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Best Happened Quotes This Month

  1. Picturesque Wonderland.* Picturesque Wonderland.*
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2013 9:27pm UTC
    You see, I usually find myself
    among strangers because I drift
    here and there trying to forget the
    sad things that happened to me.
    - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

  2. RingoStar RingoStar
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 11:59am UTC
    Me: What question are you on?
    Friend: Ten.
    Me: Did you get twenty, yet?

  3. Jillianxxx Jillianxxx
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2013 12:37am UTC

  4. *Yours Truly* *Yours Truly*
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2015 8:21pm UTC
    And it's crossed my mind
    more than a few times
    what would've happened
    if I hadn't happened upon you?

  5. Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2013 8:15pm UTC
    my mom: you were such a cute
    little kid! Gosh, what happened?
    me: the puberty truck ran me

  6. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2015 12:30am UTC
    kissing someone you've been wanting
    or waiting to kiss for such a long time is the most satisfying feeling ever

  7. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2013 10:58pm UTC
    That awkward moment when
    you drive past your crush's house
    and your family can't control themselves
    enough to not yell "omg! look! look! look! he's outside!"

  8. beebessey beebessey
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2013 6:16pm UTC
    Friend: I bought a ringtone!
    Me: I illegally downloaded a sh.t ton of music.
    Friend: you always have to one-up me don't you?
    Me: well I thought we were both having good days but oh well.

  9. Elementpurple13* Elementpurple13*
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2014 10:39am UTC
    no sir.
    immmnot drunk!
    i am doing
    the johnnydepp swaggar...

  10. thebeginningoftheend3373 thebeginningoftheend3373
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2015 1:52am UTC
    "So obviously you've seen my scars... Do you think I'm crazy?" "I think you were hurt."

  11. Fading.From.Reality* Fading.From.Reality*
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 11:27am UTC
    I would hate a surprise birthday party at my house
    Because what if I came home and needed a shower, got undressed, went into the other room to get a towle and..

  12. Girl With a Cat Head* Girl With a Cat Head*
    posted a quote
    February 19, 2013 7:31pm UTC
    I think that no matter how much you hate or used to hate someone
    you shouldn't let someone say something mean and get away with it
    because you would want them to help you, right?

  13. gucci prince* gucci prince*
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2013 5:40am UTC
    Don't cry because it's over
    Smile because
    It happened.

  14. emilyhickmott emilyhickmott
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2013 3:01pm UTC
    Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

  15. ᴏɴᴄᴇ-ᴜᴘᴏɴ-ᴀ-ᴍɪᴅsᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ-ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ* ᴏɴᴄᴇ-ᴜᴘᴏɴ-ᴀ-ᴍɪᴅsᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ-ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ*
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2015 2:58pm UTC
    You were temporary, and I knew you would be temporary, and it was okay. I told myself that when we were done, I wouldn’t let a bad ending ruin a good thing and that I would be grateful for having you in my life. I was wrong.
    You were temporary, and I knew you would be temporary, and it was okay. But you left, and you did it while my back was turned and you did it without even calling a goodbye over your shoulder.
    I am a hard one to convince that an affection is true, but you tried, and you tried, and you finally did it. You finally did it.
    You did it.
    And then you left.
    I found out from a subtweet over Twitter. How romantic.
    I had promised myself that I was probably a rebound and that it would be okay because you were happy with me and I was happy with you. You were temporary, and I knew you would be temporary, and it was okay. And I was happy. I don’t know anymore if you were. If you had been, you probably would never have touched the door out.
    But you did. And your Tumblr is still as sad as ever and I have my gaze on a guy I won’t pursue who would probably be my own rebound anyway. So I will sit here with just wandering eyes because I refuse to make people believe I’d stay before getting up to leave.
    Who’s happy now?
    You were temporary, and I knew you would be temporary, and it was okay. I’m not sure if it’s okay anymore. I meant to float down, not be dropped. But I guess it never meant that much to you anyway.
    By the way, please stop telling me about your incessant kindness. I don’t believe you.
    You were temporary, and I knew you would be temporary, and it was okay. You know, at least I can look you in the eye, because you don’t know about how you stomped on my chest. You don’t know, so you slide out of my life, pretending like I don’t notice, and your name means less and less to me each day.
    You were temporary, and I knew you would be temporary, and it was okay. Your skin is no longer a battery that charges the air around you and your lips are not saints but only lips that manufacture words I don’t really care about anymore.
    You were temporary, and I knew you would be temporary, and it is okay.

  16. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2013 8:28pm UTC
    When you finally look up an abbreviation that you didn't know and start using it in every sentence.

  17. CookieMonster09* CookieMonster09*
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2013 8:11pm UTC
    Being rejected by a cat

  18. flyingbacon7 flyingbacon7
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2013 3:46am UTC
    I'm not mad
    I'm just confused

  19. aleexisbrookeexoxo aleexisbrookeexoxo
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2013 3:15pm UTC
    Posts a quote 2 years ago:
    Gets 7592057 likes
    Posts the same exact quote TODAY:
    What happened?

  20. Girl With a Cat Head* Girl With a Cat Head*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2013 6:54pm UTC
    I'm just curious, but what is the weirdest/embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you while you were around your crush?


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