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Best Homecoming Quotes Today

  1. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2013 7:48pm UTC
    I'm excited for tomorrow. Why?
    Because I got told that this guy whom REALLY likes me is going to ask me to homecoming...
    ...In a VERY cute way.
    Don't ask me how he is gonna do it bc IDK.
    I told people not to tell me :)

  2. PirateChic97 PirateChic97
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2013 7:09pm UTC
    Today at school a boy asked a girl to homecoming. He got inside her locker so when she'd open it she would just see him standing there with a bunch of roses. Everyone was like "Aww that's soo cute!!" While I'm over here like, "If I opened my locker and saw a body in there I'd run away screaming... but you know"

  3. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2013 8:07pm UTC
    Since my last break up:
    Two of my "best friends" have gone out with him.
    One is currently with him and going to homecoming with him.
    *Applauds* Girl code at it's strongest.
    But really.

  4. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2013 12:18am UTC
    For the ones who want to know, Here is what happened (Using Code Names for my friends):
    I was walking to my second hour class and my friend came up to me and said, "GO TO YOUR LOCKER! WEIRDO SAID!" and I replied, "Wait what? Now?" and she said, "YES NOW!" so I went to math and left my stuff and told my friend in math to come with me, so she did. I went to my locker and opened it up and saw a bunch of words on my locker and it said,
    You Are The Most
    Prettiest Girl
    I Know...
    Will You Go
    To Homecoming
    With Me?????
    <3 (His name)"
    and my math friend was all like, "AWWWWWW!!!!" and I was happy because nobody, absolutely nobody, has gone all far out for me.
    And the rest of my day seemed less gloomy, I noticed happy people around me, and I felt the sun shine for once on my happy soul.

  5. ViolinBoy ViolinBoy
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2013 8:49pm UTC
    It's really fun just knowing that you're not going to homecoming like ha suckers I have food to eat and tv to watch

  6. Chris* Chris*
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2013 12:14pm UTC
    Yesterday was my high school's Homecoming football game. I was working at a snack booth or the Junior class (each grade has a different booth) and our booth was right in front of the entrance to the field. So the opposing team was standing right beside us while they waited to start the game and my friends (all girls and my gay friend Joey) were obsessing over this dude with gorgeous eyes. His friends started talking to us and then he started talking to us, but he was being disrespectful and rude. He was making fun of Joey and then disrespecting women. So eventually, I told him to f.ck off, and everyone was sort of surprised by me. They were like "You were just talking about how much you wanted to date that guy, how could you swear at him?" and that's when I realized how much people favor looks over personality in a human being. It's kind of scary, to be honest. I'm not saying looks don't matter, but personality matters more, and when someone is making fun of me and my friends, regradless of how attractive they are, I'm going to treat them as if they were sewage.

  7. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2013 1:48pm UTC
    Get in the spirit for homecoming week by watching Wendy Wu The Homecoming Warrior every day.

  8. SecretlyBrokenAndSilentlyHoping SecretlyBrokenAndSilentlyHoping
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2013 6:21pm UTC
    I remember seeing him on my first day of school
    and thinking, "wow, who's that?"
    I spent all that day and the next trying to figure out his name.
    Then I spent my time figuring out reasons to talk to him.
    Suddenly we were dancing together at homecoming,
    and within days I got the honor to call him my boyfriend.
    I was falling in love with him... but then it all fell apart,
    and I was left with nothing.

  9. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 9:54pm UTC
    For those of you whom want to know,
    He got super shy today and didn't ask me.
    He was like literally half a foot away from me
    And he turned around and went out the doors,
    As my friend said as she awkwardly stared at him.

  10. CloudyWithAChanceOfDeath CloudyWithAChanceOfDeath
    posted a quote
    September 9, 2013 7:13pm UTC
    Me and a guy's conversation in gym today
    Him: Let's form an alience.
    Me: What?
    Him: Let's work together and f*ck with both our teams.
    Me: This is gym class, not survivor.
    Him: Well now we are our own team now.
    Me: ...Okay.
    Him: But the team isn't just for gym, we'll need eachother at homecoming.
    Me: I wasn't really planning on goi-
    Him: So I'll see you there?
    Me: Um, okay?
    Him: Okay.
    Guys, did I just get asked out to homecoming? I honestly don't even know.

  11. Ineedmakyinme Ineedmakyinme
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2013 10:12pm UTC
    All A Mystery
    Chapter 35
    *8 Months Later*
    Its been a month and a half since I have heard from the army regarding Sam. According to them, he was still M.I.A. He was due to come home within 2 days, unfortunately, that day wouldn't come. Not unless Sam was found.
    I quickly rushed out of Sams old apartment, thanking the new owners for allowing me to collect the few last boxes that I missed, Jacob helping out.
    As I slammed the trunk shut and fixed my dress that clung to my ever growing belly, Jacob was on the phone in the driver seat awaiting for me.
    When I opened the door to climb in, he slammed his phone shut and smiled.
    "Ready to go?" He asked.
    "Go where?" I questioned.
    "I dunno, for a drive?" He offered.
    "Sure, where to?" I wondered.
    "How about a Saturday drive?" He laughed.
    "Sounds like a plan." I chuckled playing with the dog tags around my neck.
    My eyes fluttered closed as the breeze from the car window flew through cooling my body down ever so slightly. Deciding to keep them closed, I almost drifted off until after 10 minutes when I felt the car come to a slow and steady hault.
    The Army Base.
    "What are we doing here?" I asked.
    "Lets take a walk." Jacob said non- chalantly.
    I rose my eyebrows at him as we walked through the main doors and talked to the receptionist who allowed us access to the base. We walked towards the back towards the tarmac where all the planes and cargo was loaded, I looking around at all the different rooms.
    "Grace?" Jacob called my name ahead of me.
    "Yeah," I started but never finished.
    When I turned around, right before my eyes was Sam. Not just any Sam either.
    My Sam.
    "Sam." I voice caught in my throat as tears spilled over my eyes, waddling towards the running boy in front of me.
    "I'm so sorry Grace." Sam whispered as he picked me up carefully and spun me around.
    "I missed you." He whispered against my lips, before kissing me like he hadn't in years.
    "I miss you too." I replied hugging him tightly.
    "I thought- I- I thought you were-" I choked.
    My sobs grew louder as I clung to Sam, unbelievable that he was in front of me and alive, only a few cuts and bruises on his face and arms.
    "I love you." He whispered.
    "I love you more." I replied, "Forever in fact."
    *1 Month and a half later*
    "Sam." I moaned quietly rolling over and hugging my nice cold pillow.
    "I got him." Sam replied kissing my temple.
    "Thank you." I smiled, closing my eyes.
    Just as I was ready to go back to sleep, Sam brought a cranky, crying Bentley into my room.
    "Oh baby, whats wrong?" I pouted, sitting up as Sam handed him to me.
    "Someones hungry." Sam laughed.
    I stood up and fed him rocking him silently before he finally quit fussing. Quickly burping him, I cradled him in my arms before slipping back into the bed, next to a nice and warm Sam.
    "He's beautiful." I whispered kissing his cheek.
    "He has your eyes." Sam smiled, tracing his fingers lightly down his cheek.
    "Indeed. But he does have your everything else." I added kissing Sam on his soft plump lips.
    Having Bentley was a joy. He was full of energy and was always looking around. He was ours and we loved him so much, it was crazy. My dad loves to spoil him emencely. Giving him a gift whenever he comes over to spent time with his grandson.
    Sam on the other hand, made the decision to in fact stay in the army, but to be put on base under tactical and self denfense training until Bentley was slightly older. I taking college courses in september to become a social worker.
    All in all, life turned out great.
    A mysterious boy who I thought was no good, turned out to be the guy I fell in love with and would definitely marry someday.
    Some may call it two people finding there souls mates but to me and Sam its rather different.
    To us it was, something breathtakingly amazing.
    It was all a mystery.
    And a good one at that.
    THE END!
    Anyways, new story should be up soon! Hopefully, providing all goes well.
    I might just write it on wattpad because of the language and scene and such.
    Lemme know your thoughts!.

  12. bluegreeneyes28 bluegreeneyes28
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2013 4:42am UTC
    Golden Boy
    chapter seven
    After school I headed to the journalism room. I loved this room more than anything. On one side of the room was computers and on the side I was currently on had one big round table where we sat during staff meetings. Then there were smaller tables for interviews. I'd be on the staff since I was a freshman. I didn't get to do too much freshman year, I basically just passed out papers and read articles written by the upper classmen. Sophomore year I got to do small articles. Then every year a junior is given their own section and that was me last year. Now as a senior I was the editor-in-chief of our newspaper at our high school. It was a lot of responsibility but I loved to write. Its what I want to major in next year. My jobs were the sports section and front cover. We just had our homecoming and I did the football article and now I had a scheduled interview with the homecoming king and queen. I was never sure why we did this but the front cover after homecoming was the king and queen, but we did, every year. I had the baby sitting up on the table next to me while I was waiting. Suddenly, the door flung open. In walked Selena Curry. She was about five foot six, platinum blonde, head cheerleader and the typical high school mean girl. She thrives on people being afraid of her, but I've never been one of those people so she's always been extra mean to me. She sat down across from me and flipped her hair before she spoke.
    "Hello Hamilton." Selena said with sarcastic enthusiasm.
    "Hi Selena." I said meeting her tone.
    "Oh the baby project. I heard everyone has a partner, but I bet your a single mother because who'd want to partner with your ugly-" She was cut off when another voice said.
    "How's my baby-momma?" Vinny joined us in the room, walking right over to baby Graham.
    Did I mention the Golden Boy was the homecoming king? How cliche. But the look on Selena's face was priceless right now.
    "Can we get started?" I asked motioning for Vinny to sit down. Vinny turned the baby seat toward him as he sat down next to Selena. Thats when I noticed I didn't have the recorder for the interview. "I forgot something. I'll be right back."As I crossed to the other side of the room and looked around for a recorder, I couldn't help but over hear the conversation going on between Selena and Vinny.
    "Are you seriously her partner?" Selena asked him.
    "Yeah so what?" He shrugged, rocking the baby seat.
    "Well because you're you and she's so you know. Whatever. When can we hangout again? Its been too long?" She placed her hand on Vinny's arm.
    "I'm gonna be kind of busy for awhile." He gestured his head to the baby.
    "Just dump the baby on her. Who cares not like she does anything."
    "I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna earn my grade on this project."
    "Whatever Vinny." Selena glanced at her watch. "Can we do this sometime today Brooklyn? I have practice soon."
    I snatched a recorder up and walked back over to the table.
    "Okay. My first question is for Selena, were you surprised to find out you were in the running for queen?" I asked.
    Of course she wasn't but she'll lie to make herself look good.
    "I was shocked, but honored my classmates found me worthy to be nominated." She said.
    "Okay Vinny, same question."I looked at him.
    "Well, I'd kind of be lying if I said I was." He said.
    Wow conceited much?
    "Selena, how did you feel finding out you won?" I asked.
    "I was so excited. It was truly honored that the school voted for me. Now if that's it I have to go to cheer. Bye Vinny." Selena winked at him. No shock she didn't bother saying bye to me as she left the room.
    "Okay Vinny how did you feel finding out you won?" I asked him.
    I bet he feels he was entitled to it since he was the Golden Boy.
    "Can you just write something like it felt awesome. People wouldn't want to know the truth." He said.
    "What do you mean?"
    "Is this off the record?" He asked glancing at the recorder and notebook.
    "Sure."I shoved it aside. "Now what did you mean?"
    "I didn't want to win. I didn't even want to be nominated. But I got all of that because of how people view me. Because I'm the Golden Boy."
    "What could possibly be bad about being you?" I asked.
    "Being the Golden Boy doesn't mean you get everything you want." Vinny looked me in the eyes for a split second after saying that.
    What could he possible want that he doesn't have?

  13. *anachronism* *anachronism*
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2014 10:34am UTC
    "Remembering our homecoming dance."
    Leave your kisses
    on my skin
    so when my heart misses
    the lips above your chin
    I will remember
    the cold air
    of the dark December
    when your lips were bare
    the crackles between your skin
    but the space between us
    was ever so thin
    I felt the cuts
    begin to heal
    and form into one
    the love was real
    you left your red mark
    on my neck
    where sparks
    became specs
    of atoms among the air

  14. SecretlyBrokenAndSilentlyHoping SecretlyBrokenAndSilentlyHoping
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2013 4:01pm UTC
    && I still get just as nervous
    as I did before our first date, before our first kiss,
    and before I told you I loved you for the first time.

  15. Chris* Chris*
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2013 3:18pm UTC
    It's not even Homecoming and I'm already skipping homework and next it will be class and then school. It's still summer and I'm already done with school and basically this is gunna be a tough year.

  16. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    October 13, 2013 4:10pm UTC
    I wonder if he is gonna ask me tomorrow.
    I'm not nervous on what my reaction is gonna be. I do weird reactions.
    I'm nervous on how cute it's gonna be when he does ask me.
    And I'm also nervous if it's when we're alone or if it's infront of people.

  17. Jillianxxx Jillianxxx
    posted a quote
    September 2, 2013 11:38pm UTC
    Reasons to go to homecoming with me:

  18. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2013 11:56pm UTC
    I hate the fact my birthday is coming up...
    ...and I doubt any guy here is gonna get me a present or anything.
    I mean seriously, even asking me to Homecoming would be a cool birthday present.

  19. AutumnEatsAlaska AutumnEatsAlaska
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2013 5:17pm UTC
    Some girl : Who needs to go to homecoming when I can stay home and watch anime?
    Me:Who needs to go to homecoming when I can stay home and eat my life away because people won't take me?
    *Boom* We became best friends.

  20. Cari22 Cari22
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2013 11:03am UTC
    In honor of national mean girls day I brought a crown to school....broke it....and gave it to people running for homecoming court...You go Glen Coco!!!


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