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Trust me.
C   h   a   p   t   e   r      4

I sniffed. Monee had gotten home and was making dinner right now, she decided to make macaroni and cheese, my favorite, which I’m pretty sure that Alex suggested to make me feel better. I sighed. I felt alone. I can’t tell anyone about… Greydon. But do I want to? If I told the right person then he would be forbidden to come near me. I thought that’s what I wanted.

I felt myself get up from my bed and walk through our apartment. I didn’t notice where I was until my eyes trained on a bed. 

It was a large room, the largest in the house, but even if Monee was technically our guardian and owner of this house, she said that this room wasn’t hers to occupy. It was painted a muted grey, with beige furniture. I hummed softly, lightly brushing the wall with the end of my fingertips as I walked over to the bed. 

The duvet shuffled as I pulled myself up onto the mattress. It was quiet except for my soft humming subconsciously coming from my own lips.

I slowly lowered my head on her pillow, breathing in the scent coming from it. It still smelled like the shampoo she used. It still smelled like cinnamon, too.


“Mo-om, I’m home!” I yelled. She came to the front room, smiling and took my hand. I cocked my head to the side. 

“Mom-“ I started, but she shushed me, still smiling.

She led me to the kitchen. It smelt like cinnamon. 

“Shh, Alex’s still sleeping,” she grinned. I returned her bright smile. “I don’t want to wake him up. He can sleep as much as he wants on his birthday.”

“Is he feeling alright?” I whispered. “He had a really bad cough yesterday.”

“Yes, he’s fine, taking a nap so I took advantage of the situation,” she sheepishly whispered. “I always get him cakes from the store because I’m not too good baking with cinnamon, and that’s his favorite, but I took a go.”

I glanced at the oven. “It smells fantastic.”

Just then, Alex’s door slowly opened and a sleepy Alex staggered out of it. I rushed up to him and gave him a hug.

“Happy birthday, Al,” I grinned. He returned it with a drowsy smile. 

“I smell cinnamon,” he stated.

My mother and I laughed and Alex gave us a weird look. Oddly, it was the most comforting memory I have and it will probably stay that way. I just felt like a family.


Yeah, this chapter was kind of serious when I was writing it.
Someone on tumblr anonymously asked me about writing techniques, so I answered on tumblr but I'm also answering on here if you would like to know how I do it.
I have a 'writing playlist' on my iPod that plays slow, relaxing songs. I put that on low while I'm writing.
I exit from all social networking sites and just work on microsoft word, and sometimes pull up 'thesaurus.com' for reference.
I only write during the night because that's when I'm most vunerable.
The thing for me is, I like being relaxed when i write because it just feels more natural and less forced when i'm relaxed.
Thanks so much for reading! Honestly I'm amazed, I just published the first chapter of this about, what, a couple days ago and now I have 4 people wanting to be notified and each chapter gets ranging from 6-9 faves. And that's what you call amzing right there.
You guys are the most amazing part though..!!!
fave, follow, notify, comment~FEEDBACK IS APPRICIATED!


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Trust me. C h a p t e r 4 I sniffed. Monee had gotten home and

10 faves · Feb 12, 2013 8:47pm





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