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Best Inhisarms Quotes This Month

  1. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 7:43pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 21
    I’d never had someone care about me as much as Anthony did. To be completely honest, being cared about is one of the greatest feelings in the world. To know that someone out there wants the best for you, wants to help you, wants to be the reason you smile, it’s indescribable.
    I swear that night I fell in love with Anthony Thompson.
    I didn’t want to upset him anymore, so I dropped the subject.
    With a newfound courage, I stood up, leaving him on the blanket. “I want to go skinny dipping,” I announced.
    “What?” he asked, furrowing his brow.
    “I want to go skinny dipping,” I said again, removing my sweatshirt.
    He laughed shortly. “With me around?”
    “You can come too.”
    “What?” he chuckled, and I wasn’t sure if it was a laugh to hide his awkwardness about the situation or because he thought it was funny. “You won’t get naked in front of me right now.”
    “Watch me,” I flirted, kicking off my shoes.
    He followed me, standing and removing his shoes. “What happened to the old Kaitlyn?” he asked as he unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his bony abdomen. I remembered how fit he was before he lost all his weight.
    “I don’t know,” I admitted, letting my shorts fall to the sand.
    In my tank and underwear, before I was completely naked, I bolted for the water, and he was close behind me. We splashed into the delicate ripples, shattering them, our laughter reverberating through the forests and over the water. He grabbed my waist and dragged me down beneath the water. I giggled as I bobbed back up for air, finding him gasping as well. I began to take off my remaining articles of clothing, hurling them back onto the beach, and he followed me.
    It wasn’t skinny dipping unless you were completely naked.
    He kept everything below his waist under the water, and I did the same with my chest. There was something sort of beautiful about him; standing there, half-naked, his wet body glistening in the moonlight. His quirky grin wasn’t just attractive or handsome.
    He was beautiful.
    I felt something pelt my head, and the water began to ripple abnormally as it began to rain. Anthony grinned at me as he flopped back into the water, and I took that opportunity to sprint for the shore to somewhat clothe myself.
    He was close behind me. After he only put his shorts on, he spun me around. I was only in a bra and underwear. And he kissed me.
    Urgency filled his movements. Yearning, passion. I knew they filled mine too. He picked me up, his hands on my upper thigh, and carried me to the back of his car.
    We were unclothed again. I felt his fingers cascade up and down my body, love filling his eyes as he touched me. He folded himself around me, and the way his bare body intertwined with mine was graceful.
    He was graceful.
    Our soaking naked bodies lay, his on top of mine. I rubbed my fingers over his bare scalp as he breathed heavily, his head on my bare chest.
    He slid his arms beneath my back. I loved his hugs. I felt needed, wanted. In his arms, I felt loved. Like I had a purpose. Like I was someone’s reason to smile, laugh, fight, live, even. I loved the feeling his arms brought over me.
    I swear that night I fell in love with Anthony Thompson.
    Leave me feedback <3
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  2. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 33
    5. Go canoeing
    13. Have a bonfire on the beach.
    18. Visit Cape Cod.
    I looked over my bridesmaid dress once again, laid out on my bed.
    Morgan and Aidan were getting married in just a few days, and the more I looked at my dress, the more I loved it.
    They decided to rent out a ballroom in a hotel in New York City. The theme they wanted for their wedding was going to be elegant, and they wanted purple decorations everywhere.
    The dresses of the bridesmaids would be purple. I could’ve taken any purple dress of my choice, as long as it was a royal plum color. But I went with a simple, strapless dress that was tight around my chest, and then flowed out and went to about my mid-thighs. It was simple, no design on the front, but a wavy bout of silk fabric hung from the back. I was hoping that because it wasn’t tight, it would make me look heavier than I was.
    I loved the simplicity of it. I felt like it would match me. I didn’t want to stand out. I was bald and ugly; I didn’t want to be noticed. I didn’t deserve to stand out.
    I chose a necklace with a few diamonds hanging off of it and earrings to match to wear the day of, and silver heels.
    I smiled looking everything over. It drew my mind back to Number 18 on my bucket list; get married. I knew it would never happen, but if it should, I hoped it would be to Anthony.
    As Anthony entered my thoughts, I realized I had yet to invite him to the wedding.
    There was a gentle tap on my door, shattering my thoughts. “Come in.”
    It was Morgan, and Anthony by her side. She grinned at me. “You have a visitor.”
    I smiled up to him, but he failed to smile back. He only slid inside my room and shut the door behind him. His eyes were frantic and wide.
    He had Swimming to Chicago in his hands. We both managed to fall head over heels in love with it while on our vacation, and were about halfway done. “Oh,” I offered with a smile, “the book.”
    He glanced down on it. “Yeah, but that’s not why I’m here.”
    I was slightly surprised. “Oh. Well, what’s up?”
    “I’ve been keeping something from you.”
    He had my full attention. “What?”
    “There’s no easy way to say this,” he hummed, pacing. I swear I could hear his heartbeat from across the room. He rubbed the back of his neck with his palm. “I’ve rehearsed this in my head about fifty times; I don’t know how to tell you.”
    “What is it?” I demanded.
    He froze and his whole body stiffened as our eyes met. He finally relaxed and uttered so low it was barely audible, “My body isn’t responding to the chemo. The cancer’s taking over, and my only option is brain surgery.”
    You guys, this story's half over. ):
    I can't believe I'm already posting this chapter. Time goes by so fast.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  3. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2013 7:27pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 65
    The sixth day I went without eating was the day nobody left my side. We all sat in the living room together as Anthony recited a book aloud to us.
    It was Stained, by Jennifer Richard Jacobson. As he retold the story, I was sort of swept back to San Salvador, where Anthony and I first lived together, where we first shared the same bed. Reflecting back, I realized those sixteen days were the happiest days of my life.
    All because of Anthony.
    My head was in his lap, and a warm blanket covered my body.
    I wasn’t listening to his words anymore; rather I was focused on his face.
    I remembered when Billy died, and how I spent days in my room, crying and alone. I hoped Anthony wouldn’t be like that over me. I hoped he wouldn’t cry over me. I spent the last four months of my life working so hard just to make him happy. I didn’t want to make him unhappy in any way now.
    I’d seen him cry plenty of times since I became like this. He tried to be secretive with it, but wasn’t always successful. Even now I swore his eyes looked slightly glassier than they normally did.
    I wasn’t afraid of death anymore. I guess in some respect I was, but not nearly as much as I had been. I’d grown to be accepting of it, and almost appreciative of it. It was some sort of escape from this pain.
    I felt my breathing turn raspy, almost like my throat was closing. I tried to remain calm and slow my breathing. I hoped nobody would notice.
    Of course, Anthony did. He only looked at me shortly. I tried to force a smile to tell him that I was okay, but my lips couldn’t manage a twitch.
    I felt his breath on my face. He was warm and enchanting. I closed my eyes with the delight of his breath on me.
    I heard him put the book down as he cradled me in his arms. I was in his arms, and I was okay.
    I loved the feeling of being in his arms. His arms felt like home, like I belonged there, like they morphed perfectly to my body. Like they were made just for me. In his arms, I was fit. Invincible, even. And I loved it.
    In his arms, I felt healthy, and he felt healthy beneath me. I felt no hindrances of chemotherapy or of leukemia, and every breath I took seemed fresher than the next.
    I was strong again. I was resilient and focused, and life was breathed into me. I was vigorous. I had confidence.
    I was safe. I was protected. Nothing could get at me; I wasn’t afraid. In his arms, I was fearless.
    He created a shield around me by simply letting me swim in the perfection of his touch. In his arms, I was sheltered.
    He took the weight of the world off of my shoulders by simply wrapping his arms around my body. We were okay now. I was okay now. Not even the illusory fear of death could penetrate the wall of protection Anthony’s arms created.
    I loved his hugs. I felt needed, wanted. In his arms, I felt loved. Like I had a purpose. Like I was someone’s reason to smile, laugh, fight, live, even. I loved the feeling his arms brought over me.
    He had a way of making me feel like I was on air, like I had no problems. He created a world of his own by wrapping his arms around me.
    And I became breathless, weightless. I hadn’t any problems. I was lost again. It was amazing, how I felt in his arms.
    And in his arms, I had purpose. I wasn’t worthless anymore. He filled the vacancy in my chest with an infinite love. He completed me.
    In his arms, I was important. He made me feel special. His arms were weak themselves, but they made me feel so strong.
    I was in his arms, and I was okay.
    And just like that, the pain was gone. I felt healthy again, like I did the night we spent on the lake. The night I fell in love with him.
    I was in his arms, and I was okay.
    I couldn’t feel his touch on me anymore. I could only feel the water that surrounded me. It was warm and gentle and dark. It reminded me of the waters of San Salvador, and I imagined that the beach there would be my heaven. I bathed myself in the water.
    I inhaled gently. My last breath.
    I was in his arms, and I was okay.
    The End.

  4. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2013 7:34pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 59
    “Why?” Morgan questioned immediately.
    “Well,” the doctor murmured, flipping through some papers, “we’ve noticed that the chemotherapy wasn’t helping your body, only hurting it.”
    Morgan and I glanced to each other, sort of breathless. Her eyes darted back to the doctor.
    “So why’d you keep her on the chemo for so long?”
    “Because sometimes the blood tests reveal false success.”
    “So what does that mean?”
    “It basically means that we’ve been hurting her more than we’ve been helping.”
    Their conversation seemed to echo around me. I couldn’t understand anything they were saying. I was completely lost in my own thoughts. Was I really dying? At sixteen, with so much life ahead of me? Was all that chemo treatment worthless?
    Was I actually dying?
    Morgan’s sharp words snapped me back to reality. “So not only is her time limited, but you’ve helped to decrease it?”
    “No,” the doctor answered immediately. “No, there are other treatment options. We can do—“
    “No,” I interrupted before he could start. “No, I don’t want any more treatment.”
    Morgan’s eyes widened at me before looking coolly back to the doctor. “No, look, she’ll take the treatment—“
    “No, I won’t, Morgan,” I hissed at her. “I’ve suffered enough. I don’t want my death to be dragged out any longer.”
    Morgan trembled slightly in the seat beside me. “Kaitlyn,” the doctor hummed, “there are other options–”
    “Stop trying to persuade me. It’s my body. I’ll do what I want. I don’t want any more treatment.”
    “You’re young, Kaitlyn! Just think!” Morgan shrilled at me.
    “I’m dying, alright?” I spat at her. As I said the words aloud for the first time, they finally hit me, just how real they were. “I’d rather spend the last few months of my life in peace than agonizing pain.”
    "You don't have to die!" she shrilled.
    "I want to be remembered as peaceful in my death, not haggard and barely breathing. I don't want any more treatment."
    The room was silent for a while after that. The only thing heard was breathing.
    “Okay,” the doctor said indefinitely. “No more treatments.”
    “How long does she have?” Morgan asked. Her breathing trembled.
    He shrugged. “It depends. It could be two months, it could be twelve years. I guess it’s all based on how her body reacts to the stoppage of the chemo. I mean, even by chance of a miracle, the cancer could go away.”
    He didn't seem so confident in himself.
    We were dismissed from the hospital that day, but I wasn’t leaving. I had a husband who was still in there fighting for his life, though mine was already limited.
    * * *
    A nurse appeared in the doorway of the small waiting room. “Miss Thompson?” she murmured gently, and I immediately stood. I’d been waiting for hours in the same chair, staring blankly at walls, my mind racing with a billion thoughts.
    “Come here. I’d like a word with you.”
    So your thoughts? (:
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  5. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 4:00pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 29
    I awoke later than I would’ve expected; the sun was already high in the sky. I was placed in my bed, which was strange. I didn’t even remember being moved. I still had on the same clothes from the night before, and the smell of the bonfire dripped off of them. I loved it; I smelled of summer.
    I changed out of my clothes and carefully opened the door. I wasn’t sure of the time, and I didn’t want to wake anyone. I knew Alex kept his girlfriend over, too.
    I was cautious as I entered the kitchen because I heard voices. I didn’t want to eavesdrop. The only bit of anything I heard was Anthony’s voice muttering, “The whole thing is really screwed up.”
    I pulled out a barstool from the counter, and both heads jerked up to me from the couch. It was surprising to find tears in not only Anthony’s eyes, but Alex’s too.
    “Good morning!” Alex’s girlfriend piped as she made her way down the staircase from Alex’s bedroom, smiling widely. She was a gorgeous girl with pin straight chocolate hair and big blue eyes. “How did everyone sleep?”
    Alex and Anthony averted her eyes while trying to wipe theirs, and just seeing the two of them so upset made me want to crawl back into a ball and sob. I regretted not snooping.
    Alex’s girlfriend sat in a barstool across from me, grinning at me. “I slept good, thanks,” I told her when I realized Anthony and Alex would not answer. I was sure I’d heard her name last night, but at this point, it, along with everything else, had slipped my mind.
    “Babe?” she called to Alex, leaning in the chair to see him, “How did you sleep?”
    “Good,” he told her, then coughed. “Good,” he repeated.
    She smiled, looking back to me. I felt Anthony beside me as he pulled out the stool next to mine and put his hand on my thigh.
    “How did I get to bed last night?” I asked.
    “I carried you,” Alex told me, standing beside me now, his eyes slightly bloodshot. I glanced to Anthony, but he was avoiding my eyes. “Anthony was too tired to even walk last night,” Alex said in his defense. “I had to help him to his bed too.”
    Anthony shot Alex deadly glare, like he said something he shouldn’t have. My eyes widened as my heart dropped. “Wait, what?”
    “Nothing,” he uttered, not looking to me. “Nothing, I’m fine.”
    Alex’s girlfriend, who had an apple in her hand, smiled brightly. “Last night was fun though,” she offered in an attempt to lighten the mood. “But God, when you both fell to sleep, we thought you were dead.”
    “What?” Anthony breathed.
    “Everyone had to stop talking to make sure you were breathing,” she laughed, and I knew she meant it as a joke. I also knew Anthony would take it much harder than a joke.
    He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, and I tried to comfort him by placing an understanding, living hand over his.
    I watched as the sadness in his eyes melted away from my touch. He looked back up to me with love-filled eyes and did something I don’t think anyone expected.
    He smiled.
    Um so I was considering posting two chapters today because this chapter and the next are really short and boring,
    but I haven't been recieving much feedback, so I don't think you guys really deserve it. js.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  6. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 7:26pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 58
    “It’s a fourteen hour procedure,” the nurse informed both Anthony’s mother and I. We already knew everything we were being told, but we were listening to every word she said like our lives depended on it. “You’ll be able to see him tomorrow, or as soon as he’s stable.”
    She said that like he was guaranteed to be stable again. I glanced over to him, my eyes burning from the stationary tears that waded in them.
    He wasn’t nervous in the slightest. His eyes perked up to mine, and a grin stretched across his face.
    “He’ll be all set to go home in about three to four days,” the nurse continued.
    And suddenly, I hated the nurse. Just the sound of her voice made me want to cry.
    I heard Anthony chuckle from across the room. “I’ll be alright, Kail,” he told me.
    The nurse smiled to me. “He’s in good hands.”
    Shut up, I wanted to say. Stop trying to act like he’s okay when you know all too well that he’s not. But all I could muster out was, “I know.”
    She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, directing the smile to him now. “Are you ready to be taken into the operating room?”
    I stood from my chair, my breath shortening as she wheeled his bed towards the door. I looked his entire body over and realized that this might have been the last time I’d ever get to see him. So I breathed in deeply and uttered an, “I love you.”
    As the bed passed by me, I felt his hand brush mine as our eyes met. His were smiling, mine were miserable. “I love you too.”
    * * *
    It was the same day that Morgan had scheduled a meeting with my doctor. They had taken some blood tests, and they wanted to discuss the results with me.
    Morgan and I waited in a familiar room together. I could’ve very well been in this room before, but at the same time, all the rooms looked the same.
    “What do you think this is about?” I asked her.
    Her eyes were on mine for a split second. “I don’t know.”
    “When you were on the phone with them, did it sound like good news?”
    “They didn’t tell me anything.”
    “But their tone. Like, did they sound happy?”
    “They sounded normal.”
    She wasn’t being cooperative, so I sat back in my chair and waited. I was holding my breath, half because I was nervous about Anthony and half because I was nervous about myself as well.
    Eventually, the doctor did enter the room. He greeted the both of us, and then, looking me dead in the eye, said, “So, Kaitlyn, we’re going to stop your chemotherapy treatments.”
    Feedback, lovelies.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  7. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2013 7:25pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 23
    It had returned.
    The vomiting. The weakness. The irritability. The weight loss. The fatigue. The nausea.
    I rolled over in my bed, breathing deeply. I couldn’t throw up again.
    The lights stayed off and the windows stayed shut. It was completely dark in my room, despite the fact that it was early afternoon everywhere else.
    There was a knock on my door. “Come in,” I croaked, and looked up to find Anthony walking in, something in his hand.
    Chemotherapy never seemed to affect him as much as it did me. Or, maybe he was just better at hiding it.
    “What is that?”
    He grinned down at what he held in his hand, then back up at me. “A book.”
    I felt his lips press against my cheek. They were warm, gentle.
    “A book for what?”
    “For you,” he told me, sitting in the chair in the corner. “We’re going to get you to 100 books.”
    My eyes suddenly flashed open. I was wide awake. “What?”
    “Yeah,” he said, picking up the chair and moving it closer to the bed. He flicked on a dim light, just bright enough for him to read.
    “What’s the book called?”
    “Mesmerized,” he told me, “by Julia Crane.”
    “I’ve never read one of her books before.”
    “My mom picked it up a used bookstore somewhere in the city,” he told me, looking at the cover. It depicted a young girl with brown hair in a light pink gown flowing in the breeze. To be honest, it looked like one of the girlier books I’d read, so I hope Anthony could bear through it.
    He began on the first page. “Chapter One,” he recited. “How could my parents send me away to boarding school?”
    * * *
    I woke up suddenly, realizing I must’ve fallen asleep while he was reading to me. My eyes darted to the chair, but Anthony was no longer there.
    I sat up, frantic now, and noticed a figure in my peripheral vision. Anthony stood by the windowsill, observing something.
    “What are you looking at?”
    He whirled his head around to me. “Oh, you’re awake.” He smiled cutely. “You passed out around the end of the third chapter.”
    “What are you looking at?” I repeated, and stood from my bed. I crossed in front of him and found an orchid in the windowsill, overlooking the court yard just a floor beneath us.
    Its pink petals smiled up at me, basking in the sunlight.
    My eyes blinked up to his. “How’d you know I love orchids?”
    He shook his head. “I didn’t, to be completely honest. I just thought you deserved something nice. It reminded me of you, anyways.”
    “How?” I asked, turning back to it. I prodded the stem between nimble fingers. “Scrawny and weak?”
    “No,” he assured, placing either of his hands on my shoulders. “Smiling and beautiful.”
    I have a chemistry lab report due tomorrow that I haven't started yet.
    No, instead I'm on Witty giving you your second awful chapter. So you must give me feedback.
    You must.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  8. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2013 7:41pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 36
    Morgan, for the first time in her entire life, felt and looked absolutely beautiful.
    It was slightly indescribable; the feelings of watching your sister prepare to be married. She was my best friend, and I wanted her to be happy. But, in a way, I knew I was losing her.
    She allowed her hair to, over time, renew the auburn color it naturally expressed. She let it fall in native imperfect curls around her face and just below shoulder length. She decided today she would not wear much, if any makeup.
    She held true to that, only wearing glimmering pink lip gloss. She allowed earrings and a necklace that matched mine to hang from her body.
    Her dress was a spaghetti strap with floral lace patterns and beads at the top, and a silky texture from the lower chest down. It was slightly folded over to give off the impression that she was thinner than she actually was. She wore a thin veil that hung to the middle of her back.
    My face was decorated with more eye shadow than I was used to and a smidge of eyeliner. My lips were coated in a very pale grey-purple color that twinkled in the lighting. I felt awkward in my heels, I couldn’t walk right even without them.
    Morgan sent the bridesmaids out to mingle with people already at the wedding. Anthony wasn’t too familiar with everyone, so I hung by him, and then when Ben and his wife came in, we went over to talk to them.
    Benjamin smiled widely at me, greeting me with a gentle peck on the cheek, and his wife, whose name I had yet to learn, welcomed me with wide eyes, open smile, and outstretched arms.
    She was stick thin, but her hugs seemed to consume you. “Ah! I’m so excited to see you!”
    “It’s nice to see you again too!” I beamed. We all talked for just a short amount of time before I was dragged out of the conversation by another person, and another person.
    After talking to nine or ten different people, Anthony and I finally found some time to us before the wedding actually started. We stood around a large table decorated with fruit. “So, I talked to Ben for a little while.”
    “How is he?”
    “He was wondering if we wanted to participate in a charity.”
    My eyes snapped up from the strawberry I was eating. “What kind?”
    “A book drive. For little kids in hospitals, and for soldiers overseas.”
    My eyes went wide and a smile broke out on my face. “Oh my God, Anthony, that would be amazing!”
    He grinned. “Yeah, I liked it too. We’ll call him.”
    Everyone began taking seats on either side of the isle in the large ballroom. I sat next to Anthony, holding his hand in the front row, and my mother was beside him. His hands seemed clammy tonight, and I wondered why.
    After everyone was silent, nothing happened. No music, no Morgan. Nothing.
    Aidan cleared his throat, and suddenly everyone looked to him. “I have a friend who has a slight announcement to make before we proceed with the ceremony.” He winked to someone in my general direction.
    I felt Anthony’s grip break from mine as my head snapped around to look at him as he got down on one knee and pulled a small box from his pocket.
    Thank you, Nemo. I had to shovel your remnants off the back porch today. That took 2 hours.
    I just got in from sledding, so hello hot chocolate <3
    Oh and by the way I started writing my next short story. It's a lot worse than this one oops.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  9. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2013 7:28pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 64
    I could feel it growing on me. It shadowed me, followed me everywhere. I was inhaling it, I slept in a pool of it. Every time I closed my eyes, it was there.
    The death I felt around me was inescapable.
    I hadn’t eaten in five days, and I hadn’t left the couch in three. Anthony stayed with me, unmoving. He could tell, everyone could tell.
    Anthony had become more open about death. He’d began to understand that while this wasn’t entirely what I wanted, that it was my own decision, my own doing.
    “I’ll miss you,” I offered in a room flooded by silence.
    His features hardened. “Kaitlyn, stop.”
    He was still uncomfortable discussing death. I suppose I should’ve been more considerate of him, but I was thinking selfishly.
    “Stop what?”
    “Stop trying to say goodbye. It’s not over yet.”
    “Anthony, I’m tired.” His eyes met mine. “I will miss you, though.”
    He dipped his head again. “Not half as much as I’ll miss you.”
    I shrugged. “I’m nothing special. You’ll get over me.”
    “I won’t, Kaitlyn.”
    “What’s there to miss?”
    Almost immediately, he snapped, “I’m going to miss the way you walk. I’m going to miss the way you speak, the way you treat everyone so gentle.” His voice initially came out angry, but it had softened as he continued. “I’m going to miss the smell of your skin and the twinkling in your eyes when I can make you laugh. I’m going to miss making memories, like we’d done all summer. I’m going to miss kissing you and holding your hand. I’m going to miss wrapping you in my arms and feeling like a superhero because I was the one thing that could make the woman I loved happy. I’m going to miss your laugh and I’m going to miss knowing I was the reason behind your smiles.” His eyes met mine. A flow of tears streamed down both of our faces. “I’m going to miss having someone there. I’m going to miss having someone who’s proud of you, someone who’s always been there. I’m going to miss, well, everything, Kaitlyn.”
    I couldn’t speak. The words wouldn’t come to me.
    “I’m going to miss you, Kaitlyn. And to be honest, it f.cking p.sses me off when you put yourself down. You know how special you are to me. Don’t say you’re nothing special. You’re amazing.”
    And suddenly, guilt overwhelmed me. “Anthony, I’m sorry,” I coughed through my sobs.
    “Sorry about what?”
    “Giving up.”
    He shook his head. “You didn’t give up, Kaitlyn. You were such a fighter. I’m so proud of you. You know that, right?”
    “I could’ve done one of the treatments. I could’ve been stronger—“
    “A person can only be so strong for so long, Kaitlyn.”
    I felt my body shudder. I couldn’t speak.
    “Wherever you are, Kail,” he hummed to me, “wherever I am. I’m yours, remember? I always will be.” He looked me in the eyes. “So you can let go now.”
    I'll post the last chapter tomorrow if this even pops up in your news feed.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  10. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2013 9:01pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 55
    Before I could react, he blurted, “Just kidding. I’m just kidding, Kail. I know who you are.”
    I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer. “Anthony!” I hissed, slapping his shoulder. “Don’t ever do that to me again!”
    He flinched away from my touch, laughing shortly. “I was kidding! I’m sorry!”
    I slumped into the chair beside his bed, too emotionally and physically drained to keep myself standing any longer. I buried my face in my hands. “Oh my God, Anthony. I’ve never been so scared.”
    “Hey,” he crooned, placing a cold hand over my knee. “I’m alright. I was just screwiing with you.”
    I tried to regulate my breathing, sitting back in the chair. I felt the tears streaming down my face as I inhaled another deep breath.
    Inhale. Exhale. That was the only thing my mind processed.
    “Well,” I heard the nurse say, “at least you got him to speak.”
    “He’d been talking for a while,” the other nurse, who was a male, told her.
    “Well, Anthony,” she huffed, “like I was just telling your mother and wife, you’ve just suffered a seizure.”
    His face suddenly went grave and his eyes wide as he looked up to her. “Really?”
    “Yes. We believe it’s from the brain tumor. As of right now,” she told him, shutting the door, “you’re lucky you can speak.”
    His chest rose and fell in deep, smooth breaths. He looked away from everyone, making no eye contact.
    “Now, our plan is to keep you in the hospital until your scheduled brain surgery. We understand that’s coming up fairly soon?”
    “October 15,” he muttered lowly.
    The ends of her lips turned up into a slight smile. “Well then, you’re here for two days. I would probably suggest that you don’t leave the room, or the bed, even. You really need to rest up, this is a big operation you’re having done.”
    “Okay,” he grumbled, quite rudely.
    “Well, how are you feeling now?” his mother asked; I could tell she was anxious to talk to him.
    The nurses and I left them to have time alone together. I waited in a chair just outside the hospital room, afraid to leave him again. Just a few minutes later, his mother exited the room, tears staining her cheeks.
    “He wants to see you,” she told me, smiling through her tears. So I stood from my chair and, without a word towards her, went into his room.
    “I’m sorry, Kail,” he told me, his head bowed.
    “Stop, Anthony. Really.” He gritted his teeth hard, clenching his fists into ballls. I took the seat beside his bed and placed a hand over his. “What’s wrong?”
    I knew him too well. Smiling, I murmured, “No, I know what’s wrong.”
    His eyes found mine. “What?”
    “You’re so used to putting your illness in the back of your mind. You’re so used to thinking that you’re stronger than it, and you’ve never really considered the consequences. But today, today showed you you’re not as strong as you wish to be.”
    He rolled his eyes, sighing heavily. “Reality really slaps you in the face when something unthinkable happens.”
    “Well, reality knocked me out today,” I murmured, caressing his hand. “I thought I lost you.”
    “I promised you wouldn’t lose me,” he breathed, flashing me a smile. “Not today.”
    lol. did i scare you? (;
    btw there's 10 chapters left just saying.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  11. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 7:34pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 49
    I turned the doorknob of the small hospital room. On days that Anthony was unable to visit me, I visited Billy. He managed to keep my mind off things. He was the only patient I visited anymore. I always brought our book, but we never managed to read it together.
    I opened the door and found four other people crowded around Billy’s bed. A large, bald man sat on the chair closest to his bed, and a thin, blond woman next to him. Two young children, a boy and a girl, played on the floor beside them.
    Billy’s face lit up. “Hi, Kaitlyn.”
    Both adults looked up to me with lively faces. “You’re Kaitlyn?” the woman asked.
    My eyes met hers and I nodded. “Yes.”
    Her face beamed a smile as she stood from her chair. “Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you!” she squealed, pulling me into a hug. “We’re Billy’s parents.”
    “Oh!” I exhaled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too.”
    “We’ve heard so much about you. I mean, wow. You’re an amazing human being, I have to say.”
    “Oh,” I sighed, feeling color behind my cheeks, “I mean, I’m just getting by.”
    “No,” his father said from the chair. “No, you’re doing so much more than that.”
    I shrugged my shoulders. “I mean, I don’t think so.”
    “This charity, the book drive?” his mother started. “What made you want to do that?”
    I shrugged slightly, looking down to my hands. “Well, it wasn’t my idea. I met a soldier over the summer, and it was his idea. Not all the books are going to children in hospitals; some are going overseas to soldiers with nothing to do at camp.”
    “Well, I mean, Billy is so thankful that he met you.” His mother was smiling back to Billy now.
    I grinned at him, too. “And I’m so thankful I met him. He’s my only friend in the hospital now.”
    Billy’s eyes were locked on mine. “I love it when she comes to talk to me.”
    “I do too, Billy.” I laughed shortly. “Seeing you is the highlight of my day.”
    “Mine too.” I noticed his voice was hoarse.
    His mother looked back to me. “Billy hasn’t stopped talking about you. He’s mesmerized by you and all the work you’ve done.”
    I shrugged. “I really haven’t done that much.”
    His mother shook her head. “You’re too humble.”
    I smirked lightly. “When I was really sick, my husband would come in to my hospital room or lay on my bed with me and just read or talk. It was so easy to get lost in his voice, and to forget about everything else.” I glanced up to Billy. “I just thought someone else deserved that feeling.”
    “It’s not just that,” Billy told me. “You care, too.” He coughed once.
    “Yeah,” I coughed, on the verge of tears. “Yeah, Billy, I do care. I care a lot.”
    “You’ve really changed him,” his mother told me. “You’ve given him something to look forward to, something to smile about.” She looked back to me, her eyes glassy. “And as his mother, I’m not sure I could ever repay you.”
    You only get one chapter tonight because you guys actually suck at giving feedback. You want two chapters tomorrow night? Yeah? Prove it.
    & I went driving with my best b.tch through the city jamming out to "F.cking Problems" and "Mercy" with the base cranking, flipped off some lame-a.ss hoes, and flirted with a hella cute guy. I'd call this a successful Monday, wouldn't you?
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  12. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2013 7:36pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 24
    19. Grow orchids.
    “I disapprove of this book,” Anthony sighed as we sat in the cafeteria together. No one else was in there, just us.
    “I mean, it’s a good idea for a story. But it’s awfully written.”
    I rolled my eyes. “Oh, come on. We’re already a hundred pages in. We only have, like, 150 left. You have to continue.”
    He slammed the book down. “I don’t even like to read.”
    I reached over and skimmed my fingers over his. “Do you like me?”
    His eyes twinkled as they found mine, a wide grin set across his face. “I more than like you.”
    I perked up, smiling at him. “More than like me?” I repeated. “What does that mean?”
    He shrugged, a crimson color rising to his cheeks. “I don’t know.”
    “Yes you do,” I pursued, gliding my fingers over his. “Just tell me.”
    He shrugged. “I don’t know, Kail. I really don’t. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. And I know, yeah, that’s an overused line, but it’s so true. I’ve never felt like I want to be around someone all the time. No one’s ever made me as happy as you have. It’s weird; I don’t know how to describe it.”
    I averted my eyes from his and drew my hands back slowly. I let what he said process before I murmured, “I think that’s called love.”
    His eyes grew wide, twinkling blue pools mesmerized by the words that I had just spoken. “You think so?” he breathed.
    I bobbed my head gently.
    He exhaled heavily. “Do you really think we love each other?”
    “Do you?” I murmured, looking up to him.
    He shrugged. “I mean, I really don’t know what love feels like.”
    “I know,” I told him. “I’ve never been in love.”
    “How do you feel when you think that I could be dead in a few months? Gone. You won’t be able to speak to me or hear me speak or spend any more time with me. My life gets cut short, it ends. How does that make you feel?” he asked randomly.
    Suddenly emptiness filled my stomach. I felt the need to throw up, and my fingers began to tremble. “I…” I choked out, not knowing if I could finish the thought. “I feel empty. That’s the only way to describe it is empty. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
    I didn’t want to think about it anymore, but I couldn’t help myself from saying, “What about you? How do you feel knowing that this disease could kill me?”
    I saw his jaw lock as he squeezed his eyes shut and bal|ed his hands into fists. “I don’t want to think about that,” he growled.
    “You have to,” I encouraged. “It’s a possibility.”
    His eyes blared open as he said, “I feel like I would do anything to prevent that. I wouldn’t, I mean, I don’t know what I would do without you.” His entire body seemed to shrug. “Kail, I would die for you.”
    Sudden inspiration struck me last night. I hadn't written a word in my book since early October, but now, it's the only thing on my mind. I'm thanful that I'm so far ahead with 'in his arms' so that I can take a break from Witty stories and focus on my book (:
    Oh just a head's up, the next two chapters are the worst chapters in the entire book okay.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  13. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2013 7:32pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 34
    At first, I didn’t feel anything. I guess I was just trying to let everything sit in. I couldn’t believe it. This was my everything. He was my everything. My life. My meaning for existence.
    And he was dying.
    I gasped and brought my hands up to my mouth. An impulsive hollowness entered my chest, and it felt like something was torn out of me. “No,” was all I managed to stutter before overwhelming sobs and shaking took over my body.
    He bobbed his head as he slid on the bed next to me.
    “Anthony, please be lying,” I begged. “Please. Please!”
    “Please, Kail, please don’t cry,” he asked frantically and wide-eyed. “Please, Kaitlyn, please.”
    “When is the surgery?”
    He shrugged. “A month, about.”
    “So it could kill you?”
    “If the cancer doesn’t kill me first.”
    I couldn’t say anything else; my breathing shuddered with the tears I couldn’t hold back. My throat was jagged, and I felt like I could’ve gotten sick.
    “Stop, stop,” he murmured, pressing his cold fingers to my cheek. “This is why I didn’t tell you. Kaitlyn, for me, seeing you crying or upset is the worst thing in the world. Watching you go through chemo, that killed me. I never want to see you like this. I want to do anything to change that.”
    Nothing he could’ve said, nothing anyone could’ve said would’ve been enough to make me stop crying. So I didn’t. I didn’t even respond to him.
    “How’s your day?” he finally asked desperately. I turned my face up to his.
    “How’s your day going?”
    I narrowed my eyes at him. “What are you doing?”
    “Trying to get your mind off of it.”
    I tore my eyes from his and instead placed them on my shaking fingers. “Awesome, can’t you tell?”
    “What’s that dress for?” he murmured.
    I glanced up again at the purple dress that was laid out on my bed. “Oh, Morgan and Aidan’s wedding. You were invited, by the way; I just completely forgot to tell you.”
    He forced a meager smile. “No, Morgan already invited me. The weekend we went to New York, she told me that was the city she was going to get married in, and then invited me.”
    I sighed heavily. “Oh.”
    “I have a tie that matches that dress,” he told me.
    My fingers traced the lace. “Yeah?”
    “Yeah,” he hummed, sliding his body closer to mine. “We’ll look cute, all color coordinated.”
    “I never look cute anymore,” I muttered.
    He tilted my face to his so our eyes were locked. “Maybe not cute,” he murmured, our facings leaning closer together, “but Kaitlyn, I think you are absolutely beautiful.”
    And he wrapped his arms around my frail body, cradling me. And I became breathless, weightless. I hadn’t any problems. I was lost again.
    It was amazing, how I felt in his arms.
    So I have a snowday tomorrow, and I will probably lose internet. Sorry if I don't upload for a while ~
    There was a girl in my school who made up a rumor about herself being pregnant. She made up a rumor about herself. I can't be the only one who sees a problem with this.
    Oh one last thing, if you're one of those b.tches who is "done reading this story" because "it's just a bad copy" of a book I've never read, then keep your f.cking comments to yourself and have a horrible day. K thanks.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  14. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2013 5:34pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 54
    I threw myself from the horse, thudding against the ground pretty hard. But if I was in any pain, I didn’t notice it. I was too focused on Anthony.
    I slid to my knees beside his pulsating body. His eyes were open but blank and his tongue was bleeding from being clenched between his teeth. He gurgled, sounding like he was being choked or drowned.
    I noticed someone was screaming.
    The trainer wasn’t beside me anymore, but even if she was, she wouldn’t have been much help. I was alone as I watched him shudder beneath me. His movements became slower and less intense.
    And as my breath grew faint I noticed I was the one who was screaming.
    The trainer returned to the yard to inform me she’d dialed the ambulance and they were on their way.
    But I wouldn’t leave him, I wouldn’t take my hand off of his. Even when the EMTs did show up, I wouldn’t let our touch break. I couldn’t stand losing him.
    I was told I wasn’t allowed in the ambulance with him, so I called Morgan. My hands shook and my breathing was jagged and stuttered, so it was a miracle that she even understood me.
    I greeted Anthony’s mother in the waiting room. The doctors told me that he was unconscious, so I wasn’t allowed to be with him. They were still running tests on him to see what happened.
    I paced back and forth, unable to stand still or even stop crying. Morgan and Aidan tried to comfort me, but I couldn’t even be touched.
    Eventually, a female nurse came back into the waiting room. “He’s suffered a seizure,” she told me and his mother, leading us down a few corridors. “He’s conscious, but not exactly responsive. He’s not speaking.”
    “Is he going to be okay?” I breathed.
    “Well, we’d have to run more tests to determine that there are no long term side effects.”
    “Oh my god,” I exhaled.
    “Now, there’s a few things that could occur because of a seizure. He could have long term migraines, memory loss, lack of concentration, or paralysis.”
    “Does he have any of those?” his mother asked.
    “We don’t know yet.”
    She brought us into an unfamiliar hospital room where I found him, laying on the cot. His eyes were dull and tired.
    I forced a smile to choke down the tears. “Hi, Anthony,” I murmured through sobs.
    He furrowed his brow at me. “Do I know you?”
    idk about posting two chapters tonight. what do you think?
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  15. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2013 7:53pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 20
    I saw his car sitting in the street and my jaw dropped at him.
    “Anthony! You know you can’t drive.”
    He shrugged his shoulders and snorted, a devious grin spreading across his lips. “Yeah. But trust me; I know when my body isn’t acting right. I’m fine tonight. Trust me.”
    I was hesitant to step towards the car, but ultimately got inside after him.
    He drove around for a little while. It was pitch black outside, and I had no idea where we were headed. The backseat of his car was empty, apart from a blanket and a cardboard box.
    He parked randomly on the curb of the road, and flashed a smile in my direction before exiting the car and opening the rear door. He pulled out the cardboard box and the blanket, and I was quick to follow him.
    “What are you doing?”
    “We’re having a picnic.”
    “At one in the morning?”
    “Why not? Do you have someplace else to be?” He cracked a grin.
    I pouted. “No.”
    “Alright,” he said. “So, let’s have this picnic.”
    “In the middle of the street?”
    “No?” he exhaled. “We’ll go to the pond.”
    That was when I realized where we were; just a few houses away from Halfway Pond, the smallest pond in Washington.
    I followed him, wrapping my arms around his biceps as we walked together to the pond. It was a quick cut through the woods, and we finally reached its beach.
    The water was beautiful. Dark, mysterious, glistening with the reflection of the moon’s light, causing echoes of the light to ripple against our faces.
    “Not as pretty as the city,” he murmured, “but it’s something.”
    “It’s beautiful,” I assured, my eyes focusing on the lake. I heard him spread the blanket behind me and pull two small cups out of the box.
    Fruit cups. I didn’t even have to ask to know what it was.
    We sprawled out together on the sheet blanket he put over the cool summer night sand. After we finished the fruit, we laid back, staring up at the stars.
    Without thinking, I hummed, “I’ll be a star soon.”
    “I’ll be a star. Just a soul.” I intertwined my fingers in his, our eyes meeting. “I’ll watch over you.”
    “Stop,” he growled.
    “What? It’s the truth. I’ll be dead soon and—“
    “Please, Kail, please don’t say stuff like that,” he begged, urgency dripping from his voice. “You don’t get it. You don’t know how much it freaks me out.”
    “What?” I pursued. “Death?”
    He was silent for a moment before our eyes met and he murmured, “Losing you.”
    Another letter from another college in Boston today (:
    & I'm super busy with a ton of projects and I really need to get working on the book I'm writing if I want to get it published anytime soon. Sorry if I don't respond to comments! Just know that I read and really appreciate every single comment!
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  16. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2013 8:53pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 53
    I was silent the entire car ride. I was still angry at Anthony for making me get up and ready.
    “We’re gunna have a good day today, right?” he asked me, placing his hand face up between the two of us as we rode to the lessons.
    When I only nodded my head and refused to place my hand on top of his, he reached over and took my hand anyways. A quirky grin found its way to his mouth, and then to mine as well.
    As he focused back to the road, I noticed him blinking hard and squinting. That scared me. “Are you okay?” He didn’t respond to me. “Anthony?” I repeated. When he didn’t respond a second time, I panicked. “Anthony!” I yelped, and his head turned to me.
    “Why are you yelling?”
    My chest relaxed. “Well, you weren’t responding to me.”
    “Were you even saying anything?” I nodded my head. “Oh, sorry.”
    “Are you okay?”
    He bobbed his head. “Yeah, I just have this massive headache.”
    “Maybe…” I stammered. “Maybe I should drive.”
    He gritted his teeth. “No. I’m fine.”
    I didn’t want to make him any more upset than he already was, so I left it at that.
    We pulled into the parking lot of the farm and we both left the car. Anthony approached me and slung his arm over my shoulder, but not affectionately. Like he was leaning against me for support. Like if I wasn’t there, he would’ve collapsed.
    We checked ourselves in and signed a few papers before meeting a young, female trainer and her horses, Star and Dakota.
    Star was pure white with a long, bushy tail. She was a little scrawny, but that was okay, because Anthony and I were too. Dakota was a caramel color with a platinum mane and tail and chocolate covered hooves. Dakota was the horse with the most energy, so I offered to take her.
    Anthony allowed me to have the first turn. The trainer showed me how to adjust the saddle and board the horse. She instructed me on how to get comfortable and keep balance, and how to control the horse. As Dakota began picking up speed, I squealed faintly, giggling. My bright eyes glanced up to Anthony, who still stood in the barn. He was smiling as well.
    I still rode Dakota while the trainer offered to help Anthony on his horse. I watched him as he took his first step, and his legs caved beneath him, and he fell to the dirt.
    I felt my breath shorten. I wanted to get down, I wanted to help him. But I had no idea how to stop.
    Instead the trainer went to assist him back to his feet. “Are you okay?” she asked him.
    Something came out of his mouth, but it wasn’t English. It was incomprehensible gibberish.
    So the trainer laughed shortly, clearly feeling somewhat uncomfortable. “Are you okay?” she repeated.
    This time, he only stared at her for about five seconds. And suddenly, his body was in the dirt again as he convulsed and jerked around uncontrollably.
    *preparing myself for the death threats*
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  17. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 32
    I awoke on the hardwood floor, alone and covered only by a white shirt. Anthony must’ve placed it on me when he woke up.
    I clothed myself with the garments that had been scattered around the area before I exited the room. Anthony sat on the porch, wearing a blue hoodie. “Hey,” I hummed, taking the seat beside him.
    “How’d you sleep?”
    His eyes twinkled briefly. “Perfect.”
    I felt my cheeks blush as I said, “Me too.”
    I contemplated what I would say next, but decided on, “What were you and Alex talking about yesterday morning, on the couch? You both were crying.”
    I saw his facial features tighten. “Nothing.”
    “That’s a lie.”
    “None of your business.”
    “Well, I’m sorry?” I breathed. “It’s just, you’re my boyfriend, and I’m kind of offended you won’t cry in front of me.”
    “I don’t want to upset you.”
    “It wouldn’t upset me. It’d prove to me you trust me.”
    His piercing blue eyes glared at me. “I trust you.”
    “What were you talking about?”
    “You wouldn’t get it, okay?” he sighed. “Alex has been my best friend forever. You haven’t had someone like that. Someone with a million memories. So, for him to see me like this, it was upsetting.”
    “Is that why you were crying? Because you’re sick?”
    He sighed. “I mean, me being sick does upset me, yeah. But I wouldn’t cry over it.”
    “Then why were you crying?”
    His eyes found mine. “We were talking about you too.”
    I felt hollowness in my chest and I averted his eyes. I couldn’t look at him. For what felt like forever, we looked out to the misty ocean as the sun rose behind us. No one said anything. Sometimes it was so quiet, apart from the waves and birds, that I questioned if we were even breathing anymore.
    Eventually, I noticed something sitting beside him. “What is that?” I murmured.
    He glanced to the book. “Oh, it’s another book. I don’t know, I just picked it up off the shelf.” He flashed a smile at me. “You inspired the reader in me.”
    “What book is it?”
    “Uh, Swimming to Chicago, by David-Matthew Barnes.” The cover depicted a male with a swimming cap over his head and goggles over his eyes as he splashed above the water.
    “I’ve never read anything by him.” Our eyes met. “This could by 99.”
    “Nah,” he said, placing it down. “We’ll choose something you like.”
    “Read the first page,” I encouraged. He glanced at me warily before picking up the book.
    “Chapter One,” he recited. “Summer started like seduction. They saw glimpses of it in late May, peeking through windows and dancing across every lawn in Harmonville. It snuck into their lives, flirting and tempting them with freedom from school, boredom, and homework. It was thick with promises of excitement, and hot possibilities of romance and s.x.”
    Please please please leave me feedback! (:
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  18. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 7:49pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 26
    People lined the streets, more than I had expected for one single soldier returning from war. Anthony and I had determined his name, Benjamin Garcia.
    He was a 30-year-old father of two girls, a five and two year old.
    Anthony and I stood together in a line that stretched the length of the street. I leaned over the thin rope, and he kept his hands on my hips as he watched with me.
    He loved keeping his hands on me. He loved touching me, not for that reason, but because he liked being close to me. But I didn’t have a problem with it, I loved being touched. I loved the tender feeling of his fingers against my bare skin. I used to feel so ugly, so awkward and unworthy when I first started chemo. But Anthony had a way of making me feel so comfortable in my own skin, so beautiful.
    He made me feel beautiful.
    “This is awesome,” I murmured as I watched a marching band stomp past us and stop just past us in the street. They played upbeat, patriotic songs in honor of the veteran.
    A herd of dancers flew past us as well, and they sprawled about in the center. Their bodies moved so flawlessly, and I was envious.
    People along the sides that watched all this happen were in hysterics. They screamed and hollered, adrenaline pumping through them with the excitement of the moment.
    And after all the commotion had subsided, a black limo slowly pulled down the street, causing the crowds to scream louder, and I watched as Benjamin exited, smiling widely, still dressed in his camouflage. His wife and two girls followed close behind. They lingered by the limo, the mother holding their hands, while Benjamin walked to the end of the street and began greeting all of the people who came to support him. He shook their hands, and I assumed he didn’t know most of these people. He still treated them like close friends.
    He arrived at the person beside Anthony and I. His gruff voice said, “Thank you so much. This means everything to me.”
    I prepared to have my hand shaken, but instead, his wide eyes just stared at me as soon as they fell on mine. “Hello,” he greeted.
    I smiled, reaching for his hand. “Hi. Oh, this is such an honor, to meet you.”
    “An honor to meet me?” he repeated. “Why, it’s an honor to meet you.”
    I was a little taken aback. “Do you know me?”
    He shook his head. “No.”
    I only smiled, shaking his hand. I was still confused. “Well, you’re an inspiration.”
    “You are too,” he told me, pulling me into an embrace. As he hugged me, he told me, “Keep fighting.”
    As he backed up, he looked to Anthony. “Why don’t you all go wait with my wife? I want to talk with you further. I mean, if you don’t mind.”
    I glanced up at Anthony, and he confirmed, “Of course.”
    We introduced ourselves to his wife and his two little girls. After he was finished, he came back over to us, told us about how amazing we were for undergoing what we were at such a young age, and then handed us his phone number. He said whenever we needed anything, just to call.
    As Anthony and I made our way back out to the streets to call a cab, we looked the number over.
    “Are we really that big of a deal?” I asked him, smiling.
    He shrugged, a grin set across his face. “I mean, I guess so.”
    & I present to you the worst chapter of 'in his arms.'
    I'm in the mood for an Egg McMuffin but I also don't want to get up so I'm slightly conflicted. Hm.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  19. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 7:27pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 37
    I felt my breath get caught in my throat. I was freezing up, almost unable to speak.
    I felt like I did the first time we were introduced to each other.
    “Anthony,” I hissed lowly. “What are you doing?”
    He only smiled in return at me, playing with the box in his hands.
    “Look, Kaitlyn,” he began, looking to the floor, “Ever since I met you, I felt something special about you. I don’t know, you’re just different. And we’ve been through so much together in the short time we’ve known each other. I feel like everything I do, I do it with you. And if I’m not doing it with you, I want to be. You’re always on my mind. My life basically revolves around you now, and I love that. I love having someone to look forward to seeing, and someone who looks forward to seeing me. I love having someone to call at midnight when I can’t sleep. I love everything about you. Your compassion, your depth, your smile.” He flashed a grin at me, unlike one I’d ever seen before. I felt the color rising to my cheeks. “I love the fact that you never put yourself above anyone else, although I wish you’d realize that sometimes you deserve to be put first. I wish you would see yourself as I saw you. No one’s perfect, but you’re the closest thing. I love you, Kaitlyn.”
    I felt my heart skip a beat. That was the first time he’d told me he loved me.
    He opened the box, revealing a silver ring.
    There was a large square in the center decorated with multiple stones across it and along the sides as well. It was breathtaking. I covered my mouth with my shaking hands, feeling tears roll down my cheeks.
    “Will you marry me?”
    It took me a while to respond before I broke into laughter. “Yes! Yes!”
    He grinned widely, taking one of my hands from my face to slip the heavy ring onto my finger. I stared at it in admiration for a few seconds. I felt him press his lips to mine, and I clasped his head in my shaking fingers, only to be torn from the kiss by several bridesmaids who forced me down the aisle. I was shoved into a room off the lobby where Morgan stood, holding a plain white silk dress.
    “Hurry up!” she urged. “Get changed!”
    They had already gotten me a dress. Morgan ripped the necklace off of me and forced me into the v-neck dress. There were no designs on it, only elastic just below the chest. It hugged my thin body nicely, and I thought it made me look too skinny, but I hadn’t time to complain.
    As the music started and the bridesmaids began down the aisle, I overlooked the ring again. This was Anthony’s promise to me, together forever. Until death do us part.
    Morgan and I walked arm and arm down the aisle together since our father was not there to be with us. “Do you ever wish Dad was here?” I asked her gently.
    “He doesn’t deserve to be here,” she told me with a smile.
    Anthony seemed to stop breathing when he saw me. A half smile was spread across his lips as I was placed into his arms. He held my hands in his and kissed my fingers.
    I don’t think either of us were paying attention to what the Justice of the Peace was saying, we were both consumed by each other’s eyes and drowning in love.
    “I do,” Anthony murmured finally, bringing me back to reality.
    “Do you, Mrs. Kaitlyn—“
    “I do,” I told him. I wanted to say it before I forgot what to say. This obtained a chuckle from the people behind us, as well as the Justice.
    “Well, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Martinez, and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. You may kiss your brides.”
    I grinned widely, biting my lip as Anthony’s face moved closer to mine.
    I was his now, and he was mine.
    He was actually mine.
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*

  20. xxHelloLovelyxx xxHelloLovelyxx
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2013 7:37pm UTC
    in his arms
    Chapter 38
    Morgan changed into her reception dress, and I changed back into my bridesmaid dress just after the ceremony. We sat in the hotel room together.
    “I can’t believe you knew about this.”
    “Well believe it, sistah.”
    I rolled my eyes. “And you never told me. Or let me pick my dress, or plan anything.”
    “You liked the dress, didn’t you?”
    I grinned, thinking of it. “Of course I did.”
    She twisted her lips into a snarled smile. “See?”
    I laughed shortly, sitting back on the bed. “This is so weird! I can’t believe I’m married.”
    She chuckled at me. “Cross 18 off your bucket list.”
    My eyes met hers. They were flooded with happiness. “Thank you,” I murmured.
    Her smile brightened. “No problem, kiddo.”
    “No, I mean it,” I insisted. “Thank you so much. For everything. For being there, for being a mom. I needed that. I needed someone to be there for me and to do these things. And I know I don’t tell you this all the time, but I love you, Morgan. Thank you.”
    Her eyes were suddenly overwhelmed with tears. She seemed slightly awestruck. “Aw, Kail, of course. I love you too, and I want the best for you. I want you to be happy.”
    “I am happy,” I assured her. “Thank you.”
    She giggled shortly, wiping her eyes. “Oh, come here!” she told me, and pulled me into a hug. She consumed me, squeezing me tightly. Tears spilled from my eyes into her auburn curls.
    She stepped away and wiped my eyes. “Come on, now, it’s time to rejoin the party.”
    So we walked out together, hand in hand, but then separated when we met our husbands. Husband. Anthony was my husband.
    We watched as Aidan and Morgan danced around the ballroom, partying and drinking and enjoying themselves. Anthony and I shared laughs and congratulations, and apparently I was the only one at the wedding that wasn’t aware that I was getting married. Even Ben and his wife knew.
    There were many of Anthony’s friends from back home arriving now, including Alex and his girlfriend.
    “When we get home, you should pack,” Anthony murmured into my ear.
    “Pack for what?”
    He chuckled. “Our honeymoon.”
    I looked back to him, wide-eyed and in shock. “Honeymoon? We’re not going on a honeymoon.”
    “Yeah we are, with Morgan and Aidan.”
    “Where?” I breathed.
    “San Salvador. We’re each getting our own beach houses. It was funded by an uncle of mine; he owns a house down there.”
    My jaw dropped, in utter shock. There was a lot going on in my head at that point.
    “I can’t believe you never told me,” I muttered at him.
    “Hey,” he purred, pulling me closer to him. “I love surprises, remember?”
    Eventually, it was time for the first dance. Anthony and I made our way to the center of the floor, Morgan and Aidan by our side. And the song ‘At Last’ came on, lowly at first. My breath caught in my throat. “You remembered?” I murmured, and he smiled in return.
    Anthony pulled me closer to him while Morgan and Aidan whirled around us. We only stood in the middle, his head on my shoulder. And in his arms, I had purpose. I wasn’t worthless anymore. He filled the vacancy in my chest with an infinite love.
    He completed me.
    Sorry this is so boring meh.
    By the way, their honeymoon is my most favorite part of the story (: I can't wait to post it!
    *I don't notify, please don't ask.*


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