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Best Ineedyou Quotes This Year

  1. JustAnotherWittyGuy18 JustAnotherWittyGuy18
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2013 5:21pm UTC
    I'm sitting here rocking myself telling myself this is all a bad dream... i sent her pictures of you, and i stare into your eyes and i tell myself you can't be gone... Alex you can't be gone... Please someone tell me this was a sick joke, please i need him back so freaking bad. I miss his smile, the ways he called me weird cute amazing pet names. How he knew all of you, and he asked me about the "W site" as he called it. I miss the ways he wanted to make me happy no matter what. How he never failed to make me happy. Alexander Fruk i miss you today, i miss you tomorrow, i miss you always. And i will love you forever too. You will never part from my heart.
    ~Forever yours,

  2. definition definition
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2013 10:03pm UTC
    You dont understand,
    I have to make you feel
    better. You are my world.
    I adore you. I cant stand
    to see you like that way.

  3. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2013 1:15am UTC
    there's something in you

  4. Kaleidoscope Eyed* Kaleidoscope Eyed*
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2013 2:23am UTC
    Im not as strong as i let on to be
    im just trying to make your guys days
    make you laugh
    mean something to you
    im not actually being me
    like the stuff pops in my head
    but honestly i miserable
    and youd never know
    not like you care
    just thought id let you know
    that im not ok
    im not alright
    im miserably breathing
    im slowly dying and i wish it was instant
    and if anyone could save me id let them
    as long as they cared enough
    as long as they tried hard enough
    as long as someone finally broke down my walls
    and finally broken in
    and saved this miserable
    girl that is deep inside me
    that i cant let anyone see

  5. Unicornasaurus Unicornasaurus
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2013 7:51pm UTC
    Sometimes I get lost in the
    fantasy that one day you're
    going to run back to me and
    tell me you're sorry for what
    you did and that you love me
    and im enough for you and
    you're never going to leave,
    ever again. ♥

  6. kaittrose kaittrose
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 4:07pm UTC
    when the one person you need to talk to, is too busy to even care.

  7. The Chosen One* The Chosen One*
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2013 8:32pm UTC
    Light Can't Shine Without Darkness
    Same Way i Can't Be Without You♥

  8. Unicornasaurus Unicornasaurus
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2013 9:09pm UTC
    If you want to cut yourself,
    Then youre going to take my arm,
    look me in the eyes,
    and cut as many times as you
    would your self...
    I couldnt hurt you like that...
    and then I understood

  9. Unicornasaurus Unicornasaurus
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2013 7:58pm UTC
    "Can we still be friends?" Can anyone ever truly be friends again
    after a breakup? You give a person your everything. In return,they
    learn everything about you, every insignificant fact. But suddenly
    they disappear. They arent yours anymore and you some how
    supposed to talk to them. There will be awkward pauses where
    the "I Love You" used to go and the colorful conversations will
    become dull and painful, and even if years pass, you still wont
    talk normally because talking to them at all will remind you why
    you fell in love with them in the first place.♥

  10. arianaa-is-my-queen* arianaa-is-my-queen*
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2014 2:27pm UTC
    A hug off you would be nice right now

  11. Unicornasaurus Unicornasaurus
    posted a quote
    July 11, 2013 9:38pm UTC
    Chances are, I will never get a moment like this
    again, So here is everything I ever wanted to tell you .
    No one has ever gotten me like you do. I've never
    found anyone who makes me laugh like you do.
    Your're the one person who I can honestly see myself
    happy with. The definition of love to me, is You. <3

  12. sophthetroph sophthetroph
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2014 8:42pm UTC
    I am so broken.
    I just need someone to fix me.

  13. fionarose fionarose
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2013 10:12am UTC
    I could call you, tell you I just need someone.
    I could call you, tell you I've stopped caring.
    I could call you, tell you I don't want to be like this no more.
    I could call you, tell you I need to be saved.
    I could call you, tell you my life is broken.
    I could call you, tell you that nothing is worth it anymore.
    I could call you, tell you I've given up.
    But I won't call you. I won't make you sit there not knowing what to do when I have given up on the world again.
    I won't call you, that way I won't tell you that I still need you.

  14. CaitlinAtTheDisco* CaitlinAtTheDisco*
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2013 8:26pm UTC
    Me: *sniffs air*
    Me: *looks around*
    Me: *places hand above eyes*
    Me: *squints*
    Me: Summer 2014, where are you?

  15. littleshrimp littleshrimp
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2013 9:37pm UTC
    i just need you to be here for me.

  16. imgone♡♡♡♡* imgone♡♡♡♡*
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2013 9:53am UTC
    When You Just Feel Like
    Going Upto Someone
    &Scream And Cry
    And Just Let It All Out...

  17. ShiningForever ShiningForever
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2013 10:30pm UTC
    You have saved me, caught me as before I could fall. You have rescued me, shown me the light. Though miles apart, I see you. I see you in the snowstorm of whirling silver reflected beneath starlight. I see you in the magestic swoop of raven's wings. You are with me, every moment, from the moss beneath my feet to the stars above. You are my Everything.
    Erica, Jordan, Katie...... Thank you

  18. Johanna Mason* Johanna Mason*
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2013 2:44am UTC
    And every time I try to fly
    I fall without my wings
    I feel so small.
    I guess I need you, baby
    Format by Breeze

  19. lalabuddynumber1 lalabuddynumber1
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2013 3:42pm UTC
    I get so excited for something that's not even mine.

  20. foreverbrokenhearted foreverbrokenhearted
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2015 7:06pm UTC
    don't you get too high if you can't come back down


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