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Best Judging Quotes This Year

  1. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2013 6:25pm UTC
    One mistake
    and everyone judges you

  2. ^_^* ^_^*
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2013 11:05am UTC
    -too skinny
    -too tall
    -too short
    -not enough make up
    -too much make up
    -putting someone down for doing self harm
    - Not being popular
    - For the way we sound
    - for the way we act
    - pimples
    - dimples
    - hairy arms
    Instead of judging people based on their appearances, try judging them for who they are, or just don't judge them at all..

  3. heartofgold heartofgold
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2013 7:33pm UTC
    I hate how everyone is always judging twelve year olds.
    Just because I'm a twelve year old, doesn't make me a bad person.
    I don't do drugs, I don't smoke, I don't drink.
    Just because some twelve year olds do doesn't mean all the other twelves do.

  4. spence* spence*
    posted a quote
    March 31, 2013 1:56pm UTC
    "Eww you like him?"
    I hate it when I like a guy, and
    someone says that to me. How rude
    can you be?? I dont care if he isn't the
    "cutest" boy ever, he doesn't have to
    be. The fact that you don't even know
    him, and you still said that. F*ck you. I
    like him for him. You might not think
    he's cute, but you don't see him the
    way I do. I think he's perfect the
    way he is.

  5. CaitlinAtTheDisco* CaitlinAtTheDisco*
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2013 5:09pm UTC
    Friend: When can I see your room?
    Me: Here *opens door*
    Friend: *wide eyes*
    Me: I can feel the judgement in the air.

  6. Derek Derek
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2013 3:11pm UTC
    Never judge someone
    by their taste in music

  7. ^_^* ^_^*
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2013 12:30pm UTC
    Why does everyone have to judge people based on appearance.GROW up and actually read the book instead of judging it by it's cover.

  8. 永久* 永久*
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2013 9:10am UTC
    Before you judge
    Make sure that you're

  9. Ethanol Ethanol
    posted a quote
    February 4, 2013 12:59pm UTC
    You can't judge my choices
    Without knowing my reasons

  10. potato300 potato300
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 4:06pm UTC
    where ever you go or where ever you're at there's going to be bullies.
    They will try to bring you down but you have to stay strong and ignore the lies that they're trying to make you Believe. Bullies took my spirt and smile, don't let them take yours.

  11. Kin Kin
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2014 5:46pm UTC
    Why do parents tell their kids to be kind and not to judge but they do it all the time?!
    They need to listen to their own freaking advice!
    If your kid is gay dont get mad when they talk about the one they love!
    Thats not kind.... it's actually pathetic!
    Parents should love their children no matter what!
    They NEED you in their life not judging every choice they make!
    Just be happy you even have them!

  12. potato300 potato300
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 2:38pm UTC
    DON'T Judge me..........
    when you don't even KNOW me!

  13. IgotSwag11 IgotSwag11
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 9:24am UTC
    Justin Bieber
    only writes about swag and fondue huh?
    How about Pray?
    It's about children starving and how he wants to help
    How about Nothing Like Us?
    It's about him and Selena and how he's heartbroken
    How about Be Alright?
    It's about how everything will be alright
    How about Yellow Raincoat
    It's about faking a smile everyday to hide the pain ♥

  14. thatswutshesaid thatswutshesaid
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2013 6:01pm UTC
    omg can we please just build a giant school and the students will be just us wittians and there will be no judging and no bullying and everyone will be there for eachother and just have one class where we all can just vent and listen to eachother please thats perfect

  15. forgetandmoveon forgetandmoveon
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 9:58pm UTC
    You Know Me, Not My Story
    You Know My Name, Not My Life
    You Know My Decisions, But Not My Reasoning
    Hate all you want, but keep your judging to yourself.

  16. xxcorinne95xx xxcorinne95xx
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2013 7:26pm UTC
    Before you start to judge me,
    step into my shoes and walk the life im living and if you get as far as I am,just maybe you will see how strong I really am.

  17. DeathOfASon DeathOfASon
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2013 5:57pm UTC
    I really hate When people make fun of people with a little chub or people who are big because they wear clothes that show off their skin. It's like they want those people to be insecure like it's their job. Seriously? If they have confidence, so be it. I'm proud of anyone who has enough confidence to do that. If anything I'm jealous of those people; not because of their body, but because they have enough self-esteem to wear what they want despite what people think.

  18. Sparkles_Bread Sparkles_Bread
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2013 4:02am UTC
    They tell you to be yourself.
    Then they judge you.

  19. *kawaii satan* *kawaii satan*
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2013 2:29pm UTC
    if you're willing to judge a human being on;
    if you're willing to judge another human being based on:
    their musical taste
    their religion
    their opinion on serious issues
    (eg. abortion, euthanasia)
    what they do with their hair
    what they do with their body in general
    what they choose to wear
    where they're from
    what they do and don't find funny
    their grades at school
    their past
    their age
    their race
    how popular they are
    psychological disorders they might have
    then there's a 100% chance that I hate you.

  20. ToriRox16 ToriRox16
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2013 5:19pm UTC
    You there, in the corner
    You there, who never talks
    Are you afraid?
    Do you worry what they think of you?
    Do you fret, alone in your room,
    worrying about others who would judge your imperfections,
    rather than face their own?


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