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Habits Quotes

  1. Fat Amy* Fat Amy*
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2015 6:59pm UTC
    High all the time
    To keep you off my mind

  2. absent * absent *
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2015 7:40am UTC
    spend my days locked in a haze
    trying to forget you babe

  3. amerine905 amerine905
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2015 3:35am UTC
    intentionally shouting out
    the wrong answer
    when watching kids' shows
    can't help myself ♥

  4. *Yours Truly* *Yours Truly*
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2015 1:47am UTC
    I'm learning to appreciate you,
    because I know, one day soon,
    I won't be able to relish in
    the meaningless acts of habits
    that you have.

  5. Grace* Grace*
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2015 1:43pm UTC
    You're gone and I gotta stay
    High all the time
    To keep you off my mind

  6. Immortality* Immortality*
    posted a quote
    December 30, 2014 5:42am UTC
    You're gone and I gotta
    stay high all the time
    to keep you off my mind

  7. HelloKittyy11 HelloKittyy11
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2014 2:02am UTC
    i got some bad habits but i do it all for you

  8. hopeless romantic* hopeless romantic*
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2014 6:19pm UTC
    horrible habits i have: calling people "cupcake"
    falling too hard
    falling too fast
    sleeping a lot
    eating a lot
    not giving a f_ck

  9. Crazy girl* Crazy girl*
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2014 1:26pm UTC
    I'm 19 years old and I still have a bad habit of sucking my thumb!

  10. Ninja918 Ninja918
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2014 1:15pm UTC
    I have this bad habit of
    Getting close to people and thinking that their always
    going to be by my side, but eventually they always leave.
    I have this bad habit of
    Loving people a little too much, when they don't even love me back.
    Then when they leave me, my heart feels like someone threw it from the sky.
    I have this bad habit of
    Caring for people, when they don't even care about me at all.
    Perhaps, if the saw through my eyes they'll see the scars I have deep down.
    I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired.
    I wish feeling didn't exist.
    Why do feelings exist anyways?
    I always fall for everything and let it destroy me.
    It's my fault after all, but I still have hope that one day
    I will find a person that shares the same bad habits as me.

  11. vmorehous* vmorehous*
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2013 10:19pm UTC
    There's only a few reasons I'd pick up old habits...

  12. capsized* capsized*
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2013 10:19pm UTC
    Can't go home alone again
    Need someone to numb the pain
    You're gone and i got to stay
    Jannette's format | Don't remove

  13. appleloop* appleloop*
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2013 5:54pm UTC
    Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

  14. writtenrain* writtenrain*
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2013 9:58pm UTC
    where they bite the insides of their cheeks?

  15. *Death* *Death*
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2013 12:25am UTC
    it`s true what they say:
    old habits are hard to break;
    but you`ll always remain nothing
    but my most tempting mistake..

  16. irefusetosinkkk irefusetosinkkk
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2013 11:23am UTC
    "Drink a little more," my stomach tells me.
    So empty inside, the warm alcohol sliding down
    my throat seems to fill me up for awhile.
    "Smoke a little more," my lips tell me.
    So anxious inside, the hot smoke curling around
    my mouth seems to make the edge go away.
    I am not an alcoholic... I am not a smoker...
    I may just be in love with the idea of the two.

  17. CharliesTheName CharliesTheName
    posted a quote
    August 1, 2013 8:08pm UTC
    Once during english class my teacher told us to write a list down of bad habits we have.
    We were writing for 5 minutes and the entire time these kids were whispering to eachother.
    When writing time was up my teacher said,
    "I'll go first. My bad habit is that sometimes when I laugh I snort by accident. Who wants to go next?"
    Then one of the kids raised his hand and was picked on, he said,
    "I tend to say 'and shît' at the end of what I say. I'll say that I'm watching a movie and shît. I'll say that I'm taking a test and shît. I'll say that I'm playing video games and shît."
    My teacher just looked at him for a minute and said "Well okay...who's next?"
    Then one of the kids next to him raised his hand and was picked on. He said,
    "Usually when I'm mad I'll hit myself in the head and say 'pig tîts'. Once I spilled a carton of milk and yelled PIG TÎTS and once I fell off my skateboard and noticed I was bleeding and said 'Pig tîts.' "
    My teacher just looked at him and said "Um.....okay."
    Then another kid raised his hand but my teacher said "I want real answers, guys."
    So then this girl in the back of my class raised her hand and was picked on. She said,
    "When I sleep, I apparently yell."
    And my teacher said "Finally, that was a good example."
    But then the girl finished by saying,
    "and once when I was sleeping I said 'FÛCK YOU NîGGA I CAN GET ANY DÎCK I WANT' "
    There were a few suspensions

  18. coolsuperstarz coolsuperstarz
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2013 7:02pm UTC
    People laugh when I check under my bed and behind my curtains. Always look behind me and run fast up the stairs.
    I am like: 'All those idiots in those horror movies didn't laugh at me, because they end up dead!'

  19. *compassionate soul* *compassionate soul*
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2013 2:17pm UTC
    No matter what we may think we never know ourselves the way others know us, because we may say we don't do this or that while others may be well aware of our habits

  20. T0ri4nn T0ri4nn happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2013 2:03am UTC
    Bad social habits i have:
    - mumbling
    - not smiling
    - trailing off
    - crossing my arms
    - looking angry even though im not angry
    - the fact that i cant even socialize
    - the fact that im me


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