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Inpain Quotes

  1. LostAngel77 LostAngel77
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2014 2:22pm UTC
    I'm tired of crying
    I'm tired of yelling
    I'm tired of being sad
    I'm tired of pretending
    I'm tired of being alone
    I'm tired of being angry
    I'm tired of feeling crazy
    I'm tired of feeling
    I'm tired of feelings stuck
    I'm tired of needing help
    I'm tired of remembering
    I'm tired of missing things
    I'm tired of being diffrent
    I'm tired of missing people
    I'm tired of feeling worthless.
    I'm tired of feeling empty inside
    I'm tired of not being able to let go
    I'm tired of wishing I could start all over
    I'm tired of dreaming of a life I will never have.
    But Most of all i'm just tired of being tired
    T- terrible I: invisible, R:regretting life E: empyu
    D: dead

  2. LostAngel77 LostAngel77
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2014 2:18pm UTC
    Don't mind me I'll just sit here crying over yesterday

  3. LostAngel77 LostAngel77
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2014 2:18pm UTC
    I feel like such a dissapointment

  4. LostAngel77 LostAngel77
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2014 2:17pm UTC
    You think you want to die, but in reality you just want to be saved

  5. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2013 7:33am UTC
    Well lets start, Right now im crying... I feel so angry, seriously, Lets start at the begining of this year, im in year 9, Im almost 14 years old...Last year okay year,slight cruelty but whatever, Anywho, this year, horrible, teachers good, Good classes and everything but, on the bus, in school, ect! Not so good...At the bus stop theres this boy, called Lucas, you will hear about him alot! Well to start of everyday he says, no one likes me, he tells me He wishes i was dead, he throws food at me, tries to force to eat HIS food that been on the floor and he treats me like sh/t! Any theres this other boy, Harry, in my year, rumors went round that he had a crush on me, i questioned him about it he said "Umm..no offence but why would anyone EVER be with you?" then a boy, Darrel, started s//xually talking to me and harrassing me calling me a sl/t and r/tard! Again now My bestfriend, B/ttcheek (its his nickname, he calls me oranges) has left school and I miss him like h/ll! And yesterday on the bus home from school, LUCAS, was behind me and i had to sit with year 10s because there wasnt any room left on the top deck! My friend was in front of me and her friend was next to her, they were year 10s, One girl, a girl i didnt know started saying Lucas fancyed me and stuff and you know that kind of bullcr/p! Of cause he denied it, and said "I dont fancy Alexis shes a ugly n/tc/se!" At which point, i felt...Angry and upset! I looked down Im fat! Anywho alot of people got off and he said "Oh Alexis can you move now!" Paternising me...I sat alone for the rest of the Journey, sad and thinking that h/ll would be better then Earth then my friend comes and sits next to me, she asks if im okay, she cuddles me and well...I just feel brighter after, my bestfriend OF all Alicja cuddled me and made me feel happy again! That proves how magical she is! I still feel like sh//t though!

  6. anime_lover anime_lover
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2013 11:46am UTC
    I think i'm the only person who gets their finger stuck in a Ring-binder folder. It's Geography so it's worse.

  7. MeaganWynd MeaganWynd
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2013 12:29am UTC
    she is sad
    she is hurt
    she is dying
    she is alone
    she is lonely
    she is a mess
    she is judged
    she is ignored
    she is suicidal
    she is stressed
    she is confused
    she is depressed
    she is misunderstood
    she is tired but still living
    she is hurt but wont show it
    she is screaming but is silent
    she is in pain but still smiling
    she is me


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