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Best Likes Quotes This Week

  1. Jordan.* Jordan.*
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2014 8:42pm UTC
    Oh cool, my middle finger likes you.

  2. Unicornasaurus Unicornasaurus
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2013 12:17pm UTC
    That Hot Guy Moment;
    When he takes off his
    hat and Does that
    flippy hair thing.♥

  3. Reid* Reid*
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2013 4:20pm UTC
    when you get no likes on your quote so you just accept the fact that your as popular as in real life.

  4. samtheballer12 samtheballer12
    posted a quote
    March 24, 2013 7:22pm UTC
    500 likes & 400 comments on her picture. What's missing?
    Her clothes.

  5. Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2013 10:07pm UTC
    1950: Girls got undressed for their husbands.
    1995: Girls got undressed for money.
    2013: Girls get undressed for likes on Facebook.

  6. spence* spence*
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2013 2:51pm UTC
    no one likes:
    -fake friends
    -being ignored
    -an empty fridge
    -being replaced
    -slow Internet

  7. abigaail abigaail
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 7:57pm UTC
    How come everything I like is
    either illegal, immoral, addictive, fattening, expensive, or impossible.

  8. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2013 12:05pm UTC
    You say Justin Bieber- I say Three Day Grace
    You say One Direction- I say Black Veil Brides
    You Nicki Manja - I Breaking Benjamin
    You say Dj Fresh- I say Skrillex
    You say Tiny Temper- I say Linkin Park
    You say Macklemore- I say My chemical Romance
    You say the wanted - I say Simple Plan
    You say chick flicks- I say Horror, fantasy
    You say books about love- I say books about murder and paranormal/supernatural :)
    You say Brittney Louise Taylor- I say MrCreepyPasta
    You say Shane Dawson- I say PEWDIEPIE
    You say My little ponies- I say my little DEAD ponies
    You say gay- I say Fabulos
    You say Mainstream- I say heavy Metal
    You pink and Blue- I say black and blood red
    You say pretty things- I say scary things
    You say nice happy sun shine- I say creepy pasta woods
    You say God-I say Evelution
    You say Angels- I say fallen angels
    You say love - I say breathing
    You say goodness- I say devils and demons
    You films- I say books!
    You, you have red blood through your viens- I say the same
    You say your from Earth- I say the same (unless I'm on Omegle, lol)
    You say you want to be perfect- I say the same
    You say you smile- I say the same!
    You call me a lunatic, a physco, a werido, you may be right my muthafukka but get one thing straight I am still a human being, my blood is still red, just like yours, I still have veins, I still live on Earth, I still smile and have fun, Just because I might have a little difference, doesn't mean I'm an alien!

  9. CrazyChrista CrazyChrista
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2013 9:42pm UTC
    WMYB: "You're turning heads when you walk though the do-o-or"
    More Than This: "And as i walk up to your door my head turns to face the floor"
    Moments: "Shut the door, turn the lights off"
    She's Not Afraid: "But every time i tell her that i want more, she closes the door"
    Loved You First: "Knocking on your door and kissing you on the mouth"
    Still The One: "Now I'm back at your door, you're looking unsure"
    the boys obviously like to sing about doors..

  10. MyWittyProfile MyWittyProfile
    posted a quote
    October 24, 2013 7:54pm UTC
    my best friend talking about a guy that likes me:
    He wants the D, D as in... Danielle

  11. LollingUpHearts LollingUpHearts
    posted a quote
    September 16, 2013 9:08am UTC
    Does anyone else like
    School supply shopping?

  12. CupcakeeLuvah CupcakeeLuvah
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 7:53pm UTC
    your facebook name and I'll add you.

  13. dontsellyourselfshort dontsellyourselfshort
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 4:54pm UTC
    you're like a commercial
    Nobody likes you.

  14. *Freedom* *Freedom*
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 11:25am UTC
    Teenage Years
    Chapter 1
    ‘’Gate to Flight 224 is now in closure.’’
    The announcements she heard loudly quicken her pace as her legs forced themselves to run faster. She could feel the sweat slide down the side of her face as all her bags swung on her shoulders, hitting her stomach every time she dropped on one leg. Her converse were already ripped, making it harder to speed down next to the wall. She couldn’t miss this plane. Aunt Jessie behind her with her long high heels and her small purse, almost tripping at her every step.
    It was her fault after all for arriving in the airport late. First, she woke up late because she had forgotten to put the alarm earlier yesterday night. Second, she was still a business woman and had to look good everywhere she went which is why her hair was bouncing off her shoulders with her dark-red lips curled up, showing that she wasn’t satisfied with the running. She wasn’t helping with any of Fayonna’s large bags and to her knowledge, it didn’t bother either of them.
    They saw the gate and sprinted towards it, yelling at the lady to hold the door from closing. Just on time, a flight attendant wanting to come back in the airport jabbed her legs between the doors, leaving it stuck and back up from each other. Fay breathed a sigh of relief and slowly reduced her running to a light jog just to keep the lady happy. When they reached the door, they gave her passport and after the scan, Aunt Jessie’s were filled with tears.
    ‘’Please don’t cr—‘’ She was interrupted by being suddenly pulled into a warm embrace. She let Aunt Jessie cry against her shoulder and she patted her back, letting small chuckles fall out of her mouth. Besides Aunt Jessie, there was nothing left for her here in New York City. She had to leave and live away from her passed memories. Fay smiled awkwardly at the flight attendant waiting for her to cross the doors so it wouldn’t hit her foot again and again, ‘’You’re a strong girl.’’ Aunt Jessie whispered through the quiet sobs after letting Fay go, ‘’I hope to see you soon.’’
    ‘’I’ll miss you. I love you.’’ Fay smiled honestly, walking away and waving a last goodbye through the transparent glassed doors.
    20 likes for the next chapter ;) Don't worry, it's not always going to be this boring. This is only the beginning. Let me know if you like it.

  15. *Freedom* *Freedom*
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2013 11:13am UTC
    He Likes Me.

  16. SundayWakeUp SundayWakeUp
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 9:25pm UTC
    Whats it called when your crush likes you?

  17. Ninja918 Ninja918
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2013 10:52pm UTC
    Seems like a lot of people are doing confession thingys...
    So if I get 10 likes on this one I will have confessions quotes.

  18. *Freedom* *Freedom*
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 12:55pm UTC
    Stolen Heart
    Chapter 7
    Kelsie and Matthew saw Rein from far walking towards the ancient building with her backpack and some other books held in her hands. Before Matthew could yell out her name, Kelsie pressed her palm against his mouth, only leaving his words to be smooched against his palm. After a while of hard breathing through his nose, Matthew had the chance to free himself and took his chance quickly. Kelsie was breathing heavily due to his quivers to get out of her arms, but it didn't really mean he was stronger than her since he freed himself.
    ''What are you doing?'' Matthew whispered to her, passing a hand over his clothes to adjust it perfectly, putting his glasses again on his nose.
    ''I want to figure out what's up with Rein. Let's just play a little spy game. She's probably going to her locker.'' Even though that plan was actually rude and completely foolish, Matthew couldn't resist the urge to know what was going on with Rein too. Didn't answer her text messsages, or her facebook messages or even her home phone, they needed to know what was going on with her. These past few days she'd been out of her game and they really wanted to know now what was going on. Matthew nodded and their head turned sharply towards Rein who was now entering the building. They ran towards the doors to see her walk casually to the stairs upstairs to the second floor.
    ''Are you sure this is a good idea?'' Whispered Matthew quickly, looking at her walking up the stairs.
    ''Trust me.''
    After a while, they were getting tired already and bored, realizing that the thing Rein was falling for might not even be something in school. Probably was because it happened when they were in school, but their hope was lost. Until, they spotted the large figure waiting for her at her locker. They spotted Rein freezing at first, but then regain her cool and tried to walk casually to her locker.
    ''Who is that?'' Matthew whispered to Kelsie. However, when Kelsie caught sight of the figure, she couldn't help but feel the jealousy rise up in her stomach. Craig was standing there with a genuine smile plastered on his face and his gaze followed every of her step. Kelsie looked away, not able to see more. Craig was supposed to be hers. She liked him since the first grade when Rein wasn't even in their town yet. Not to mention, she still had this immense crush on him. They were in the same Biology Enriched class that Rein had no idea about because the only story Kelsie told her about Craig was that he was uneducated and obtuse. She forced the teacher to put her and Craig together for the Biology project and they were partners, but Craig didn't seem to actually like it.
    Seeing Craig at her locker made anger also circulate through her veins. How could she do that? Craig wasn't her type and Craig didn't like nerds. He certainly shouldn't even like Rein. She's not that great. She's a phony. However, the only thing that Kelsie could do is turn around and walk towards her class, believing that it was all an illusion.
    Rein and Craig aren't dating.
    Kelsie likes Craig? :O

  19. moonstone7777 moonstone7777
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2013 6:15pm UTC
    That moment when you have the perfect quote and you post it and you wake up next moring and you get no likes

  20. CommonTeen CommonTeen
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2013 12:09am UTC
    Sometimes ...
    I just sit in my room...
    in the dark...
    and just think about
    complete nonsense,
    things i know
    will never happen...
    but for whatever reason...
    i sitll hope.


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