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Best Liasstories Quotes This Week

  1. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2013 10:21pm UTC
    Don't Leave.
    Kayden’s POV
    I glanced back at Avi’s relaxed face, just lying there. Just fast alseep. He usually had complete control over his face and emotions, but sleep overtook him. And he looked more beautiful than ever.
    I didn’t want to leave. Trust me, I would have stayed in Avi’s arms forever. But when I got the idea that my dad wasn’t what my “mom” said he was, I hooked onto that like a fish on a line. It didn’t sit well with me. The reason why is because I don’t have a family. My “mother” hates me, takes out all of her anger of her unsucessful life on me. I don’t have siblings, my father left when I was young and Em’s nice. But she… she’s a great friend. I can’t ever see her as a mother for me. I’ve seen the way she looks at Avi, Micheal, Josh even. But the way she looks at me is not the same.
    So I have to find out. I have to find where my dad is. I have to talk to him. I have to talk to my “mom”. And I have to leave.
    I'm not totally done writing this story, so don't blame me if I post chapters late or whatever, and tell me if you don't want to be notified for this even tho you were notified for Broken cos that's totally fine C:
    IM SORRY ITS SO SHORT HAHA. Chapter 1 will be long in return, I just wanted a short, engaging Prologue you know?
    I hope you guys liked it and want more c: I think that updates will be on monday and thursday nights, is that ok? c:
    Feedback/Notify/fave/comments? it all means so much to me c:

  2. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 8:51pm UTC
    Trust me.
    C h a p t e r 2
    p a r t 1
    “I need to get to class. You don’t have the same class as me next period.”
    “But what if we’re not going to class, sweetheart?”
    He tugged me out of the building, surprisingly nobody heard us despite my struggles. He had a hand clasped hastily on my mouth to keep me from screaming. I didn’t even know this guy. He could be anybody. He could do anything to me as long as I get out of the school without anybody hearing us. I pried his hand from my mouth.
    “Stop! Stop!” My voice sounded desperate and pleading. When he didn’t respond and just continued walking I slapped him across the face.
    He looked at me and his features were blurry. I didn’t notice I was crying.
    I ran away from him, away, away, I needed to get away. All I could think about was what he could do to me and I can’t let anything happen to myself because my mother always told me to protect myself.
    “Relax! I didn’t even do anything!” I heard him shout and I realized he was chasing me. I didn’t know where I was going but I picked up speed, kicking my shoes off quickly and running barefoot. I was sobbing at this point. I felt my heart beating throughout my whole body.
    I felt a strong hand on my shoulder and I realized that he had caught me. I let out one last sob before I felt a sharp pain in my head and everything went black.
    I'll write an authors note on part two seeyaplaya

  3. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2013 5:53pm UTC
    Trust me.
    C h a p t e r 3
    Graydon put his hands around my waist and lifted me up to the car door. I squirmed at his touch; I barely knew this kid and he knocked me out with the same hands that were hoisting me up into his car at the time. This might be the most uncomfortable situation of my life, but honestly, I didn’t know how to get out of it.
    The ride home was extremely uncomfortable, to say the least. Graydon put on some rock band I was unfamiliar with really loud. When I asked him to turn it down he just turned the music up, tuning out my voice.
    I sighed and leaned back in my seat, trying to be comfortable which proved impossible, the music’s base shaking my chest with every beat. I took deep breathes to calm myself down. My therapist told me that when you panic you’re supposed to state the things you know about what surrounds you.
    Well, I thought. I’m in a car. A white trailblazer. With a guy named Graydon, and he’s driving me home. He knocked me out earlier but… it was only for my safety. He’s also extremely hot and sort of obnoxious.
    I took a deep breathe again and closed my eyes. I covered my ears with my sleeves and pretended that my mom was holding me. Before I knew it, Graydon was shaking me and telling me that I was home.
    “Who was that guy?” Alex asked as I slung my bag off my shoulder and onto the counter. I bit my lip.
    “His, um, his name’s Greydon and he was just um, giving me a ride home from school?” I said. It was meant to be a statement but it came out as more of a question. I was always the worst at lying.
    I watched as my older brother, the one who knew me best, raised an eyebrow. We were in the kitchen, I was sitting on a stool at the bar while my brother was pouring himself some cereal.
    “Who is that guy for real this time?” he asked, smirking. I picked at my nails, not making eye contact.
    “Nobody. Just leave it, Alex.” I said stiffly. He sniffs, grabs his cereal bowl and goes to his room.
    My phone starts ringing “Give Me Love” by Ed Sheeran comes on and I flip it open. It’s my aunt.
    “Hey, sweetie! How was your day?” Monee says.
    I walk over to the counter and pick up an apple, crunching into it. “Pretty good.” I say, swallowing. “Yours?”
    “My day was good. I had to fire a few people, though, so… eh. What do you want for dinner, honey?"
    I glance at the apple I just bit into. “I’m not really hungry.”
    “Oh come on!”
    “I’ll give the phone to Alex and he can say what he wants,” I say, striding down the hall. “Aleeexxx! Monee wants to talk to you!”
    As I walked back to my room after giving my brother the phone, I dropped the half eaten apple in the trash.
    You’re too fat already.
    next chapter some stuff will happen, don't get your panties in a twist.
    i need a name to call my fans... person who comes up with it will recieve a shoutout????
    im just not that creative xD
    Oh and I got so many compliments on the last few chapters like tbh i feel so good you guise are amazing;u;
    (follow, favorite, comment! feedback is appriciated!)

  4. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2013 8:29pm UTC
    C h a p t e r 12
    A minivan drove up our driveway and my mother snickered. I shook my head.
    I opened the door to go outside and a short, brown-haired kind looking woman stepped out of the car. She smiled at me and I couldn’t help smiling back. I could just feel my mother’s smoldering presence behind me.
    “Hello dear,” the lady said, walking up to me and giving me a hug. “I’m Emmeline, but just call me Emmy or Em or whatever you like, really. You could even call me mom if you’d like,” she winked. I grinned… Mom? That sounded great.
    “Okay, well, the paperwork is already done, darlin’, so let’s go,” she took my hand and then gave my mother a glance. “Best regards to you too.” Then she gave me a sweet southern smile and lightly guided me over to her car. I returned the smile and saw that there were several other kids in the car.
    “Oh, I’m sorry about the mess,” she said timidly as she opened the door and I got a clearer view of who was in the car. There was a very back seat and then there was a middle two seats and that’s where the two little boys were sitting, one very small boy, he looked about seven, was sulking, his head facing the window and obviously ignoring the other child. The other boy was trying to get the first one’s attention to no prevail. This one looked to be about ten years old.
    “Michael, stop looking so sad. Josh already apologized and he promised,” she paused, looking at the older boy. “to get you another Buzz Lightyear, isn’t that right, Josh?”
    He nodded his head. “Yeah.”
    The younger boy sighed. Em shook her head in defeat and gave me a look of encouragement.
    “Joshua, Michael, this is Kayden. She’s your new sister! Kayden, meet Josh,” she pointed towards the older looking boy. “And Michael.” She shook the younger boy and he gave me a curious look, forgetting his goal of ignoring Josh. I grinned at him.
    “Your hair is like… cool.” He said with wide eyes. I laughed and boarded the minivan. This was going to be fun.
    “Are we there yet?” Michael persisted. Em shook her head.
    “You know where we live, Mike!” She laughed.
    It had only been about 20 minutes and I had learned so much about everyone I was currently sitting with in this car. Em owned a small business called ‘unique sweets’ that was located in the backstreets of town, it was popular for middle schoolers, Em did well with business. Em also has a husband named Stewart and he works as a manager for a car company.
    Michael is very curious about everything and is supposed to be in kindergarden, but he’s in first grade. Apparently, the teachers said he had no problem learning things and he loved to do science.
    “Isn’t that cool?” Em remarked, winking at her smallest boy. “My little scientist.”
    Em also told me about Josh, too. He’s quieter than Michael and apparently spends more of his time with books than people. Em got him a camera for Christmas last year and he told me that he always has it with him.
    “Do you want to see it?” he asked.
    “Yes, I’d love to,” I replied.
    He pulled a red camera out of his coat pocket. It wasn’t a professional camera, but it wasn’t disposable either.
    “Let me show you some pictures.” He said, lightly pulling the camera out of my grasp.
    He flipped through some and then came across one that he supposedly preferred. He handed it back to me.
    “It’s our family. But we’re going to have to make a new one, since we’ve got a new one.”
    whoa sorry for not updating in like, forever.
    i mean im like so mean
    i would have a few days ago but then my computer got taken away:(
    so i had to use a friends to update this
    yeah. the things i do for you guys.
    fave/follow/comment/notify? FEEDBACK IS LIKE AWESOME ILY
    i got a wicker giraffe today
    can i get a whoop whoop
    whoop whoop
    whoop whoop
    you're looking fabulous today;)

  5. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2013 8:47pm UTC
    Trust me.
    C h a p t e r 4
    I sniffed. Monee had gotten home and was making dinner right now, she decided to make macaroni and cheese, my favorite, which I’m pretty sure that Alex suggested to make me feel better. I sighed. I felt alone. I can’t tell anyone about… Greydon. But do I want to? If I told the right person then he would be forbidden to come near me. I thought that’s what I wanted.
    I felt myself get up from my bed and walk through our apartment. I didn’t notice where I was until my eyes trained on a bed.
    It was a large room, the largest in the house, but even if Monee was technically our guardian and owner of this house, she said that this room wasn’t hers to occupy. It was painted a muted grey, with beige furniture. I hummed softly, lightly brushing the wall with the end of my fingertips as I walked over to the bed.
    The duvet shuffled as I pulled myself up onto the mattress. It was quiet except for my soft humming subconsciously coming from my own lips.
    I slowly lowered my head on her pillow, breathing in the scent coming from it. It still smelled like the shampoo she used. It still smelled like cinnamon, too.
    “Mo-om, I’m home!” I yelled. She came to the front room, smiling and took my hand. I cocked my head to the side.
    “Mom-“ I started, but she shushed me, still smiling.
    She led me to the kitchen. It smelt like cinnamon.
    “Shh, Alex’s still sleeping,” she grinned. I returned her bright smile. “I don’t want to wake him up. He can sleep as much as he wants on his birthday.”
    “Is he feeling alright?” I whispered. “He had a really bad cough yesterday.”
    “Yes, he’s fine, taking a nap so I took advantage of the situation,” she sheepishly whispered. “I always get him cakes from the store because I’m not too good baking with cinnamon, and that’s his favorite, but I took a go.”
    I glanced at the oven. “It smells fantastic.”
    Just then, Alex’s door slowly opened and a sleepy Alex staggered out of it. I rushed up to him and gave him a hug.
    “Happy birthday, Al,” I grinned. He returned it with a drowsy smile.
    “I smell cinnamon,” he stated.
    My mother and I laughed and Alex gave us a weird look. Oddly, it was the most comforting memory I have and it will probably stay that way. I just felt like a family.
    Yeah, this chapter was kind of serious when I was writing it.
    Someone on tumblr anonymously asked me about writing techniques, so I answered on tumblr but I'm also answering on here if you would like to know how I do it.
    I have a 'writing playlist' on my iPod that plays slow, relaxing songs. I put that on low while I'm writing.
    I exit from all social networking sites and just work on microsoft word, and sometimes pull up 'thesaurus.com' for reference.
    I only write during the night because that's when I'm most vunerable.
    The thing for me is, I like being relaxed when i write because it just feels more natural and less forced when i'm relaxed.
    Thanks so much for reading! Honestly I'm amazed, I just published the first chapter of this about, what, a couple days ago and now I have 4 people wanting to be notified and each chapter gets ranging from 6-9 faves. And that's what you call amzing right there.
    You guys are the most amazing part though..!!!
    fave, follow, notify, comment~FEEDBACK IS APPRICIATED!

  6. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 8:44pm UTC
    C h a p t e r 14
    I stayed silent as Em rung the doorbell and a surprised Avi opened the door, mouth dropping open at the sight of me, and I couldn’t help myself. I grinned at him and gave him a huge bear hug.
    “Kay-Kayden? What are you doing here?” he said, obviously shocked. I didn’t feel like explaining, so I let go of him and looked towards Em for her to explain.
    “Well, honey bun, we’re adopting Kayden!” Em said happily, pulling him into a tight, motherly embrace.
    Wow. "We’re adopting Kayden" sounded bad, even in Emmy’s sweet, cheery southern accent. Then again, I think Avi would be happy so I guess I’ll just have to set aside my awkward feelings for now. But one glance at Avi’s face said different.
    He looked completely and utterly shocked, to say the least. His body was stiff under his mother’s hug and he didn’t bother to push his messy, dark brown hair from his forehead. I could just lean in and tuck it behind his ear…
    No. Ugh.
    Anyhow, Avi actually looked… upset? Unhappy? I thought we were friends! Though he obviously didn’t want me at his house.
    “Uh-Uhm, I’ll show you your, um, room, I guess.” He stuttered. I sighed and hitched up my bag higher up to my shoulder.
    Immediately after we got to the guest bedroom, Avi left and Em came to talk to me.
    “How are you, darling?” She said lightly.
    “I’m okay… it’s just a little different here,” I said truthfully.
    “It’s okay. Differences are what make life interesting,” she replied softly. “Sorry that you had to take the guest bedroom, honestly it was the only one we had open. I changed the sheets on the bed, so if you want to take a nap, or unpack… feel free. You can basically do whatever you want.” She explained. Then she gave me a soft, motherly hug (much like the one she gave Avi earlier) and exited the small room.
    I slowly approached the bed and peered at it nervously.
    Back at The House, my bed was the best. Sometimes I just wanted to sink into my bed and lay there forever. Scratch that, I wanted to do that all the time. Usually it was the only place I felt safe, bundled up in warm sheets and covers, pajamas. As I walked over to The New Bed, I couldn’t help but think that this was going to be hard. I crawled under the duvet and eventually managed to fall into a light, uneasy sleep.
    “Dad! Dad!” I called. “Come here! I need you, dad!”
    “Your dad is gone,” She said, laughing. “He’s gone and he’s not coming back, that son of a b_tch. I don’t even know why you still love him. He left me!” I continued sobbing in the corner of the room. Only 8 years old, I didn’t know why my dad had left my mom. “Stop calling for him! He’s gone! Not coming back! He left me and you’re here now. Nothing you can do about that.”
    I sobbed myself to sleep, not even in my bed, just lying in a ball on the floor. All I could think was, why did you leave when I needed you most?
    But something about it wasn’t quite right. My father was a good person, I knew that. He wouldn’t leave me.
    “Calm down!” someone whispered soothingly, stroking my long hair and brushing it out of my face. “It’s okay. It’s fine. It was just a dream, Kayden. You’re okay.”
    My eyes fluttered open, my breathing heavy and I, out of instinct, shoved the figure off of the side of my bed, still too scared and sleepy to realize what had just happened.
    “Kayden,” A disoriented Avi pushed himself up off of the floor, rubbing his head. “You had a nightmare. Calm down. Please.”
    “Oh… Avi, I’m sorry for hitting you…” I said, awkwardly fidgeting my hands.
    “It’s okay,” he said. “But are you okay?”
    I shook my head slowly, deciding to be honest instead of lying because I was the worst liar, and Avi could see right through me.
    “Do you want to talk about it?” He asked. I shook my head again, tears streaming down my face against my will. He pulled me into a warm, soft hug and I didn’t protest when he crawled into bed with me. Avi stayed there the rest of the night, arms wrapped around me comfortingly, and for the first time in a long while, I fell into a dreamless, very peaceful sleep.
    there's going to be a super long A/N in the epilogue ; _ ;

  7. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2013 9:02pm UTC
    E p i l o g u e
    A v i ' s P O V
    I reached my fingertips along the sheets, seeking out the warmth of Kayden's small body, but she wasn't there. I blinked a few times. There was sun flooding in through the window onto my face. I sat up in bed. She must be eating breakfast or something.
    I was about to get up and get some breakfast for myself, but then I saw the note. There was a small, folded up piece of paper on her bedside table, and it was adressed to me.
    Dear Avi,
    I’m sorry for leaving. I really, truly am. But I need to find my father. He left when I was young, very young, and I have a strong feeling that it wasn’t within his will. Honestly, I think he was forced to move out.
    My dad told me where he was going before he left. New York City. And… I know he was a writer, for plays. A playwright. He told me his dreams about writing a play and people making it into a Broadway show. I hope that this will be enough information for me to find him.
    Please, please, please don’t try to find me. I don’t want to be found. I want to be free and I want to know my past.
    Don’t think that I’m leaving you. I’m honestly not leaving anyone; I’m just trying to find myself.
    Thank you for being the amazing person you are, and don’t ever change. I’ll come find you one day.
    Until then,
    Kayden Rose Monroe
    PS, if you’re not a famous track and field runner by then, I don’t what I’m going to do with you, boy.
    I hope you guys actually liked the ending... im pretty bad at them but i sort of liked this one tbh :~)
    as mentioned in the last chapter, i'm doing an extended authors note. an authors note for all of you, just look for your name :)
    Irma_jean/Emma ~ gurl, you've been following this story since the beggining!! I remember when it only had a couple fans and you were one of them! honestly i don't know if i'd keep going with the story if it wasn't for you bc you were the first to give me feedback ;)
    Liliblackheart/Lili ~ you have a perfect tumblr.. ok just wanted to say that. you stopped faving broken after a couple chapters but you got me going and inspired to make more chapters.
    WinkWink1 ~ even if your feedback is small, it still makes me smile and i love that you've kept with my story the whole time :) you're a sweetheart + awesome.
    Emma8D/Emma ~ thank you for all the nice comments about my writing! you've made my day more than once.
    Monibird/Heidi ~ thanks for faving literally all of the chapters, love! it makes me feel happy inside when people appriciate my writing!
    ilybm123/Clara ~ thanks for being so supportive! i hope you're okay, you have been gone for a while :(
    fiesty1/Elli ~ thanks for the predictions (you got the prediction right but i lied to you because i didn't want you to know what was going to happen) and feedback! i really think it's incredible how you want to be notified for all of my stories! x
    kristabff/Krista ~ thanks so much for the positive comments and worrying about whether i'm okay! not many readers do that love.
    wizard4238 ~ thank you for always faving a chapter no matter how bad it is haha. and thank you for always being on and happy when i post a chapter :)x
    darkeyeangel/Emma Krystyna ~ i've talked to you a couple times and you're a complete sweetheart - thanks for your positive feedback and keep holding on, dear x
    WOO! you guys are amazing. I love all of you and i hope you guys are okay. if you ever ever need to talk to me about anything, do it. okay? i put my anger and sadness into writing and that works for me because that's sometimes the only way i can communicate my feelings, but that doesn't work for some people. the best thing to do is to just talk to someone who cares and i'm always here, alright?
    i feel really sad though... it feels like im a mother and im watching my kids go to college.
    Question of the epilogue~ should i make a sequal?
    i don't really care if you liked the ending or not because it's my story but if you want to post your opinion of the epilogue or the whole story overall... please do so :)
    -Lia<3 (isn't it sad... the last time i will use this color format) :c

  8. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2013 8:12pm UTC
    C h a p t e r 13
    I looked at the family photo and gasped. Their family was beautiful, really, but one face stood out.
    “Avi!” I said, shocked. “Y-You’re…”
    “Oh, you know Avi?” Em smiled. “Yes-ir-ee, he’s my son.”
    “Uhhh.” I really did not know what to say, at all. Avi, the boy who I had told everything to? Avi, the boy with the amazing, mesmerizing, color switching eyes? The boy I possibly had feeling for?
    No, I can’t have feeling for him. Sure, he makes me feel safe, he’s adorable, he makes me feel special, he makes me feel wanted, he’s nice, respectful, intelligent and caring but I don’t need him.
    Oh wait, I think I might.
    Ugh. I can’t get attached now, it’s too late, he’s your… ‘Brother’, now. And nobody dates their brother, even he’s not biologically related to me.
    But could I really get over him that fast? The thing about getting attached to people is that at first, you’re friends, it’s all good. If he leaves, then at that time, I’d probably get over it. I would forget. But then, he goes around doing all these sweet things and caring about me, so what am I supposed to do? You can’t control the way you feel. I hate getting attached to people, because the moment you set aside a special place for them in your heart, they can rip that part out and you can’t do anything about it. Nothing.
    “Right, sweetie?” Em said, snapping me back to reality. I blinked and quickly answered “yeah”.
    Em laughed. “I was talking to Michael, but I don’t know if he told you or not.”
    “Wait, what was the question?”
    “I was asking Michael if he remembers when Avi won the track race, and he decided that that was what he wanted to do. Racing, and he got a scholarship to the collage he goes to now, Central Michigan.”
    Wow, Avi did track and field? That’s amazing, I can’t run for my life.
    “Yep, it is amazing,” Em laughed.
    Did I say that out loud?
    We pulled into the drive way and Michael and Josh cheered.
    I smiled as I shrugged my duffel bag on my shoulder and exited the minivan. We all piled out and I got a good look at the house.
    It was a medium sized house, I noticed, colored white, and it had a gray roof. I took a look around at the suburban neighborhood and honestly, I couldn’t tell one house from another.
    I stayed silent as Em rung the doorbell and a surprised Avi opened the door, mouth dropping open at the sight of me, and I couldn’t help myself. I grinned at him and gave him a huge bear hug.
    hey hey hey
    i decided to post this instead of actually studying for my two test tommarow.
    so i think that there's going to be like, 3 more chapters and an epilogue:|
    i'm sad, this was my first sucessful witty story:(
    i hope you guys are ok without me...
    The first one is called "Don't forget" and it's about this girl named riley who gets amnesia. (romantic)
    and the 1D one is called "summer love" and it's about this girl Lizzy who used to be friends with Louis when she was younger, they only saw each other at summer camp but they were best friends, and when he leaves her without warning.
    i' iefkgbshjekf i'm excited to see your guise's reactions when you read the epilogue>:)
    Ohkay, bye, Ilyyy bbys, see ya~!
    feedback? ILY!~~
    Comments? ILY!
    Faves? ILY!
    Requests for notifications? ILY!!!!!!!!

  9. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2013 10:05pm UTC
    Don't Leave.
    Chapter 1.
    Kayden’s POV
    I I gathered the little stuff I had, which was basically just the duffel bag that I had brought here. Before I left the room, I took one last glance at Avi. He was still sleeping in the bed that we had shared tonight, he was snoring softly, and all I could think was, he’s perfect. But I couldn’t keep looking, or else I would forget the reason I’m leaving in the first place.
    I walked over to the bed, and peered at him. I pecked his lips softly, lightly so he wouldn’t wake up. They were soft and silky and… I wish I could feel them more. But I can’t. I sighed softly, kissing his forehead and brushing his hair behind his ear before turning on my heel to leave. God, I hope he finds the note I left for him.
    I slung my duffel bag over my shoulder and… borrowed… a few snacks from the kitchen. I hope Em understands.
    I knocked on the door lightly at first, but then harder. I couldn’t be scared. I’m stronger than her.
    She opened the door, scratching her back and yawning, looking sort of sick. Too early to get up, after a long night of drinking and she probably has a hangover. Her eyes widen and eyebrows furrow when she sees me.
    “What the hell are you doing here?” she said, obviously still in shock.
    I look down at my sneakers. “I… I need to ask you some things. And you’re the only person I can ask,” I pause, looking back up at her. She doesn’t look like she is particularly enthusiastic about the idea. “If you provide me answers, then I’ll never bother you again. I promise.”
    She mumbles under her breathe and grudgingly lets me in. “Fine, brat. But you have five minutes. I was… busy.”
    Yeah. Busy, sleeping.
    We sat down in oppisite chairs in the living room that I’ve seen my whole life but almost never sit in because it’s always been scary down here. My room was sort of a safe spot, though it’s not always safe. Nevertheless, I started talking, knowing I only had a bit of time.
    “Well, so, my dad. He said he went to New York City. And he’s a Playwrite.” I said carefully.
    He face scrunched up at the mention of her ex husband. “Why do you want to hear about him?”
    “I need to find him.”
    With this statement, her expression and overally aura changed from annoyance and confusion to anger. I shrunk back in my seat.
    “Why are you such an idiot, Kayden?! He didn’t just leave me, he left you, he left you too! He doesn’t care about you so give it up, idiot. I’m ashamed of having such a dumb_ss related to me.”
    Tears stung at the corner of my eyes. I tried to keep my voice study. “He did care. He cared about me. Give me his name. His full name.”
    “Stop being such an idiot!” She snarled.
    “No, I quite like being an idiot, thank you very much! Now what. Is. My. Father’s. Name?!” I shouted, standing up.
    “Mark! Mark, okay? Mark Edwards. Go find him for all I care. I hope he’s dead! I really do!” she shouted, with some kind of crazy, twisted glee.
    I shook my head, twisting the doornob, getting out of the place that I’ll never go again.
    I'm not totally done writing this story, so don't blame me if I post chapters late or whatever, and tell me if you don't want to be notified for this even tho you were notified for Broken cos that's totally fine C:
    yay first chapter! c:
    i just downloaded steam on my laptop and basically i have no idea how to work it so for now i'll just watch youtube c:
    i'm going to band festival tomorrow so i wont be online tomorrow, bros c:<3
    any feedback would be great & awesome, bros c:
    see ya on monday x

  10. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2013 11:13pm UTC
    Scarred and left me, like a sunburn.
    Chapter 1.
    I heard the soft hum and water hitting the shower floor which could only mean one thing; it was morning and Phil was taking a shower, time to wake up. I glanced at my alarm clock that hadn't even rung yet. It was 9:13am. I groaned inwardly and dragged myself out of bed.
    I struggled over to the kitchen, or at least tried. Honestly I think I was only half asleep. On my way there I crossed the path of the bathroom, though, and stopped in my tracks because I heard something else besides water hitting the floor.
    Ever since Carrie and Phil filmed the video, "Phil Learns to Sing!", Phil has been practicing. Not around me though, I have no idea why. He sung in that video and it got 660 thousand views. I don't know why he never sings around me. This time, though, I heard his baritone voice peacefully lifting from the bathroom, I knew that he didn't know I was awake. I smiled to myself and slid down the door, slumping against the wall and listening intentedly.
    "We never even tried, we never even talked," Phil belted. Wow. He's really good, I thought. "We never even thought in the long run... Whenever it was painful, whenever I was away. I'd miss you. And I miss you."
    And it was odd, because Phil was right here, and we were living together as flat mates, but I missed him. I missed ou gaming days, Starbucks breakfasts, just hanging out even. But now it seems it's all about YouTube. We never spent any time together unless it was to make a video and he's been getting more and more distant.
    "If I moved, far away. From you. And I want to." he sang, and got quieter, so I pressed my face against the door to hear better. "See you here, beside me dear. But things aren't clear."
    I closed my eyes and thought of how amazing Phil's voice was. Why did he keep it from me? I was pulled from my daze when the water suddenly stopped falling and I scurried to the kitchen, embaressed, but when Phil came out of the bathroom I saw him. He walked out of the bathroom, waved me a good morning and went upstairs to his room, towel wrapped around only his bottom half. I don't know why this affected me in any way, I've seen Phil half-naked (too many times) before. He was my flat mate and best friend. I don't know why, but this time was different. I felt shy and I didn't want to see him, and I definitely didn't want him to know that I was listening to him sing.
    I miss you, Phil.
    This one shot is based off Ed Sheeran's song, Sunburn! Go look it up. I've had it stuck in my head for a week! xD
    Ily you guys and I'm currently brainstorming characters and plotlines for the sequel for Broken. I think I'll call it...
    Don't Leave.
    Yayy! c:
    Thank you! c:
    I love you!
    Oh and you can follow me on tumblr at d1scl4imer.tumblr.com c:

  11. TheWeirdKid TheWeirdKid
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2013 9:12pm UTC
    Trust me.
    C h a p t e r 5
    "Pick up! Pick UP, LYDIA!" I faintly yelled at my phone. It'd been about the 4th time I'd called my best friend, and I need to talk to her. It has been a week since I've seen Greydon, but tonight, he randomly added me on Facebook. I don't even know HOW he knows my last name.
    For the past week I've been purposely avoiding him at all costs. People whisper all the time about how Greydon and I 'coincedentely' missed school at the same time, and honestly, it hurt. I was beginning to be known for something I didn't even do.
    "Hello?" yawned a sleepy Lydia from the other line. I sighed in relief.
    "You need to come over. Like, now." I said quietly, not wanting to wake Monee or Alex.
    "Huh? Why? Is something the matter?" she slurred. I bet she's still half awake.
    "Just come over please!" I pouted, and checked my watch. It was 9:57pm, but Lydia was NOT a night owl. I probably woke her up.
    "B-but, it's late!" I could practically see her pouting.
    "No," I said firmly. "We need to talk."
    There was silence from the other line of the end, I fiddled with the hem of my tshirt. I was curled up in the living room. In mom's rocking chair.
    Lydia sighed. "I'll be over in ten."
    I bit my lip. "Okay. But hurry. I have a lot to tell you."
    **Greydon's POV
    **Earlier that day
    I unlocked my door, slinging my bag off of my shoulder as I went. I really, really couldn't keep that girl off my mind. It might just sound a bit weird, but I know she doesn't want to talk to me, so I just... Um... Spied? Observed? Not stalked, no. Of course not. But over the course of the week, whenever I saw her at her locker, if we made eye contact, she would shut her locker and leave. It hurts. She's actually scared of me.
    But how couldn't she? We're so different. Maybe that's the thing I like the best about her. Or maybe it's the way she dresses, she's always prepared. Or maybe how she bites her lip when she's nervous. Maybe it's because she's so classy when the rest of the girls in our grade are so... trashy. But honestly, when I see her, I can't see anything else.
    I walked into my living room and saw my mom on her chair, rocking back and forth peacefully. I smiled and walked over, kissing her on the forehead.
    "Hello, mom." I said, sitting on the armrest and she looked up at me with her large chocolate eyes.
    "Hello, dear."
    "I love you."
    "I love you too."
    I jumped onto my messy bed, homework done, and opened my laptop. And I remembered something.
    Today I learned Reagan's last name... A substitute was calling out full names in math and her name was called. Her full name's Reagan Bensley. I got on Facebook and added her as a friend.
    I hope she accepts.
    I've been extremely busy and I'm going to Spring Hill this weekend so I can't update this weekend either :(
    I'm sorry :(
    I hope you enjoyed this chappie tho!
    Ily guys! Time for me to go to bed c:<3 Have a good sleep and sleep well! <3


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