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Normality Quotes

  1. Jordan.* Jordan.*
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2014 5:37pm UTC
    I don't go crazy. I am crazy.
    I just go normal
    from time to

  2. kunjun kunjun
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2013 1:06pm UTC
    Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal

  3. *nerium* *nerium*
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2013 1:54pm UTC

  4. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 12:05pm UTC
    You say Justin Bieber- I say Three Day Grace
    You say One Direction- I say Black Veil Brides
    You Nicki Manja - I Breaking Benjamin
    You say Dj Fresh- I say Skrillex
    You say Tiny Temper- I say Linkin Park
    You say Macklemore- I say My chemical Romance
    You say the wanted - I say Simple Plan
    You say chick flicks- I say Horror, fantasy
    You say books about love- I say books about murder and paranormal/supernatural :)
    You say Brittney Louise Taylor- I say MrCreepyPasta
    You say Shane Dawson- I say PEWDIEPIE
    You say My little ponies- I say my little DEAD ponies
    You say gay- I say Fabulos
    You say Mainstream- I say heavy Metal
    You pink and Blue- I say black and blood red
    You say pretty things- I say scary things
    You say nice happy sun shine- I say creepy pasta woods
    You say God-I say Evelution
    You say Angels- I say fallen angels
    You say love - I say breathing
    You say goodness- I say devils and demons
    You films- I say books!
    You, you have red blood through your viens- I say the same
    You say your from Earth- I say the same (unless I'm on Omegle, lol)
    You say you want to be perfect- I say the same
    You say you smile- I say the same!
    You call me a lunatic, a physco, a werido, you may be right my muthafukka but get one thing straight I am still a human being, my blood is still red, just like yours, I still have veins, I still live on Earth, I still smile and have fun, Just because I might have a little difference, doesn't mean I'm an alien!

  5. JustNodandSmile JustNodandSmile
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 4:53pm UTC
    Nobody's "Normal"
    So being normal isn't normal.
    So if you're normal, you're strange.
    But everybody's strange in their own way...
    So being strange must be normal.
    But if you're normal you're strange...
    But if you're strange you're normal...

  6. sophsunflower12 sophsunflower12
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2013 6:01pm UTC
    it's "normal" to have a crush
    on 1928786453 people, right?

  7. eliseledoux81xo eliseledoux81xo
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2013 11:54am UTC
    Is it normal to be jelous of your bestfriend?
    The closest person to you.

  8. the_person_no_one_sees the_person_no_one_sees
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2013 6:12pm UTC
    Being normal is soooo over rated.


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