out into the back yard.
    She then threw a blanket at me too.
    She probably expected me to sleep there.
    Every bit of the night sky showed signs of rain. A storm even. It wasn't long before it started.
    Not long at all. I huddled in my blanket under the really thin shelter of our house.
    I was more scared then ever out here.
    "Cherie?" a voice called.
    I searched around, moving my eyeballs to see a figure. As it came closer, I seeked recognisation.
    "Is this your mother's idea of a punishment?" he laughed.
    I cried. "It's not funny."
    "So you love me huh?" he teased.
    How dare he? I stood up, my blanket falling off, but I didn't care.
    He looked down and grinned.
    "May I just ask?" I began. "Why?"
    "I was using you!" he laughed. "Like I'm using her. Don't you get it Cherie?"
    "What the hell!" I screamed, almost slapping him. "I don't know what I saw in you, you're just another little sh-"
    "I love you," he interrupted.
    I looked up a him.
    I couldn't belive my ears.
    "After all of this, you can still make a joke out of it?"
    "I'm not joking, Cherie," he said.
    I looked away.
    "I really am in love with you."
    "I used to be, then I found out what you're really like," I said.
    He quickly then snapped pictures of me, standing n.de, without me knowing.
    "I have to go," he said.
    He tried kissing me but this time I gave him a little push. He laughed and forced a kiss which soon became making out.
    I still couldn't contol myself around him.
    He smiled and turned to leave.
    I could see the sun rising, as I woke up.
    I was wet, and gross.
    I guess it rained again. I didn't care.
    I couldn't stop thinking about Jason. Why was he in my back yard?
    What exactly did he want from me?
    "What exactly is it you want?" I asked.
    "I want two things," he replied.
    "What are they, go on,"
    "Your help and," he began. "and...you."
    I shook my head.
    "My help with what?" I asked, curiously.
    "Your help to kill, Jolene."

  10. Shorty_Helps Shorty_Helps
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2013 11:26pm UTC
    Nothing bothers me more than when people put a hate comment on someone's quote.
    Like really, do you want to make the author of the quote feel bad?
    Are you trying to start a fight?
    Yeah, I get it. Sometimes they're opinions but really.

  11. TheJealousOne TheJealousOne
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2013 12:14pm UTC
    I'm always
    thinking about what the person
    I'm going to marry is doing right now.
    I wonder if the person I'm going to marry thinks
    that sometimes aswell.

  12. Bethxox Bethxox
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2013 5:54pm UTC
    It's official everyone!!!!!!
    Orange is now a skin colour.

  13. Vanessa15* Vanessa15*
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2013 6:19am UTC
    Reece WhitherSpoon:, ORANGE is the new PINK.
    People Whatching Legally Blonde: -.- No.. just no.

  14. TheJealousOne TheJealousOne
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2013 7:23am UTC
    It doesn't matter
    how old you are
    if a balloon is abou to hit the floor
    you dive for that sht

  15. Muffin1811 Muffin1811
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 4:23pm UTC

  16. TheJealousOne TheJealousOne
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 8:00am UTC
    "I think kids are way
    funnier than adults. It's like having a tiny drunk best friend"
    -Daniel Radcliffe

  17. TheJealousOne TheJealousOne
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 7:55am UTC
    Mind = Blown
    What if the astroid that killed there dianosaurs was actually a UFO
    and we're all aliens.

  18. TheJealousOne TheJealousOne
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2013 10:24am UTC
    I love when
    boys get protective over their little sisters.♥

  19. Ralph* Ralph*
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2013 4:37pm UTC
    I've fallen for everything about you.
    I've fallen for the way your eyes sparkle with colour when you look at me. I've fallen for your straight-toothed smile.
    I've fallen for the way words roll off your tongue.
    The way you push things further into the higher shelf so that you'd have an excuse to get it for me over and over again.
    I've fallen for the way you say, "Good morning" to me. The way you take morning showers &your hair is all wet.
    I've fallen so hard, someone will have to piece me back together.♥

  20. xMichaelll xMichaelll
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2013 11:20pm UTC
    Me: I have the best joke ever!! :D Wanna hear it!?
    Friend: Sure!
    Me: Okay. Ask me if im an orange ^-^
    Friend: Are you an orange?
    Me: ....No


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