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Best Icare Quotes Ever

  1. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    June 7, 2013 6:30pm UTC
    One summer I was at my beach house in Canada.
    My mother and grandmother and I went out for coffee the morning we were leaving.
    As we walking into Tim Hortons, I saw a very pretty girl.
    She took our order with a small smile on her face.
    As she gave us the coffee, that's when I noticed the scars.
    Sometimes I wish I had told my mom, "I'll be right there mom.
    I need to go talk to her and tell her it will be alright."
    But I couldn't because we were heading home and in rush.
    It's been two years since I've been into the Tim Hortons.
    I still wonder how that pretty girl with the pretty smile is doing today.
    I wonder if she's happy now, found her reason to wake up in the morning.
    Or if she isn't here. the pressure being too much.
    And if that's the case, I wonder if my words could have helped save her.

  2. flyingbacon7 flyingbacon7
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 7:00pm UTC
    I'm a girl
    And I'm nowhere near perfect
    I freak out a lot
    Sometimes I can be demanding
    Sometimes I stare at my phone waiting to get a text from a guy who hardly knows who I am
    I cry over silly things
    Sometimes I overreact over little things
    Sometimes I feel worthless when people ignore me
    I fake a smile just so everyone will leave me alone
    I'm really complicated
    I'm just an imperfect and silly girl
    But at least I care

  3. wanderer* wanderer*
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2013 11:30am UTC
    all you need
    Is someone that cares

  4. SorrowUnleashed SorrowUnleashed
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2013 6:57pm UTC
    Put down the blade.
    Put the gun away.
    Spit out the pills.
    Throw out the rope.
    Hide the scale,
    And go eat dinner.
    I know how hard life is,
    How cruel people can be.
    I know you may hate everything in you,
    But I love you no matter who you are.
    I don't care who you are,
    Where you've been,
    Or what you've done.
    If you are close to ending your life,
    Or if you just want to die,
    I care.
    If you are even just sad,
    About something you deem unimportant,
    I care.
    You are a child still,
    You shouldn't be dreaming of death.
    Let me help you live.

  5. MoonAngel MoonAngel
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 9:39am UTC
    Why is it so hard to find someone
    who cares about you?
    When its easy enough to find someone
    who looks down on you.

  6. DinoDes DinoDes
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2014 8:52pm UTC
    For three years I have struggled with severe depression.
    For three years I have struggled with self harm.
    For three years I have struggled with suicidal thoughts,
    and suicidal actions.
    In November of 2011,
    I was put into a mental hospital,
    it was my first hospitalization ever,
    and it didn't stop there.
    After that I was sent to the emergency room nine times,
    and out of those nine times after the first hospitalization,
    I was placed in two other mental hospitals.
    All for suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts, and self harm.
    I was one year and five months clean,
    but then somethiong happened that severely effected me,
    so with that, I broke.
    After that, I had tried to remain clean but it only lasted short
    periods of time.
    I am now about two and a half months clean of self harm,
    and I haven't attempted suicide in months.
    Suicide crosses my mind from time to time though,
    as does self harm.
    I realized a long time ago though that you just have to keep on truckin',
    regardless of all of the bad that happens to you,
    you just have to keep on going and never give up.
    Giving up isn't an option,
    nor will it ever be.
    With all of this I want to say that you can get through this.
    Self harm won't always be your best friend,
    you'll find new friends and new coping skills,
    and you will get through this,
    and you'll be happy that you never gave up.
    So please,
    don't ever give up.

  7. Chris* Chris*
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2013 8:18pm UTC
    i care.

  8. MoonAngel MoonAngel
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2013 8:36am UTC
    The problem is , I do care...

  9. pluto* pluto*
    posted a quote
    March 27, 2013 8:07pm UTC
    I have this crazy feeling that there's something you're not telling me..

  10. lovelyxtruth lovelyxtruth
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2013 3:44pm UTC
    What makes anyone think that
    it's ok to make someone feel absolutely worthless, inadequate & unimportant to the point where they would take their own life because they thought everyone else would be better off without them?

  11. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 8:52pm UTC
    I care

  12. MeaganWynd MeaganWynd
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2013 10:46pm UTC
    Just remember when nobody else was there I WAS.
    Just remember when nobody gave a damn I DID.

  13. doublesidedice doublesidedice
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2013 7:08pm UTC
    You matter.
    People care. I care.
    I don't care what you are. Who you love. What has happened to you. You're story. What you've done. Where you've gone.
    None of it matters to me.
    What matters is that you're here.
    People care. I care.
    You matter.

  14. sheyannadawn72* sheyannadawn72*
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 12:51am UTC
    If you ever feel suicidal, I need you to know that I care. It doesn’t matter that we don’t know one another. Just know someone cares, and that someone is me. I’ve been in your position. I know what it’s like to feel worthless, like anyone could care less if you’re gone. So if you’re ever feeling alone and like you can’t go on, just know I love you and I believe in you.

  15. DinoDes DinoDes
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2014 10:20pm UTC
    This post is for a Wittian named "Darknes"
    I ddn'nt see an ask box so,
    I hope you see this because I desperately want you to know that
    1. You do have a life, it may not be the one you want,
    but you do have one, you exist, you're real, you're living, you're alive.
    2. I'm sorry that you're on 8 months of being un-noticed by people,
    I hope this counts in being noticed, it may not be much,
    but I noticed you.
    3. I'm sorry that you cut yourself on a daily basis. I truly am, because
    I know exactly what it's like to do it on a daily basis,
    I did it on a daily basis for at least three years.
    But then you know what happened? I stopped.
    And you can stop too.
    It's not one of the easiest things to do, but it definitely is possible
    because people do it every single day,
    and you could be one of those people if you want it bad enough and
    I'm sure you do because I'm also sure you don't want to be stuck in
    this depressing rut for the rest of your life. Right?
    You can do it; I believe in you.
    4. I'm sorry that you're depressed,
    sadly a lot of people struggle with depression and it sucks,
    and I'm sorry that you struggle with it,
    I'm sorry for anyone who struggles with it because nothing is worth getting
    depressed over,
    no boy and no girl and no action.
    But it's not something you can just magically poof away,
    it's something you have to work very hard on.
    You can do it.
    5. Suicide is never the right answer even if it feels like it at the time,
    because your life is wroth something and I honestly promise you that,
    and whenever you feel worthless, come to me and I will tell you
    how much worth you have, which is a lot because
    everyone is worth a lot more than they give themselves credit for.
    You probably don't agree with this,
    but a lot of people need you, care about you, love you, and would miss
    you if you killed yourself.
    Don't do it. Please?
    6. Pathetic? We all feel pathetic at times,
    but you're not pathetic. You are the beez knees, actually!
    7. Please talk to me if you need anyone to talk to,
    you can always email me at:
    It gets so much better than it is right now.

  16. brickbyboringbeth* brickbyboringbeth*
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2013 9:40am UTC
    "you can do it! I believe in you!"
    Me: I really can't do it. I really can't be beat this suffering, this depression, this anxiety.. I can't beat this eating disorder, I can't win this suicidal mind.

  17. brickbyboringbeth* brickbyboringbeth*
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2013 12:04pm UTC
    This goes out to the boys who:
    -suffer from depression
    -self harm
    -have an eating disorder
    -who are insecure
    -Don't believe
    -Boys Suffer,Too!-
    Keep your heads up; you're beautiful & I care.

  18. *compassionate soul* *compassionate soul*
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2014 7:46pm UTC
    If you're hurting, feeling overwhelmed, or anything....tell someone, someone who will listen, and who will care, who won't judge you, but will comfort you, and do their best to help you. Those feelings that area eating at you? They shouldn't be kept inside, they shouldn't be hidden. Because, no matter how strong you are, or think you are...hiding your hurt, or worry, or whatever it may be..can damage you, it can change you into someone who you don't want to be. So please, tell someone, they'll surely lend an ear, a shoulder to cry on, whatever you need.

  19. Victoria13 Victoria13
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2013 1:14am UTC
    Saying I don't care about you is a slap to the face.

  20. SparksFly34 SparksFly34
    posted a quote
    May 13, 2013 6:30pm UTC
    i could really use someone to hold me together right now....


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