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Best Lady Quotes This Week

  1. Eli22b Eli22b
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 2:37pm UTC
    Friend: Lady gaga's music is all giberish.
    Me: Ok ra-ra-ah-ah-ah is not giberish.

  2. flyingbacon7 flyingbacon7
    posted a quote
    January 6, 2014 5:58pm UTC
    The only reason I don't wear skirts that much
    Because I don't sit very lady like

  3. appleloop* appleloop*
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2014 8:58am UTC
    Pretty little lady with those swollen eyes, would you show them to me?

  4. Phishy Phishy
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2013 8:14pm UTC
    --Rules of a Lady--
    If a man whistles at you, do not respond. You are a lady, not a dog.

  5. Picturesque Wonderland.* Picturesque Wonderland.*
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2014 11:20pm UTC
    Look like a girl.
    Wear whatever you want.
    Act like a lady
    Be yourself.
    Think like a man.
    Work like a boss.
    Be the boss.

  6. Phishy Phishy
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2013 8:18pm UTC
    --Rules of a Lady--
    “For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” -Audrey Hepburn

  7. Phishy Phishy
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2013 9:26am UTC
    “Your clothes should be tight enough to show you're a woman,
    but loose enough to show you're a lady”
    ― Marilyn Monroe

  8. aleexisbrookeexoxo aleexisbrookeexoxo
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2013 4:42pm UTC
    That awkward moment when you have no idea
    what the Chinese lady painting your nails just said.

  9. Phishy Phishy
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2013 9:40am UTC
    --Rules of a Lady--
    It’s good to be outspoken and blunt but there’s a very fine line between being rude and honest. Never confuse the two.

  10. breezy_mac breezy_mac
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 6:12am UTC
    If a guy wants you for breast, thighs, and legs, send him to KFC. You're a lady, not a cheap value meal.

  11. fiesty1 fiesty1
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2013 5:54pm UTC
    BE A girl WITH A MIND,
    A lady WITH CLASS.

  12. Chris* Chris*
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2013 8:44pm UTC

  13. dontsellyourselfshort dontsellyourselfshort
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2013 6:24pm UTC
    I made a list of the worst things
    in my life, and they all involed me being so far away from you.

  14. kelly* kelly*
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2013 4:44am UTC
    A three year old walks over to a pregnant lady while waiting with his mother in a doctor's surgery.
    "Why is your stomach so big?" he asks.
    "I'm having a baby," she replies.
    "Is the baby in your stomach?" he asks with wide eyes.
    "Yes, it is." she says.
    "Is it a good baby?" he asks, with a puzzled look.
    "Oh, yes. A really good baby." the lady replies.
    Shocked and surprised, he asks, "Then why did you eat him?"

  15. Phishy Phishy
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2013 9:26pm UTC
    --Rules of a Lady--
    Fall in love when you’re ready, not when you’re lonely.

  16. Phishy Phishy
    posted a quote
    October 28, 2013 9:22am UTC
    --Rules of a Lady--
    It’s better to know and be disappointed than to never know and always wonder.

  17. chocomickey14 chocomickey14
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2013 9:32pm UTC
    "treat your lady right or someone else will"
    i made this one too

  18. fool's gold* fool's gold*
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2013 1:12pm UTC
    Pretty little lady with
    your swollen eyes, would you
    perfect, but you stay awhile baby then you
    will see. Miles away I can still
    feel you lay your head down on my,
    embrace, my embrace. Far away. ♥

  19. MeaganWynd MeaganWynd
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2013 1:13am UTC
    Lady in The streets, freak in The sheets. Nuff said..

  20. Phishy Phishy
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2013 9:20pm UTC
    --Rules of a Lady--
    When in a relationship, do not ever forget about your friends.


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